Balantos: manifestations, treatment and prevention


  • Causes of development of Balanopostita
  • Signs of Balantostita
  • Treatment and Prevention of Balanopostit

  • Balanit - inflammation of the head of the penis, will post - inflammation of the extreme flesh. These diseases always accompany each other, so they are most often combined into one term «Balanopostit».

    Causes of development of Balanopostita

    The main reason for the development of the Balanopostitis lies in the accumulation of a special substance - Smegma is under extreme flesh, and its infection. This happens in people who do not pay enough attention to the toilet of the head of the penis or suffering from phyms - the narrowing of the extreme flesh. The cause of the balanopostitis can be purulent urethritis, an allergic reaction, diabetes mellitus, but significantly less.

    Signs of Balantostita

    Balanopostitis begins with the appearance of a feeling of burning and itching in the field of the head of the penis, an unpleasant feeling when opening an extreme flesh. Also appear pain or unpleasant feeling in the head during intercourse. There are swelling and redness of the head of the penis and extreme flesh. If the disease is caused by phymsom, then from under the extreme flesh is highlighted by a pus or sloe with an unpleasant odor.

    In some cases, the general condition may worsen - weakness appears, the body temperature slightly increases. Due to the constant irritation of the head of the penis, which is the main erogenous zone, the patients with balanopostitis increases sexual excitability.

    Treatment and Prevention of Balanopostit

    Balantos: manifestations, treatment and preventionIt is necessary to be treated from the Balanopostit. In the absence of treatment after a while on the head of the penis, numerous minor ulcers appear (ulcerative form of warpostitis), it is accompanied by pain when walking, urine and sexual interchange. With a further lack of treatment, lymphangitis is developing - inflammation of the lymphatic vessels of the penis, which is manifested by the appearance of red stripes on its back surface. Next may develop groin lymphadenitis (inflammation of inguinal lymph nodes) and gangrene of the penis.

    If the diseases have not achieved severe form, the treatment is only in a regular careful toilet of a penis head with soap, with weak hydrogen peroxide solutions, potassium permanganate, Furacillin. In more severe cases, you have to resort to the course of antibacterial therapy.

    If the development of the disease is caused by phimosis, then operational treatment is necessary. In the acute phase of inflammation, minimal intervention is carried out - the longitudinal dissection of the extreme flesh, and after the severity of the sharpness of the process, the extreme flesh is subjected to circular excision (cutting operation).

    Balancetry prevention is the regular toilet of the head of the penis and the extreme flesh (daily souls) and the timely treatment of phimosis and other diseases that may complicate the development of the Balanopostit.

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