As evidenced by elevated blood leukocytes


Definition of quantity
leukocyte — One of the parameters of the total (clinical) blood test. With any
Diseases increase the content of leukocytes in the blood, this article will tell.

What is leukocytes

As evidenced by elevated blood leukocytes
Leukocytes (White Blood
Taurus) — This is a whole group of colorless blood cells, for which, in fact, they are
Received their name. After all, translated from Greek «Lakes» means «White», but «Cytos» — «body».
Their main role — Protective. Leukocytes in the blood are not long, total
several days. After which they migrate into various fabrics and organs, where
Perform your function.

Leukocytes can provide
Nonspecific immunity, absorbing alien agents by phagocytosis and
forming various substances helping the body to deal with infection. Same
they are able to synthesize antibodies that interact with clearly
defined pathogens. Such immunity is called specific. White
Blood calves are fighting not only with uncompressive guests. They help the body
get rid of own deceased cells and destroy tumor.

Leukocyte level in the normal blood and pathology

Common blood test is taken
in the morning, an empty stomach, the patient is recommended to avoid before the blood pressure of the loads and
Emotional shocks. The content of leukocytes in children and adults in the blood

For a child from 1 month
Up to 1 year, quantity is considered to be Number 9.2-13.8×10nine/ L, from 1 year
up to 3 years — 6.0-17.5×10nine/ l, from 4 to 10 years — 6.1-11,4×10nine/ L,
from 11 to 21st — 4.5-10×10nine/ L. In adults a different level
leukocytes: the norm is 4-8.8×10nine/ L.

Increased leukocyte
called leukocytosis. Such a phenomenon can be observed in the evening
day after meals, physical exertion, stress. Increased level
leukocytes in women are associated with the premenstrual period, the second
Half pregnancy and the first two weeks after childbirth. Such changes
The content of leukocytes is called physiological leukocytosis. But elevated leukocytes
may be a signal of various diseases. Such leukocytosis is called

Major problems causing a pathological increase of leukocytes

As evidenced by elevated blood leukocytes
One of the most
common causes of lymphocytosis are inflammatory and infectious

  • whooping cough;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chicken pox;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • appendicitis;
  • peritonitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • meningitis.

Also leukocytosis is accompanied by
Various injuries (burns, fractures), malignant education, fungal
infection. But the growth of leukocytes level is most pronounced
leukose. Increase the content of white blood cells can provoke reception
Some drugs: adrenaline, steroid hormones.

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