

What are the causes of tonsillita?

In the occurrence of tonsillitis, as a rule, a change in the body's reactivity, to which the following factors can lead:

  • intoxication,
  • supercooling,
  • Adverse working conditions and life,
  • Eranny food.

Tonasillic varieties:

  • Acute tonsillitis (angina). Maybe as primary (for example, catarrhal, lacunar, follicular and t.NS.) and secondary, that is, caused by other diseases (for example, diphtheria, scarletin, infectious mononucleosis, etc.)
  • Chronic tonsillitis can be nonspecific or specific (with tuberculosis, syphilis, scler).

Catarial angina

Tonsillitis Catarial angina manifests itself predominantly by the superficial defeat of the sky almonds. The duration of the incubation period can vary greatly: from several hours to 4 days.

Symptoms of catarrhal angina:

  • For catarrhal angina, the sharp, sharp start.
  • There is an allocation and dryness in the throat.
  • General ailment, headache, joint pain and muscles.
  • Temperature increase.

Follicular angina

Follicular angina is characterized by the defeat of the follicular apparatus of almonds.


  • Sudden body temperature up to 40 degrees.
  • Strong sore throat.
  • Sharp general weakness.
  • Headache.
  • Pain in the heart, joints and muscles.

Lacooner aneg

Lacooner Angry is characterized by the lesion of almonds in the area of ​​Lakun with the propagation of purulent plates on the free surface of the sky almonds.


  • Sharp body temperature up to 39-40 degrees.
  • A sore throat.
  • Heart pain and joints.
  • Headache.
  • Increased salivation.
  • Children often have vomiting.

Chronic tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis - infectious-allergic disease in the form of persistent inflammation of almonds characterized by chronic flow. Often occurs as a complication after various diseases (angina, scarletin, cortex) or as a manifestation of allergies.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis:

  • Redness and thickening the edges of the sky.
  • Scar spikes between almonds and sky.
  • Raised or compacted almonds.
  • An increase in the occipital lymph nodes.

Diagnosis of tonsillita

Usually, the doctor may diagnose when inspection based on the above signs. However, in some dubious cases, additional research is needed:

  • Study of the contents of smears from the throat.
  • Blood analysis.
  • Immunogram.

Treatment of tonsillitis

First of all, it is necessary to ensure the correct mode of the day, rational nutrition with a sufficient amount of vitamins (especially, vitamins C and group B). Patient need to drink a lot.

With a light course, treatment is carried out at home, with severe forms, hospitalization is needed to infectious compartment.

The doctor will appoint medication tools, among which may be ascorbic acid, antihistamine drugs. It is also possible that antibiotics will be appointed. Sometimes it is required to appoint anti-inflammatory drugs.

In addition to total funds, local treatment is also necessary - inhalation and aerosols, ultraviolet irradiation, microwave, etc. It is necessary to regularly rinse the throat with bravery, soda solutions, furacillin and t.NS. (8-10 times a day).

In chronic tonsillitis, the effect is often given only surgical intervention:

  • Palliamentary (lacunotomy, scraping lacuna, laser impact).
  • Tonsillotomy - Partial Almond Removal.
  • Toncilactomy - complete removal of almonds.

Surgical intervention is carried out when other treatment methods are ineffective.

Tonsillitis Since tonsillitis indicates a decrease in its own protective forces of the body, treatment should be directed not only to the elimination of the inflammatory process, but also to increase immunity. This gives not only the healing effect, but also contributes to the prevention of recurrence development. For this purpose, immunocormers are applied. These drugs strengthen the operation of their own protection system and allow you to reduce treatment.

It is believed that the use of immunocorrectors is especially necessary in childhood for the reason that the child's environment is becoming sterling due to the wide use of antibiotics, hygiene measures and other conditions.

Local immunocorrectors include the IRS19 drug, which contains antigens of the most frequent causative agents of respiratory infections (19 strains). IRS19 can be extremely quickly and intensively penetrated through the mucous membrane into the body, thereby causing the immediate mobilization of the protective mechanisms in the mucous membrane of the throat.

Prevention of tonsillita

  • Physical Events.
  • Hardening the body.
  • Balanced diet.
  • Compliance with the rules of hygiene.
  • Elimination of dusting, air gas supply.
  • Timely identification and treatment of diseases of gums and teeth, sinusitis, otites.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Application of immunocorrects.

Complications of tonsillita

Often heavy forms of Anggrounds go to chronic shape (chronic tonsillitis). After an angino caused by some microorganisms, the development of diseases such as rheumatism, glomerulonephritis, myocarditis.

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