The most useful products

The nutritionists of the whole world to this day are disputes about which products are good for health, and what kind of food is better to refrain. Dispute this hundreds of years, but about the benefits of some products all doctors and nutritionists unanimously agree on. Our site publishes for you a list of the most useful products.

The most useful products
The nutritionists of the whole world to this day are disputes about which products are good for health, and what kind of food is better to refrain. Dispute this hundreds of years, but about the benefits of some products all doctors and nutritionists unanimously agree on. Our site publishes for you a list of the most useful products.


In all respects, useful and wonderful fruits. First, the acids contained in apples helps to fight putrid bacteria, so apples are very useful for the stomach. They are useful for both cardiovascular system. Secondly, the composition of the apple includes a substance (quercetin), which slows down the growth of cancer cells. Nutritionists also recommend to eat one or two apples to the afternoon personnel to replenish the necessary trace elements. And the variety of varieties allows you to satisfy even the most pretty taste.

In all respects, useful and wonderful fruits

Chic dessert from apples from our site. From the apples remove the core and cut the apples on the plates. Plunge each of them in sweet clarity and fry in a large amount of oil. Separately prepare sugar syrup in which some cream and vanillina added. Put 3-4 slices of fried apples on the piring plate, sprinkle with syrup and generously sprinkle with cinnamon, coconut chips or ground walnuts. Delicious and useful treats are ready.


Onions not just a useful product, but also a panacea from all diseases. Every day we add onions in almost all dishes of our table, but we do not even think about which storeroom vitamins, minerals and trace elements contain both root lows and their green shoots. Bow has a beneficial effect on the work of the liver, the thyroid gland, the cardiovascular system. It improves immunity and treats colds.

Onions not just a useful product, but also a panacea from all diseases
The juice is treated with a runny nose, if you put a grated bow on the heels for the night, then in the morning you will forget about the cold. Such a healing effect is achieved at the expense of special substances available in Luke - phytoncides. These substances detain the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and are able to completely destroy them.

It is worth noting that the bow practically does not lose therapeutic properties even during heat treatment. Therefore, you have many options to ensure the supply of your body with utilities all year round and, and, at a very low price.

Wonderful addition to onion meat from our site. Cut onion with thin rings, remember his hand. Mix with chopped dill and parsley, and add grenade grains. The perfect and useful additive to roasted meat is ready.


Garlic is rich in useful substances and is also strong in the fight against withered diseases
Just like onions, garlic is rich in useful substances and is also strong in the fight against witnesses. In addition, garlic normalizes the flora of your stomach, killing harmful microorganisms. This product is also useful in that it reduces blood cholesterol content. Of course, in the raw form of garlic much more useful, but after heat treatment, garlic loses its unpleasant odor. In the days when you can avoid close communication with people, eat a couple of fresh garlic, it will have a beneficial effect on your body.

Perfect fish for fish from garlic from our site. Garlic head skip through garlic catfish or very finely bare. Add equal to the amount of chopped greens (parsley and dill) and the same fraction of crushed walnuts. Fill with olive oil and lemon juice. Give a bit broken. Perfect fish for fish is ready!


Stunning imagination with the wealth of vitamins and minerals root
Another stunning imagination with the wealth of vitamins and minerals root. Carrot contains beta-carotene, which turns into our body in vitamin A. Very useful for a carrot for view, also it prevents the occurrence of cancer, especially skin cancer. It's no secret that a glass of carrot juice every morning will provide you with a smooth golden tan. Carrots are better to eat in the raw form, because after cooking it loses many of its useful substances.

Delicious carrot salad from our site. Sattail carrots on a large grater, add raisins, crushed walnuts, and chopped garlic. Get the mayonnaise salad. Delicious and useful snack will decorate even a festive table.


Nuts can serve as an additional ingredient dishes that give him piquancy, as well as self-snack, allowing & laquo; climb the worm & raquo;
On the listing of all the beneficial substances contained in nuts, the entire space of this article will take. Nuts are rich in both vitamins and minerals. They are Enhance potency In men and libido in women - a form of natural Viagra. Nuts are also useful for the work of the heart, for vision, 25-30 percent reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus. Nuts can serve as an additional ingredient dishes that give him piquancy, as well as an independent snack that allows «Close the worm».

Useful walnut dessert from our site. Mix several types of nuts, add some sliced ​​fruits or dried fruits and fill it all with honey. Useful dessert can also serve perfect breakfast.


If you want to be healthy and full of energy, you should refuse meat in favor of fish
If you want to be healthy and full of energy, you should refuse meat in favor of fish. This product is also useful in that reduces the likelihood of ischemic heart disease. In addition, those present in fatty fish in a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids are a good barrier for sedimentary cholesterol entering the body along with another food. Try to not fully replace meat fish, then at least more often include fish dishes in your diet.

