Snoring not just wakes up who sleeps with you in one bed. Snoring is often adjacent to apnea, stopping the breath in a dream, which indirectly leads to obesity, heart disease and risk of sudden death.
- The beginning of an endless snoring
- Antiharapie Massage Technique
- If the massage fails
- How to overcome vomit reflex
The beginning of an endless snoring
The cause of snoring is always one — Relaxing the muscles of the root of the tongue and soft sky. Since the process involuntarily controls his person himself can not. If the snoring begins to interfere with family life, you have to try to get rid of it. Most often in the course of traditional medicine — All sorts of tinctures and decoctions, not helping even those who believe in them.
Another common way — don't sleep on the back. There is nothing more effectively. But to train a person who is uncomfortable on the side, all night pursue a face in a pillow, not easy.
Pon-current Nadezhda — All sorts of cunning silicone and plastic devices for which the desperate rather, — gives a temporary and short-lived effect or turns out to be at all useless.
Another one, not the most famous, group of methods associated with mechanical impact on the cause of snoring. About one of them we want to tell. Speech therapy massage.
Antiharapie Massage Technique
Massion need the root of the language, which, when relaxing during sleep, limits the free air current. To do this, open your mouth wide, drop the tongue and remember how the doctor inspects the throat — Wooden spatula. Clean finger (preferably yours) Touch the root of the language. Start Massage.
- Make circular attaching massaging movements, as if pushing the language outward, from mouth.
- Make a side massage of the language: Finding on the right, Rhythmically press up to the left. Repeat for the other side.
At first you can feel the messenger pain — This is a sign that you massive correctly. Continue to massage the selected area before the residue. Then increase the pressure before the appearance of the next slightly painful sensations, array again to the disappearance of pain. So should be done until any pressure of the pillows to the fingers will no longer cause pain.
Usually, start-up for massages take 10–15 minutes. Successfully housed the root of the tongue, go to bed, and the next morning ask your neighbor as he spent the night. The answer will please you.
If the massage fails
The only reason for which you may not get a radiation root massage, — vomiting reflex. In this case, you will not be able to get rid of snoring right today, but you can train not reacting in turning the stomach to touch the root of the language.
How to overcome vomit reflex
You need a toothbrush and minute a day to learn how to make a massage of the root of the language.
Slowly draw a toothbrush towards the root of the language. Having reached the area, the touch of which causes a spasm of larynx, stop and move the brush on the half astimeter backwards, towards the tip of the language. Start massaging a toothbrush. Enough 10–20 seconds. The procedure reduces the sensitivity of the back of the tongue. Repeat the procedure for several days until you detect that «button» Calculation of the vomit reflex moved on to the root of the language. For a faster effect, the exercise is recommended to perform twice a day, every time increasing the massage time for a few seconds.
- Gradually expand the area that you massage the brush. Make sure that with a brush's massage you have no vomit reflex — massage the zone is directly close to «Dangerous».
- In the preparation of the language to antiham massage, it is important not to skip the sessions of training. Some enough one and a half or two weeks, to no longer suppress the reflex to empty the stomach and calmly react to the singing of solids to the root of the language. Another may require a month. But getting rid of snoring it is worth.
- Once a week Check the sensitivity of the root of the tongue, trying to massage it with his fingers. A day when you succeed, you will sleep silently for the first time.