Life S «Tsarist disease»


    Life with & laquo; tsarist disease & raquo;Hemophiliac... On the one hand, a person suffers from non-presiduous disease, and on the other, whether this disease is indefinite, and whether this disease is generally? It seems to me that it is not serious to consider hemophilic. Take me for example. I am almost 24 years old and I do not consider myself sick. Someone suffers from allergies, someone is predisposed to Orz. I possess from the birth of a healthy organism (if it is generally possible) with its individual feature: when you get into stressful situations, I have bleeding on the principle «Where is thin, there and breaks».

    From early childhood, I heard from all sides that I could not neither, nor the other, or the fifth or the tenth, and then God forbid, something will happen. I understand the fear of parents for the life of their children, but it is impossible to limit the child, you can not put a sick stamp and weak for life. After all, it's very difficult to get rid of it. The child should dream, rejoice and live, and life is movement, movement and movement again. Need to learn to fight to be then not a passive observer, but be the creator of his fate!

    I, I think lucky. I was not for another 16, when I heard that someone from our Humophilic fellow people in America is engaged in body bilding. And I also started doing. Of course, my classes could not be called bodybuilding in the generally accepted sense, but I really built myself. It was necessary to start with very light gantellek (500 grams) and the simplest exercises. So, gradually, year after year, I taught my body to move, taught to work, understand and feel. And now for eight years I continue to do and constantly working on myself. Of course, not everything is always smooth, there are and breakdowns and mistakes.

    I did not «swing», Neither athlete. I'm just a strong guy in good physical form, which understands that we are not afraid of movement and physical activity, and the fear of them. I want to say that how much you believe in yourself, you feel so much.

    So every day i start with a cold soul. And be sure to find only 30 minutes during the day to do my complex, and these are the simplest exercises: pull-up, push-ups, squats, exercises for the press and work with the expander. You ask: «What gives it?». I will answer: «Yes, sometimes too lazy, often hurt, but when I do, I feel that I live, feel confident in my abilities. I had fewer complexes, and I realized that I could a lot».. And this, I am sure there are those 30 minutes a day spent on the exercises.

    Of course, this does not solve all the problems: neither personal nor material, does not eliminate the lack of antihemophilic drugs (I have hemophilia in, and our plasma does not help me). But nevertheless, I live, dream and believe in myself and in my star.

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