The secret of making fried fish from our site. So that your roasted fish is especially tasty, leave the fish for several hours to remove in such a sauce: salt, pepper, dry mint, chopped garlic, lemon juice and vegetable oil in equal parts. Fried after such marinade Fish especially appetizing.


Milk, as well as sour dairy products are very useful for the body
Milk, as well as sour dairy products are very useful for the body. Milk contains so necessary organism calcium, Firming bone. Pregnant women Recommended per day Be sure to drink a glass of milk to maintain calcium level. Dairy-milk products, or rather bacteria, in them contained, normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful dairy porridge from our site. Overnight soak in a cup of beans, peas, wheat, barley. The next day, add to the cereals along the handstock of forest nuts, peanuts, raisins, cedar nuts, boil some time on the water, then strain, fill with milk and boil up to the readiness of the croup. To give an even more piquant taste Add a couple of honey spoons to porridge.

Green tea

Drink every day green tea is not just tribute to fashion, it is very useful for health
Drink every day green tea is not just tribute to fashion, it is very useful for health. Green tea reduces the risk of strokes, improves the immune system. Of course, it's not about tea in bags. To drink really useful and valuable drink for health, buy only marginal tea and preferably produced in those countries where the use of chemical additives is prohibited.

Green tea based soft drink from our site. Brew green tea in traditional way. When tea is already ready, strain it and add 2 teaspoons of honey on 200 ml mug and three lemon slices. Stir tea to completely dissolve honey. Now add with a dozen ice cubes. Delicious, useful, thizho- and heat-pole drink ready.


Honey is a natural sugar substitute
Rightfully may be called a useful product. Honey is a natural sugar substitute. And the fact that honey perfectly removes inflammation at a married throat, perhaps no one secret. But honey is not only a wonderful means for the treatment of colds, it is also useful for working cardiovascular system. Honey is a useful product not only for internal use: sugar honey will be an excellent scrub for your skin. It is useful to stir honey in a bath or sauna, honey useful substances are devoid of your skin.

Honey fruits from our site. Cut the washed and peeled roofs with a thickness of about half a centimeter, spread fruit on a lubricated vegetable oil with nasty and pour with honey. Put in the preheated oven and hold 7-10 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Before serving on the table, you can sprinkle with crushed nuts or coconut chips. Stunning and useful dessert will pleasantly surprise your guests.


A unique fruit, boasts also and unique properties
A unique fruit, boasts also and unique properties. Bananas remove stress and fill the lost forces. They contain a huge amount of vitamin A, with, in addition, bananas contain a quarter of the required daily dose of vitamin B6. Bananas normalize the work of the intestine and miraculously replace the laxatives. Conducting iron in Bananas increases blood hemoglobin levels. In addition to all, the beneficial properties of this product are also in the normalization of the activity of the cardiovascular system, providing the brain of oxygen, neutralizing the increased acidity of the stomach. But do not forget that the energy value of a banana is 90 kilocalories per 100 grams, so it is not necessary to be very fascinated by bananas for those who experience for their waist.

Banana kebabs from our site. In the summer in nature, when near the brazier, you can prepare a fabulous dessert from bananas. Sneak banana on skewers and hold over hot coal. Then clean it, cut it on rings about 1 cm thick, and then pour chocolate icing. Before serving, you can sprinkle with coconut chips or crushed nuts (in this case, cedar nuts are especially good).


Both black and green olives possess a mass of nutrients useful for the body, vitamins and microelements
Both black and green olives possess a mass of nutrients useful for the body, vitamins and microelements. So, for example, olives are especially generous on vitamin E, as well as on iron. Olives can be eaten as an independent dish (black olives sprinkled with lemon juice and sprinkled with red pepper of large grinding are especially good for breakfast, for example) and in dishes (several olives will give piquancy to the bridal, add thin taste to Salat). Useful to eat also in food and olive oil. Try all salads to do on it. In addition to the useful properties of the olive, as food, possess and aesthetic abilities - they can be very nice to decorate any dishes.

In addition to olives, avocado is also rich in vitamin E. It also contains a lot of potassium, which is necessary to prevent hypertensive disease.

Salad «Vitamin E» from our site. Mix in a cup cut with cubes, cucumbers, onions, avocado, black olives, bare and add greens and leaves of salad, corn can and crushed walnuts. Add lemon juice, dry mint, and fill with olive oil salad. Such a salad is not only very useful, but also charming with its multi-colored brightness.

Little to know what food is helpful and what is useful, it is also important to take into account the features of your body and regulate food with these most features. Proper and balanced nutrition can work wonders.

As you know, the health of the body begins with proper nutrition. Therefore, we assume to yourself with all love and care. Our site wishes you health and ... a pleasant appetite!

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