Basics of laboratory diagnostics


  • The concept of laboratory diagnostics
  • The main directions of laboratory diagnostics

  • The concept of laboratory diagnostics

    Laboratory diagnostics today has great importance and is one of the main assistants for a doctor in the correct diagnosis and, accordingly, in choosing a treatment method. A variety of medical analyzes are included in the main complex of the patient survey and many of them are mandatory in the primary appeal to the doctor or when entering the hospital.

    Laboratory diagnosis of diseases is not inferior on informativeness to other methods of examination, such as ultrasound diagnosis, x-ray diagnosis, and t. D. and effectively complements their important details about the patient's health status. The modern medical laboratory is currently available in many clinics that are proposed to pass the analyzes of the most diverse value and give the result as soon as possible. It should be understood that it is necessary to pass tests correctly, only in this case the laboratory diagnosis of disease will be effective.

    If it is proposed to pass tests at any convenient time for the patient, it is necessary to clarify the rules for the preparation for research. For example, the blood test in the clinic will allow to give an accurate interpretation of the results only in the case of several hours of starvation before the blood fence, and the clinical analysis of urine is very sensitive to the correct independent collection and can only be assembled mainly in the morning clock.

    The main directions of laboratory diagnostics

    Basics of laboratory diagnosticsIn a large variety of laboratory diagnostics, two main directions can be distinguished, these are clinical medical analyzes and biochemical medical analyzes. One of the most important places can be conventionally given by clinical laboratory diagnostics. Clinical analyzes are familiar to many and a rare person never passed such medical analyzes. These are the first analyzes that must be passed upon by the initial appeal to the doctor. Such analyzes are relatively simple, rapid and fairly informative, T. To. contain the main indicators and reflect the main signs of unfavorable.

    Clinical blood test is recommended not only if complaints appears, but also necessary for preventive inspections. In order to pass the blood tests on the clinic of the general picture of the state of the person, it is necessary to contact the laboratory preferably in the morning after night starvation. In some cases, this rule is not respected, for example, if the patient requires urgent examination, or if the blood test is taken from an infant child.

    Not less important urine analysis. This analysis is also very common and allows you to suspect the diseases of the urogenital system, diseases of the endocrine system or identify various metabolic disorders. In order to properly pass the urine analysis, it is necessary to prepare a clean dry bank with a capacity of about 200 ml. Urine on a clinical analysis of urine patient collects independently, in the morning hours, having committed a pre-hygienic toilet of external genital organs. For the analysis of urine, it is necessary to collect precisely the average portion of urine, t. To. It may affect the result. Women are not recommended to take urine test during menstruation. The required amount of urine for an adult analyzing is about 100 ml.

    Cala studies allow to assess the state of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as detect the presence of helminths. As a rule, it is possible to pass the analysis of the feces without special training. In some cases, before passing the analysis of the feces, it is required to comply with a certain diet within a few days before delivery. The usual clinical analysis of the feces is collected by the patient independently. Material for analysis must be collected in the morning, but feces is allowed and in the evening. Cal for analysis takes from different places of the material under study. Typically, about 10 g is required for analysis.

    As can be seen, medical analyzes play a huge role in medicine, and the rules for collecting material and, of course, the choice of a good center of laboratory diagnostics, which must meet all the requirements of the material and technical base state.

    A good laboratory, analyzes in which are rendered in the appropriate optimal conditions and laboratory, which are analyzed in the main manual research methods, may differ in the results. Remember that the interpretation of the results should be trusted by a specialist and should not be made of hasty conclusions in the independent identification of some deviations from the norm of indicators of the.

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