Why should I turn to a psychologist with a phobia


  • Why should I turn to a psychologist with a phobia
  • Different phobias
  • Fobia development process
  • Treatment of phobia

  • Why should I turn to a psychologist with a phobia

    Phobia – These are the so-called fixed, thematically associated with something fears who taught a person to avoid certain circumstances. And here is the experiencing fears of a person, builds an sufferer.

    Many exalted their sufferings, reflect them, find a certain meaning in them. And in this they find the so-called – «Secondary benefits».
    Others suffer from them all their life, try to ignore, in their own way to interpret, and most often - to escape from them (in the work, in another person, in religion, in fantasy, in illness, alcohol).
    Running from his suffering, you run away from yourself...

    Different phobias

    Why should I turn to a psychologist with a phobiaLots of phobias. They are trying to classify them. Highlight spatial phobias, social, fear of human age, fear of society and nooofobia, that is, fear of illness. You can note and classify several basic fear of fear. Each classification will have advantages and disadvantages. Just listed is also not of interest, but to figure out what it happens, and how to get rid of it – it is probably the most important thing for a person experiencing this condition. I will give only some series of examples, and those grounds under which they were received.

    Claustrophobia – Fear of closed spaces. However, the opposite phenomenon happens – Some people are panicly afraid of open spaces. In severe, such a disease – agrofobia - can lead to the fact that a person will sit at home all day.

    Or an example, there is a fear of flights on airplanes. Afraid to fly many, but fly. Reality is stronger than impressions and ideas, you just need to fly. And phobia is a state when a person does not make a flight due to fear. And then herself convinses: it's good that I did not fly.

    From this, a positive fixation of fear begins to create. And then a person tries to avoid these situations, and imagine when the avoidance causes significant damage. Man thereby deprives himself the most pressing desires and actions, and, understanding this, can not do otherwise.

    Or Sociophobia – associated with social life. This is the fear of public speeches, and the fear of many young people to meet on the street.

    Nosophobia – fears get sick, any disease. This type of obsessive fear in one way or another is always present in society, but especially sharpening and takes a massive nature during epidemics. Fear is tuned in the heart, a person considers himself a weak and no more disease resists.

    Studies of psychologists and doctors argue that optimism and positive attitude reduce the risk of colds during flu epidemics.

    Yes, what to list them, you need to find them and with the help of a psychologist to deal with them.

    Some fears are constructive – representing a natural protective mechanism that helps better adapt to an extreme situation and pathological.

    Now social fears and phobias – Most common. Russian capitalism makes a person's isolation from humans, competition, cruelty. But not only it gives rise to social footbath, it can stretch out of childhood, when the child did not properly paid attention, isolated it, frightened.

    People with a social phobia seek to hide their behavior and character traits, as they think that they will be rejected by other people. They seek to make sure that others do not notice these features and of course do not talk about it with other people. And people are tactical in their mass and simply do not speak about it or do not notice.

    If they think that they will stand up now, they constantly wipe on a nasal scarf, look at the floor, find a reason to abandon the proposed tea, hide their face under the thick layer of cosmetics. I had some clients who involuntarily allocated saliva and in such a quantity that it prevented to go out into society.

    As a result, they never notice that nothing terrible happens if they stop hiding this «Problem». Constant avoidance they constantly support the situation in which their anxiety cannot decrease. Shelting always causes tension.

    This voltage sometimes becomes so strong that it causes the behavior they are so afraid.

    People who are afraid of trembling and constantly expect that this is about to happen can start tremble from tension.

    One way to break this closed circle is to allow others to see this phenomenon or behavior, and openly talk about it. In other words «Exit outside».

    For example, you can allow the shiver to arise by itself or cause it intentionally?
    Tell me quite loud about it so that others heard: «Oh no, again this trembling. It is constantly happening. Strongly annoying».
    As it comes against your habits, it is too hard exercise. Sometimes even thought about the exercise leads to negative thoughts on how people will react. Therefore, treatment is not starting with that. I will teach you to be able to own a bundle – STIMULUS – REACTION.

    And then after treatment, as a fact such an exercise and do not have to do with tension, it will make up your natural behavior. Ordinary human behavior does not track such trifles. On the other hand, you may have already experienced enough to cope with such thoughts.

    Why should I turn to a psychologist with a phobiaBut if the fear can be overcome, then with phobia, a person begins to avoid certain situations. Phobia is more difficult for fear.

    Phobia, mental disorder, in which a person involuntarily experiences painful fear, forcing him to keep away against safe situations or objects.

    And the process of its occurrence is very complicated, as it can arise through the replacement of what it is impossible to fulfill.

    For example, moral drop. How to take a fact that it is impossible to take?

    But we have a metaphorization mechanism when we replace one. The situation of moral decline is replaced, for example, fear of height. And then in consciousness will not be moral, but a real fall. And then the situation of the fear of real fall replaces the situation of moral fall. And man begins to fall suddenly fall – fall from imaginary height.

