

  • Vaginism
  • Forms of vaginism
  • The whole thing in the head

  • Vaginism

    Every woman is afraid to do «This» for the first time. And if it is not in
    first? If a thousand times the fear of pain, the feeling of awkwardness,
    discomfort do not pass, make internally shrink and bring almost
    Before fainting? Here, experts believe, there is every reason to talk about
    Diseases that are currently suffering about 3% of women.

    The subconsciousness has a much greater influence on our life than us
    seems. Sometimes a person himself does not recognize how much it can be
    strong impression left by one or another. And perfect
    It is not known how this impression will affect his psyche in the future.
    «Skeleton in the closet», carefully searched with their own fears and
    insecurity in herself can turn into a real monster,
    interfering full, healthy and happy life.

    «Madly I'm afraid of closeness with a man, because when trying to sex
    Contacts experiencing terrible pains reaching convulsions in the legs and even
    Short-term loss of consciousness. The thought of sex for me becomes
    Unbearable. What is happening to me? Why can't i feel
    Full woman?»

    «I am 24 years old. Permanent partner. When 6 years ago I decided
    starting a sex life, it turned out that I really hurt when trying
    any, even insignificant touch to my genitals, up to
    The impossibility of continuing intimacy. Now at every intercourse I
    I feel wild pain, the first minutes tolerate, literally grieved my teeth.
    After some time, everything passes and then there is no equal account

    This is how women suffering from vaginism describe their condition.

    The problem of vaginism, according to specialists, is psychological
    character. It happens, of course, that this reaction of the female organism
    arises due to the improper structure of genital organs, various
    diseases of the sexual system. But then doctors classify it as

    «Most often vaginism
    Women arises with increased excitability prone to neurasthenia,
    obsessive states, change, emotionally unstable», -
    Candidate of psychological sciences, sexologist Yuri Levchenko. - W
    I was a patient who lived in 6 years in «virgin marriage»
    (virgogamia) and did not have sex contact with her husband. Woman
    he said that when trying to perform sexual intercourse covered
    Panic horror accompanied by painful spasms. No help helped
    Tranquilizers nor alcohol. About contacting this question to
    specialist, there was no speech. The lady scared alone the idea that
    Someone learns about her problem. In the end, her husband persuaded her to turn her
    to the doctor. After a couple of months of psychotherapy and special techniques
    Relaxing a woman got rid of his fear. But here arose
    Another problem. Her spouse for so many years of defective sexual sex
    relations appeared signs of neurosis of waiting, so I had to
    work and with him».

    Forms of vaginism

    Sexologists distinguish between several forms of vaginism in women.

    A form of vaginism in which a woman is experiencing an insurmountable fear
    Before sex intimacy, is phobic. Woman can be perfect
    Realize the unreasonableness of your fear, can adjust yourself to
    positive, but, nevertheless, it is unable to overcome it. Impatience I
    Requirement of partner «relax and enjoy» in this
    case only aggravate its position. The feeling of its inferiority
    bring the woman to despair and drive in new complexes.

    The basis of phobic vaginism is a very durable connection between fear
    and sex act. Such a form of vaginism, as a rule, suffer ladies, in
    principle prone to phobiam. This is not the only fear. They also
    may be afraid of darkness, type of blood, and stories about «nightmares» defloractions can cause real panic.

    Another common form of vaginism is hysterical. For her
    Characterized mechanism «Fleets in the disease». Usually hysterical
    Vaginism is aimed at the nature of genuine sex with
    Specific partner. It can manifest as consciously and

    The reason can be a marriage with an unloved person, some qualities in
    partner who cause disgust and interfere with normal sexual
    Life. Since selectivity is the main motive, then
    There is hysterical vaginism with a change of sexual partner.

    Doctors joke that vaginism is a consequence of a hysterical woman's union
    and a mnicious man. However, there are quite serious reasons,
    which in one degree or another can affect the development of the disease.

    We all come from childhood, and often it is wrong sex education
    girls can inspire her fear or aversion to sexual experiments in
    Future. If the woman is raised to the attitude towards sex as something
    dirty, shameful, or negative reaction due to negative
    example of parents, then it is unlikely to make a right look at
    sex. For parents is not a secret that their

    Little children are interested in floor issues and their sex
    organs. In childhood, punishing girls for masturbation, touch
    Genitals can cause a subconscious psychological clamp in
    Future. Therefore, the child should never scold or report
    Similar things, wise parents most likely will simply switch it
    Attention to another subject.

    Vaginism can also become the result of gross behavior of sexual
    Partner, violence or painful defloration. In this case, the brain
    Women remembers a negative experience and under subsequent contacts
    Subconsciously triggers the protection mechanism - muscles involuntarily
    painfully decrease in anticipation of pain. That is why vaginism more often
    just pursue young girls.

    But it does not mean that it can not arise in any other
    Age. A woman having a sufficient sexual experience can also
    Become a victim. Vaginism can develop after childbirth,
    By virtue of the established problems with sexual contact. He can become
    consequence of the age reduction of libido, insufficient moistening
    Vagina, as well as strong psychological stresses and disorders.

    The whole thing in the head

    To the treatment of vaginism, specialists are suitable with extreme caution and
    Attention. «Vaginism if we exclude physiological factors, has
    Psychological roots. Therefore, the task of the doctor is to
    Very delicately penetrate these deep layers of the unconscious and
    Together with a woman to work out all the reasons», - Says Yuri Levchenko. -
    I want to emphasize that this ailment is easy to treat, the main thing -
    understand and eliminate the cause of disorder. Today there are a number of techniques
    By relaxation, removal of muscle clamps. The main method of treatment
    is rational and suggestive psychotherapy, as well as special
    Training aimed at eliminating fear of sexual act and
    associated involuntary muscle contraction and hips information.
    It is necessary to convince the woman that the best solution to the problem is not a refusal
    from sexual life, and her early».

    Woman prone to vaginism may not guess his
    Disorder. Most often in sex it compensates for others
    ways of self-realization, soothing themselves because sex for her is not
    the main thing. Often this behavior is associated with sexual culture. Not
    the secret that many ladies, especially the older generation, are raised by
    Principle «Woman sex is needed only to give birth», so
    they consider their condition as the lot of all representatives of weak

    In many ways, a woman's behavior model and a successful solution to the problem depends
    and from a sexual partner. Sexologists recommend male to seek
    Golden middle. On the one hand, in no case to put pressure on
    Partner on principle «Terepi, everything was painful», On the other - not to try
    cultivate the problem as indecisiveness and excessive
    Softness can serve a bear service.

    In any case, facing the problem of psychological vaginism, not
    It is worth allowing reason to play with you to the game. Try to make the first
    step, boldly looking at your eyes in the eye.

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