How to remove water from the body

The excess fluid in the body is always manifested in the form of eudes, which are evidence of existing health problems. So maybe about yourself to know the diseases of the heart or kidney. To consult a doctor in this case will not be superfluous, and should also be in root to revise your diet, because in many respects this problem occurs due to improper power.

Excess moisture: reasons and signs

Water, water balance, withdraw water, fluid in the body

The main feature that fluid in the body accumulates in excess - this is primarily an increase in body weight. As a result, the beauty of the figure will deteriorate, and the mood is worse. Naturally, the appearance is more worried about women: agree, there is little pleasant to see in the mirror reflection of your emotion face, chubby legs and fingers on which the favorite rings do not climb.

As doctors say, young and healthy people under 30 years old should not be a tendency to swells. If the problem is present, then most likely, a person has a predisposition to a particular disease. So if on the legs or on the face appeared Eveny, It is necessary to consult a doctor and find out the exact reason for their appearance. In order not to face by-phenomena, it is impossible to be treated independently, as a means Folk Medicine, So diuretics pharmaceans.

The occasion for concern in women can be swelling, which appeared due to failures in the menstrual cycle. It also happens that the swelling of the legs at the end of the working day becomes quite familiar and natural phenomenon, but this situation can not be ignored.

Other reasons for water delay can be:

  1. Liquid deficiency. No wonder the doctor is strongly recommended daily drink at least 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water, since this quantity is enough to replenish the daily need. Feeling the lack of water, the brain signals the body to accumulate it in the tissues. That is why it is so important to drink at least small portions, but often. After a couple of weeks you will get used to the new regime, and the body will stop extinguish excess water.
  2. Synthetic and natural diuretic products, including alcohol, which in itself has a strong diuretic effect. The same property has coffee, tea and sweet carbonated water. Regular use of these beverages leads to a strong Dehydration, As a result, the body again sets the precious water.
  3. Salt consumption in large quantities. To understand this relationship, you should know that 1 salt molecule is capable of connecting up to 20 fluid molecules, which as a result is deposited under the guise of fat. So the excess centimeters will appear on the waist. The only proper solution to this problem will be reduced salt consumption and constant drinking clean water, which will gradually derive a harmful salt from the body.
  4. Water before bed. Drink, of course, useful, but not after 20 in the evening. All drunk before bedtime will appear in the form of edema on the face.

If among the above reasons you have found the one that theoretically can be a consequence of your problems, then review your diet. Maybe even not noticing that you allow these errors.

Power Rules for Liquid

Water, water balance, withdraw water, fluid in the body

The power rules for water removal from the body consist of elementary actions, the execution of which will help restore water balance in the body:

  • Reducing the use of cook salt. It must be remembered that the daily rate of this product is 5 grams. It is also important to abandon semi-finished products, cheese, chips and canned products. It is better to give preference to home meal, which contains salts less than, for example, food from cafes and restaurants;
  • Contrary to reluctance you need to learn to comply with water regime. To do this, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water. It can speed up the metabolism and establish the work of other organs. Water frees the internal organs from chemical compounds that contribute to the accumulation of fluid. Ramars and herbal teas diversify the drinking menu. They can be drunk in hot and cold. Adding lemon or, for example, cucumber. Sugar is better to refuse, because in this case the burdens load will increase;
  • High fiber food will increase the productivity of the gastrointestinal tract and will contribute to the removal of products of liquid and solid waste from the body. Good sources of fiber - apples, dried fruits, eggplants, pumpkin, cabbage and apricots. Refined products better replace on whole grain: bread, muesli. Also brown rice and other cereals. Nutritionists are recommended daily to use up to 35 g of fiber;
  • In the summer, it is not necessary to provide yourself in pleasure to enjoy watermelon, which not only effectively eliminates the cells from excess water, but also improves the work of the kidneys. Similar properties also have cucumbers and melons. Weekly you can arrange unloading watermelon days and very soon you will notice the positive effect;
  • Fresh spring birch juice remarkably removes slags and salt, so if any opportunity it is recommended to drink it 200 g three times a day;
  • Unlike black tea, green acts as a light diuretic, so its use is allowed even in large quantities;
  • Excellent withdraw water rice and oatmeal. There are few sodium in these products and a lot of potassium, so the liquid is not delayed, but on the contrary, is displayed;
  • Limit caffeine and other diuretics. They simultaneously get rid of excess fluid, but also cause Swim.

In addition to diuretic products there are quite a lot of synthetic drugs that are actively withdrawing fluid from the body. The use of such funds must be appointed by the doctor, since some of them have serious side effects. The most famous drug is «Veroshpiron». Long-term application is fraught with problems with the cardiovascular system.

Those people who often suffer from edema of the limbs are advised to regularly carry out unloading days. It can be:

  • Kefir days, when only 1% kefir is allowed during the day. One liter of drink must be divided for a whole day and consumed every 2 hours in small doses;
  • Unloading on pumpkin juice. It can be mixed with carrot or apple juice;
  • Days on the milk. To do this, for the 2nd liters of milk, add boiled green tea and drink during the day every time you feel the attack of hunger.

Water removal methods from the body

Water, water balance, withdraw water, fluid in the body

Other methods of water removal from the body:

  1. Sauna or bath stimulating metabolism. Active sweating in high temperatures eliminates body from excess moisture and exchange products. The burdens load decreases, since most of the water goes through the skin. This feature provides hasty and sweat glands. That is why the bathhouse so recommends doctors to patients suffering from kidney diseases and Hypertension to reduce blood pressure. Bath procedures are best held 2 times a week. The sauna in this case is characterized by the fact that water comes out of the body under the influence of dry pair.
  2. Fitness classes. Any active physical exertion make the heart beat more often, a person sweats, an excess of moisture is distinguished. However, it is important to note that clean water is needed to normalize the water balance. Two liters of water a day will help the body to spend it along with sodium. That moisture is enough, you can see the color of urine, it becomes more transparent. Rejecting salt for several days, you can completely get rid of her surplus. Then the swelling will come down.

MyMedinform.COM draws attention to the fact that most often all these methods work comprehensively. Therefore, specify your attending physician, what kinds of ways to be treated.

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