    Phobia – This is the replacement of the situation that is impossible to avoid, to the situation that can be avoided. Situation of moral fall – After all, it is impossible to live with it. But falling from the height can be avoided. Here is a man and changes one thing to another, which can avoid. And in this case, phobia – good because saves from personal alarm.

    I know one woman who, having survived the heavy old age and the death of the grandmother, burying her, is now fear of this age. And with fear represents that this age will come by loved ones.

    Other people are unsure in their abilities and abilities, try to seem, and be inconspicuous, avoiding attention in society, afraid of views and evaluations from. Now and they have no sociophobia!

    And now there is some deep and inexplicable, «hidden» Fear that a person does not understand what he is actually afraid. To hide this misunderstanding from himself, a person unconsciously chooses any random item and begins to be afraid of open.

    Freud has shown at one time that in cases of phobias can be 30x replacements. And get to the root cause very difficult. Therefore, a person does not understand why he is afraid of stupid things. No wonder in psychiatry say that phobia – This is ridiculous.

    But a person is afraid of these stupid things and begins to avoid some situations, items and cannot make a decision. And this destructively affects his behavior in society, he becomes an outsider and it also pours it in a dead end

    Yes, almost every person is infected with phobias, simply not every thing comes to some critical point. For example, almost all people are afraid of diseases, torment. And there are no people who calmly worry fears. Another thing is that there are people who dared to go on therapy. It is impossible to say that only those who already exhausted. A lot of people will never come to a psychotherapist. Many are seduced ease and go to the magicians and sorcerers.

    In fact, from visiting the magicians and magicians, the phobia does not pass, it is transformed, becomes even more difficult. For example, social phobia turns into a demonophobia. Man begins to be afraid of damage, evil eyes. And I know when the sorcerers deliberately inspired people fear dependence. After all, you can manage only those who are afraid.

    Fobia development process

    In the phobic situation, fear is incontrolled and increases as a danger grow in imagination. The person is increasingly focused on discomfort caused by phobic reaction, and less oriented on what can calm him. There is a conviction that something terrible will happen now – Death, heart attack, madness.

    Why should I turn to a psychologist with a phobiaBut after all, phobias, fears, sleep disorders, depression, apathy – All these symptoms are very frequent satellites of manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia (periodic jumps of pressure, headaches, increased fatigue and sweating, uncomfortable sensations in the heart area, frequent surface breathing, painful menstruation, freezing of limbs, abdominal pain, nausea, heartburn) and Especially they often manifest themselves in persons who have vegeto-vascular dystonia accompanied by heartbeat or heart pains, blood pressure jumps.

    This is a panic state

    It is so painful that a person is trying to avoid any situations-incentives, including words, images and memories that can initiate a phobic reaction. Usually a person discovers that this reaction weakens or disappears in the presence of a confidence of a loved one.

    Sometimes it happens that phobias are accompanied by symptoms – dizziness, headaches, common fatigue, since the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia are very diverse.

    The proposed drugs often exacerbate phobias, apathy, depression, lead to a breakdown of sleep or dreams become nightmarish. Such examples in my practice a lot.

    Treatment of phobia

    His goal is to develop the ability to meet face to face with a phobic situation and stay in it, as well as to convince him of experience, and not intellectually that the situation is actually not hazardous.

    With the help of individual, ranked patient's tasks are trying to teach, to respond more to real soothing aspects of the situation and weaker – on an imaginary threat.

    It has been proven to high efficiency of various forms of treatment by immersion in the real situation. Usually, the treatment is involved in the treatment of a patient's trust and well-understanding. The presence of such an assistant creates a basis for restoring more realistic ways to respond in phobic situations, reduces the level of fear and increases the sense of reality.

    Another desires of the treatment of immersion – achieve understanding of patients with factors and processes that aggravate either facilitate phobic behavior.

    Other recognized treatment methods include various forms of psychotherapy, behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy.

    If the patient is well to relax, - and the methods of relaxation of a lot - and he will be able to brightly present the subject of fear in a relaxed state, it will not be afraid.

    Priority technique is cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (human training ability to control their thinking, behavior and emotion). Man to learn the skills of independent condominium with the symptoms of his disorder using a clear algorithm. Cognitive psychotherapy improves the character of a person (organizes, teaches to seek the goals) and in the end changes his worldview. Also used: hypnosis, psychoanalysis, autogenous training, etc. Methods.

    The main thing is to train a person not to be afraid of physiological changes inside your own body.

    Begins to jump the heart - well, God with him, it should jump.

    Sucks under the spoon - beautiful, it means you are a normal and healthy person.

    Psychotherapeutic interaction – This is therapeutic interaction, during which a person has the ability to more objectively consider its mental problem, contact its internal resources, survive «Forgotten» excitement, get support.

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