Pelvic prevention of fruit

Pregnancy - the most exciting time in the life of a woman. Future moms with fading hearts listen to their feelings and constantly disturbing whether everything is fine with their baby? Unfortunately, some of them really have reason to worry about their «Interesting» Regulations. For example, during the diagnosis «Pelvic prevention of fruit».

Legs and pops of crumbs at the same time facing a woman's uterine. While the kid develops and grows, he has time to turn over in his abdomen several times. By the age week of pregnancy, fidget finally coats and occupies a position head down - to the exit of the uterus. This is the most convenient position of the fetal for childbirth. Baby's head has the largest diameter compared to other parts of the body. The main test for the child in the process of delivery is to sort the head through the narrow guide paths. Further deal will go, like oil: torso and limbs will slip out without much efforts of the baby.

Pelvic presence is dangerous for a woman: it can cause late toxicosis, fetoplacentar insufficiency, oxygen starvation of the fetus, generic injuries. Is it possible to help the baby roll over to the correct position?

Features of pelvic prediction

pregnancy, fruit, testimony to Cesarean, childbirth, pelvic prediction

According to obstetricians and gynecologists, the baby is located in a similar way in 3-5% of future mothers. Pregnancy, complicated by the pelvic position of the fetus, requires emergency control by doctors.

At the beginning of the generic process, the cervix is ​​still not smoothed enough and not fully disclosed, so the passage of the child's headway is always associated with certain difficulties. When baby «Gone» legs forward, there are no such problems, but there are a number of dangerous complications that may be quite unexpectedly arising during childbirth. Let us list only some of them:

  • Asphyxia (choking) of the child;
  • The birth of a dead baby;
  • Mom's injuries and crumbs in the process of childbirth: intracranial injuries and damage to the spine in the child, the gaps of the tricks of the woman.

Breeding: why it happens

pregnancy, fruit, testimony to Cesarean, childbirth, pelvic prediction

Pelvic presence is usually found on the period of 28 - 29 weeks of pregnancy, but the final forecasts of the doctors do not rush: the baby still can turn up to 36 weeks of intrauterine life.

To feel in which pose the baby settled in the stomach, the woman does not physically can, especially since it does not cause any inconvenience or pain pelvic prediction. Set the location of the kid can be an outdoor obstetric and vaginal examination.

The pelvic preview indicates the high standing of the uterine bottom, which exceeds the norm on this period of pregnancy, and the heartbeat, hearing in the navel. In an external study, the doctor will mark the soft and low-propelled part of the fetus in the area, which has the wrong shape. And in the uterine bottom area, on the contrary, the round, solid and movable part - head.

To clarify the assumption of a gynecologist, seek help from specialists Ultrasound. The procedure of three-dimensional echography will give a doctor a clear idea of ​​what the kid is in.

Pelvic presence of the fetus and childbirth

The main conditions for natural uncomplicated delivery are:

  • good condition of pregnant and fetus;
  • proportionate pelvis and child;
  • biological readiness of the parent body to childbirth;
  • Pure buttaging fruit prevention.

pregnancy, fruit, testimony to Cesarean, childbirth, pelvic prediction

The birth of a kid, located in a pelvic preview, with the help of the cesarean section operation occurs in the case of:

  • Long infertility mother;
  • transferred pregnancy;
  • Resh conflict;
  • Stretching;
  • Gesto;
  • habitual unbearable;
  • the age of women is over 30 years;
  • large fetus (more than 3.5 kg);
  • Prelation of the placenta;
  • the presence of scars in the uterus;
  • non-standard situation with natural childbirth.

Most often cesarean section justified when the fruit is in a football or mixed preview: the risk of asphyxia, the fallout of the umbilical cord and the birth of a dead child in the natural delivery.

Gymnastics with a pelvic preview

Help the baby to stay in my mother's tummy «Moreoubted» For the upcoming birth, you can with the help of special gymnastics. You need to do from 32-34 weeks of pregnancy. Our site reminds that all the actions of the future mother must agree with the attending physician. At the heart of each set of exercises for pregnant women with pelvic preview - turns.

Exercise number 1.

Woman fall on the side, and then slowly turns over to another side. Repeat 3-4 times every 8-10 minutes to 2-3 approaches. Exercise needed 2-3 times daily.

pregnancy, fruit, testimony to Cesarean, childbirth, pelvic prediction

Exercise number 2.

Pregnant to bed on his back, pre-placed a pillow under the lower back. The pelvis should be 20-30 cm above the head. So you need to lie 5-10 minutes (maximum 15). Exercise perform 2-3 times a day before meals.

Exercise number 3.

Woman puts legs on the width of the shoulders and freely lowers hands along the body. Now you need to tilt the housing to the side and make an exhale, return to its original position and breathe. Exercise repeat 4-6 times in each direction.

Exercise number 4.

Pregnant stands straight, putting hands on the belt. You need to breathe and lean back, then, slowly leaning forward and arming the lower back, make exhale. Repeat 2-3 times.

Exercise number 5.

Legs of the future mom stand on the width of the shoulders, hands on the waist. You need to make straight hands to the sides and slowly breathe, then turn the body to the left and connect the legs together, then exhale. Return to the source position and perform the same steps to the other side. Repeat maximum 4 times.

Contraindications for performing these exercises are considered the presence of postoperative scars in the uterus, the prelationship of the placenta, strong toxicosis at the later date.

The future mother in the pelvic presence of the fetus recommends a calm and measured lifestyle: in addition to a full sleep at night, she needs a short-term respite during the day. Much attention is paid to the rational nutrition of a woman to prevent the fetal hypertrophy.

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