If the rhesus antibodies discovered in your blood


  • What to do if the rhesus antibodies discovered in your blood
  • Prevention of the appearance of rhesus antibodies

  • What to do if the rhesus antibodies discovered in your blood

    If the rhesus antibodies discovered in your bloodKnow your blood group and rear factor preferably before pregnancy. During pregnancy, at the first visit to the female consultation, a group and pseypec-affiliation of the blood of a pregnant woman are determined. All pregnant women with rhesse-negative blood and in the presence of rhesus-positive blood husband must be regularly examined for the presence of serum antibodies. During the detection of the antibody, specialized medical centers must be applied for further observation.

    Specialized modern perinatal centers are equipped with the necessary equipment, allowing to monitor the state of the fetus, timely diagnose the development of the hemolytic disease of the fetus. The list of necessary research in women with rhesus sensitization includes:

    • Periodic determination of the level of antibodies (antibody titer) - held once a month,
    • Periodic ultrasound examination,
    • If necessary, conducting intrauterine interventions: amniocentesis, cordo-beer (procedures carried out under the control of the ultrasound, during which the needle is pierced the front abdominal wall and penetrate the cavity of the fetus bubble with an intercocentsis or in the vessels of the umbilical bubble - with cordocentsis); These procedures make it possible to take the oily water or blood of the fetus for analysis.

    In the detection of severe form of hemolytic disease of the fetus, intrauterine treatment is carried out (under the control of the ultrasound examination through the front abdominal wall of the mother in the vessel of the umbilical system, the required amount of erythrocyte mass is introduced), which makes it possible to improve the state of the fetus and extend the pregnancy. Regular observation of pregnant women with rhesis-sensitization in specialized centers allows you to choose the optimal dates and methods of the delivery.


    The appearance of rhesus antibodies

    An important role in the prevention of reserves-sensitization is given to family planning. A guarantee of the birth of a healthy child in a rhesus-negative woman (in the absence of preceding sensitization during blood transfusion) is the preservation of first pregnancy. For specific prophylaxis, drug is used - antiresus immunoglobulin. This drug is injected intramuscularly once after childbirth, if a rezes-positive child was born; After an artificial or spontaneous interruption of pregnancy, after an operation made due to ectopic pregnancy. It should be remembered that the drug must be introduced no later than 48 hours after delivery (preferably for the first two hours), and in the case of artificial interruption of pregnancy or during ectopic pregnancy - immediately after the end of the operation. In case of non-compliance with the duration of the introduction, the effect of the drug will be inefficient.

    If you have a negative rhesus, and the future baby is positive or if the Dad's Rh is unknown, it is not possible to install it, then in the absence of antibodies, until the end of pregnancy, it is worth worrying about that if necessary, if a child has a positive reserves, in stock There was anti -usus immunoglobulin. To do this, it is advisable to find out in advance whether the drug chosen by you is provided with this drug. In the absence of immunoglobulin, you need to purchase it in advance.

    Currently, a program for the prevention of cut-sensitization during pregnancy is being developed. To do this, it is assumed to introduce anti -usus immunoglobulin Rhzk-negative mothers who have not been detected by antibodies in the middle of pregnancy.

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