What is the DVS syndrome? What are the principles of its treatment and prevention? Answers to these questions you will find in this article.
DVS syndrome is one of the most common and most dangerous hazards for patients. Type of hemostasis pathology. It is fundamentally characterized by scattered blood coagulation with thrombosis. The results of these two processes are:
- massive consumption of blood coagulation factors;
- Excessive activation of fibrinolysis - the process of dissolving blood clots. The consequence of this, in turn, is the frequent occurrence of bleeding of various localization.
Synonyms: RVS syndrome (scattered intravascular coagulation), WFF (intravascular coagulation and fibrinolysis), hypercoagulant syndrome, consumption coagulopathy, TGS (thrombohemorgic syndrome). More often in practice enjoy the terms «DVS syndrome» and «TGS».
DVS-syndrome is nonspecific and universal, so it is currently considered as a community process intended by nature both to stop bleeding with a violation of the integrity of the vessel and for the separation of the affected tissues from the entire body.
DVS-syndrome Pretty polymorphen. In wide limits, both the severity and prevalence of the syndrome and the speed of its development can be fluent.
Syndrome can be sharp (often lightning), subacute, but can become latently current, t.E. go to chronic shape.

By virtue of pronounced heterogeneity, the causes leading to the development of the DVS syndrome, it is not possible to give comprehensive recommendations for its therapy for each specific case.
In the treatment of DVS syndrome, it is necessary to adhere to the following principles:
- complexity;
- pathogenetic;
- Differentiation depending on the process stage.
The meaning of therapeutic events is the stop of intravascular thrombosis.
First of all, the doctor's actions should be aimed at eliminating or active therapy of the main cause of the DVS syndrome. These activities should be attributed to the use of antibiotics (a wide range of action with the connection of directional immunoglobulins), cytostatics; active anti-co-therapy, normalization of circulating blood volume; Rhodeworce and T.NS.
Without early initial ethiotropic therapy (therapy with antibacterial drugs), it is impossible to count on the salvation of the patient's life. Patients need an urgent direction or translating to the separation of intensive care and intensive therapy, compulsory attracting transpleziologists and specialists from the pathology of the hemostasis system.
The prevention of the DVS syndrome provides for the maximum decrease in traumatic interventions during operational interventions, prevention and timely treatment of infectious-septic complications, the use of protection measures from a non-hospital infection, adequate and timely monitoring of respiratory efficiency, the state of hemodynamics, water-electrolyte and acid-alkaline balance, full-fledged treatment Diseases potentially dangerous in the development of DVS syndrome.