Chlamydia - bacterium, which causes infectious disease chlamydia. Chlamydia is dangerous what can be in the body and not to show itself.
Possible symptoms of chlamydiosis
Chlamydia has a harmful effect on the Fallopiev pipes in women, they cease to work, which can lead to infertility or ectopic pregnancy.
Infection also often causes pain in the lower abdomen, which is easy to confuse with the symptoms of any other disease.
In men, Chlamydia causes inflammation of eggs and sperming pipes that manifest themselves in the form of redness and swelling and painful sensations in the scrotum.
Changes in the discharge, pain in the lower part of the abdomen and symptoms, similar to those of cystitis, can also indicate the possibility of infection with chlamydia in women. In men, the most common symptom is a change in urethral discharge. Sometimes the penis head irritation may be observed within 2-3 days.
When you need to take a test on chlamydia? Chlamydia is almost always transmitted by sexual path, so the probability of infection increases or decreases depending on the image of your sex life. Meanous sexual bonds increase your chances to infect chlamydia.
Women's statistics:
- If you are less than 25 and you will lead an active sex life, then your chances to infect chlamydia 1 to 10, so you need to regularly pass tests for the presence of this infection.
- If you have not yet turned 20, and you are engaged in unsafe sex, then your chances are even above.
- If you are more than 25 years old, and for the year you had 2 sexual partners, or you recently changed the partner, chances to get infected also increase.
Male statistics:
- The group of the highest risk is men aged 20 to 30 years.
Use condoms.
- Ask for your sexual partner to pass tests for the presence of chlamydia, explaining how important it is and what consequences can cause infection with this infection.
What to do if you have become infected?
Naturally, contact a specialist who will appoint you treatment. It is important that the course of treatment will be both partner, otherwise, repeated infection may occur. And re-infection may have even more serious consequences for the body.