How to strengthen the nervous system

From the pain in the throat will save hot milk with honey and a piece of butter, and tea from daisy flowers will help firmly. These recipes are familiar to us since childhood, so we will win the cold in any case, and with insomnia quickly cope. What to do with nerves? Yes, yes, with those themselves that are not restored!

The tempo of modern life is unresolved only by one of its speed: a little we will have a little, stumble and immediately come under the feet of hundreds of the same as you, forever hurrying and falling somewhere. You will be calm here how! What to do in order not to drink harsh antidepressants and feel at the same time calm and balanced? Path into the country «Healthy nerves» Folded, but very fascinating. And the direction will tell our site!

Salvation of nervous - the work of the nervous

Diseases, Depression, Nervous System, Nerves, Stress

Do not believe the closed phrase: «Nerve cells are not restored». Nervous fibers stretch through our body at a distance of 1 billion. meters! If such a grand scale system did not have the ability to revive, she would sooner or later collapsed, as built in a row of domino bones. Neurons are restored, only very slow. Therefore, even if you explode several times a day, like a valid volcano, you in any case have a chance to become a calm and balanced person.

The state of your nervous system depends only on you. Take this fact as the truth in the last instance. Neither everyday problems, neither difficulty at work, nor conflict situations in the family will bring you out if you do not allow it to happen. You are not nervous, and you allow you to unwind yourself. Only from your fundamentally calm perception of the situation depends on your positive attitude to life in general.

In addition, there are a number of ways to help you stand on the way of recovery from irritation, hysterics and longing.

Calm and once again calm

Learn to turn off the external stimuli on time and completely relax. Relieve the basics of meditation. In order to feel peace and peace, you do not need to carry out sleepless nights for learning complex techniques and practices. This lesson does not require any skill or effort on your part. Conveniently sit, you can lean on the back of the chair, following the back to the back. Quietly and smoothly breathe, try to relax all the muscles. Mentally promise to be calm and balanced, keep a good mood during the day. Let this installation become your daily motto. Put in front of you interesting and constructive goals, discover consciousness for new ideas - it is thoroughly charged by a nervous system of positive creative energy.

Once lamb, two lambs ..

Diseases, Depression, Nervous System, Nerves, Stress

The topics of the right nutrition is devoted to hundreds of books and a million articles, but each of us has long to learn to know all the secrets and secrets of art have high-quality and useful food.

Natural food - another stimulus for the nervous system to work without interruption. Nervous cells are restored due to the useful substances (vitamins, macro and microelements), which enter the body with food. Calcium occupies a leading position in the list of the most necessary vitamins for neuron tone. Its deficiency affects the work of the nervous system as follows: the transfer of nerve pulses is slowed down, the voltage increases, and the person becomes irritated without visible reasons, turning and touchy. Is it worth reminding what kind of calcium need is a children's and adolescence? Without him children are too excited (today it is customary hyperactivity), it is difficult for them to focus on one lesson, they have obsessive states (nail spraying, nose picking). A sufficient amount of this vitamin is contained in cheese, dairy products, beans, almonds, sesame, halave, wheat bran.

You can not neglect the vitamins of the group in. They nourish and strengthen the nervous system, making it more stressful. Take yourself for the habit of cooking various vitamin wellness cocktails. For example, an excellent energy drink: 0.5 l (2 cups) of freshly squeezed orange, grapefruit or tomato juice, 1 st. L. Beer yeast, 1 st. L. sprouted wheat grains, a little honey and one egg yolk.

A sufficient amount of group vitamins in contain spinach, white and Brussels cabbage, broccoli, oranges, grapefruits, bananas.

From stress fading!

Diseases, Depression, Nervous System, Nerves, Stress

If you do not play sports, if you are alien to elementary exercise, you are difficult to call an absolutely healthy person. No matter how banal it sounded, movement - the key to your decent and full-blooded life. Sports exercises not only train muscles, but also harden the nervous system. Angry Alternative Medicine, American nutritionist Paul Bregg considered a vigorous walk at a distance of 3 to 8 km - a reliable basis for strong nerves. There is no contraindications from sports walking, you can master it if desired can anyone. It is better to start with small distances - from 1 to 2 km, gradually increasing the distance. Regular walking will help get rid of excess weight, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, will become excellent prevention of osteoporosis, will save you from bad obsessive thoughts and depressive states. The more kilometers covered with your back - the more even your breath, stronger appetite and stronger sleep. What not stressotherapy?

Abdominal breathing better valerian

If you want to put in order nerves, remember the correct breathing. During physical exertion, a man has a breast breathing - the chest when inhaling expands, with exhalation it is compressed. In a calm situation, it is better to consciously use a diaphragmal (abdominal) breathing. Thanks to this technique, the blood is saturated with a large amount of oxygen, the work of the abdominal organs is improved, the intestinal peristalsis is activated - in general, all these changes have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

Consciously control abdominal breathing until it goes into habit. First train lying - it is easier to control the filling of the belly by air. Then bring this procedure to automatism in the sitting position and standing. Remember that deep slow breathing will give you a long and happy life.

Cleansing power

Diseases, Depression, Nervous System, Nerves, Stress

The energy force of water is indisputable. Water procedures have diverse properties: relaxing, toning, hardifying, stimulating. And this is not the entire list!

Water procedures primarily purify the skin from harmful substances that have accumulated her pores per day. In addition, intense water jets stimulate the nerve endings on the skin, giving you a soothing or invigorating effect depending on temperature. Take a rule to take a contrast shower in the morning - the wonderful beginning of the new day. In the evening, do not refuse a twenty-minute herbal bath, which will help you relax before bedtime. If there is an opportunity, be sure to float! Pleasant muscle fatigue after swimming in the best way will affect your mood.

And remember: stress - an integral part of our life and an important component for the nervous system training. Experiencing tension, nerves temper to become stronger. Your task to minimize the consequences of unpleasant situations with a healthy lifestyle and positive attitude. be healthy!

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