Causes of secondary thrombocytosis


  • Concept of secondary thrombocytosis
  • Infectious reasons for increasing blood platelet levels
  • Hematological causes of thrombocytosis
  • Traumatic and surgical causes of thrombocytosis
  • Inflammatory diseases as a cause of thrombocytosis
  • Tumor diseases as a cause of thrombocytosis
  • Medical causes of thrombocytosis

  • Concept of secondary thrombocytosis

    Secondary thrombocytosis - the condition of the body, in which the increase in blood platelets in the blood is due to a chronic disease. The causes of secondary thrombocytosis are numerous. The number of platelets is not defining for the diagnosis, but secondary causes are usually moderate thrombocytosis, with the exception of special situations, such as severe infections in which platelet levels can reach 1000 g / l.

    Infectious reasons for increasing blood platelet levels

    Infection - the first cause of thrombocytosis. At the same time, it is most often about bacterial infections, in the first row of which meningitis is found, but also on viral infections, parasitic and fungal. The disease, as a rule, has bright symptoms, the remaining blood indicators are changed, leukocytosis is noted (increase in leukocyte levels) and lymphocytosis (increasing the level of lymphocytes), which indicate an inflammatory process in the body and eosinophilia (increasing the level of eosinophils) in the case of parasitic infection. Simple biological research, such as the definition of C-reactive protein, will also help determine the cause of the disease and send in the direction of diagnosis of infection.

    Infectious causes of thrombocytosis:

    • Bacterial infections - meningitis, pneumonia
    • Viral infections - Meningo-encephalitis, gastroenteritis, hepatitis
    • Parasitic infections - toxocamos, toxoplasmosis, pneumocystosis
    • Fungal infections - candidiasis, aspergillosis

    Hematological causes of thrombocytosis

    The first hematological cause of thrombocytosis is the lack of iron. The mechanism for the development of thrombocytosis with a lack of iron has not yet been studied. However, the definition of ferritin (one of the main tests for determining the level of iron) in serum is required.

    All the reasons for increasing platelet products in the red bone marrow can be generated and an increase in the number of platelets by the phenomenon of engagement. This happens in hemolytic anemia, with sharp bleeding, as well as after chemotherapy.

    Splenectomy (spleen removal) also causes reactive thrombocytosis. In physiological condition, a third of platelets are stored in the spleen. The mechanism for increasing the hens in this case is probably lies in «artificial» Increase the number of platelets while reducing the volume of blood mass distribution. This is also found in the event of an assignment (congenital absence of a spleen), since the mass of platelets is normal and is not stored in the spleen; The same happens in the case of a functional assignment in children with drepanocytosis (spleen of which atrophy with years).

    Traumatic and surgical causes of thrombocytosis

    Post-tramatic stress, recent surgical intervention, as well as states associated with significant lesions of the tissue (pancreatitis, enterocolite or tissue necrosis), can cause an increase in the number of platelets.

    Inflammatory diseases as a cause of thrombocytosis

    Causes of secondary thrombocytosisAll inflammatory diseases tend to generate an increase in the number of platelets. Most often, this mechanism is associated with an increase in the level of pro-inflammatory interleukin, which causes an increase in the synthesis of thrombopoietin - hormone, which regulates the process of ripening, division and access to platelet blood.

    Inflammatory causes of thrombocytosis:

    • Chronic juvenile polyarthritis
    • Ankylosing spondyloarthritis
    • Chronic inflammatory enteropathy
    • Sarcoidosis
    • Chronic hepatitis
    • Disease of Kavasaki
    • Rheumatoid Purpura
    • Collagenoses

    Tumor diseases as a cause of thrombocytosis

    All cancer diseases tend to increase the amount of blood platelets. The mains are hepatoblastoma, neuroblastoma and lymphoma (Hodgkin and non-Hodgkinsky). Examination, simple radiography of the chest ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs oriented in this direction of diagnostics.

    Medical causes of thrombocytosis

    Corticosteroids (here include inhalation) and sympathomimetics (such as epinephrine or adrenaline) can be a source of thrombocytosis. Some antimitations, such as vincristine or vinblastine, are also found, which can cause thrombocytosis after chemotherapy.

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