Malokova: how to regain the iron


  • Anemia and its reasons
  • Return iron

  • Anemia and its reasons

    Malokova: how to regain the ironWeakness, shortness of breath, numbers and legs, yellowish skin color and insomnia are usually written off on spring avitaminosis. It can only be true partly.

    The people anemia is known called «anemia». This does not mean that in us suddenly it began to circulate for a couple of liters less blood than it should be. But it decreased the amount of red blood cells and erythrocytes or hemoglobin.

    The anemia is called iron deficiency, since it is precisely normal hematopopic that depends on the iron, and it is precisely the hemoglobin that transfers oxygen from the lungs to all organs and tissues of our body. Giving a cell necessary oxygen, hemoglobin takes out of it «on the release» carbon dioxide.

    The most common cause of Malokrovia - blood loss. And not necessarily big. Quite regular bleeding of gums, nose, gastrointestinal tract, abundant menstruation, exacerbations hemorrhoids so that such a problem arose and became relevant.

    One of the reasons for the lack of iron is a lack of meat and vegetable diet. But it happens that due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, iron is simply not absorbed by the body.

    Return iron

    Malokova: how to regain the ironHow to get out of the situation? Many are confident that, leaving meat and especially the liver, you can quickly fill the lack of iron. Must be disappointed. The most balanced and rational food is capable only for a while to cover the disadvantage of this element in the body.

    If the iron deficiency already exists, no diet can completely eliminate it. And it's not a diet, as such, but in the current state of our health. By the way, eat kilograms liver animals a fel. In it, iron, of course, a lot (three times more than in meat), but it is absorbed in much smaller quantities.

    And iron from vegetables and fruits is absorbed five times worse than iron from meat. Therefore, pomegranate juice and buckwheat will correct, but will not save. Today, doctors are the main hope of iron medications.

    Take them need on an empty stomach, drinking a glass of fruit juice. Within two hours, after that, do not drink coffee, tea or milk and there is no cottage cheese and yogurt, eggs, whole grain bread - they can slow down the iron suction process. The course of treatment, as a rule, lasts from three to six months.

    But take iron-containing drugs without consultation with the doctor is not worth. Too many complex chemical reactions inside our body take part. Therefore, the uncontrolled reception of iron preparations can harm cells and even provoke their death.

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