Chronic tonsillitis - a disease that destroys the whole organism


Chronic tonsillitis — This is the presence of an inflammatory hearth in palatine almonds, characterized by periodic exacerbations and infectious-allergic response of the body. This disease is dangerous by what other pathologies can provoke. In chronic tonsillitis, the heart, kidney, joints may suffer.

Causes of chronic tonsillita

Chronic tonsillitis - a disease that destroys the whole organism

Sky almonds — This is an element of a human immune system. The emergence of the focus of inflammation in this organ causes a failed immune response. Antibodies are beginning to be formed not only to the microbial pathogen, but also (over time) to the tissues of their own body.

It all starts with microbial invasion. Call chronic tonsillitis:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • Hemophilic stick;
  • Pneumococci.

One of the most dangerous causative agents is beta hemolytic streptococcus. It is he who is guilty of the development of severe complications of chronic tonsillitis: rheumatism, rheumatic endocarditis, glomerulonephritis.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillita

Before sick with chronic tonsillitis, the patient transfers multiple angina. They accompany each aggravation of the disease. The main symptoms include strong throat pain, interferes with even water, increase the temperature to high values, general inxication phenomena.

However, such bright symptoms are far from all. Often angina has erased character: temperate pain, the temperature does not reach 38 degrees, the well-being deteriorated not much. Sometimes the symptoms are so not expressed that the patient does not think about a visit to the doctor.

However, the pallor of the clinical picture does not mean that the body does not occur the devastating processes. On the contrary, it is for rheumatism that the sluggish symptoms of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis is characterized. Pronounced pain in the joints, violations of the urinary function and heart work sometimes go to the fore in the clinic of one of the exacerbations, forcing the patient to not pay attention to what he has «Sobs her throat».

In the period between exacerbations in the patient noted signs of sluggish inflammation. Increased fatigue, sweating, periodic temperatures to subfebrile numbers (37.3-37.5 degrees) are characteristic of this time.

Complications of chronic tonsillita

Beta hemolytic streptococcus has pronounced tropiness (that is, strong «Love») To the tissues of the joints, heart and kidney. It is he who is the causative agent of rheumatism, and because of him in patients with a long-term, existing chronic tonsillitis arise:

  • Bacterial endocarditis;
  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • polyarthritis;
  • dermatomyomy;
  • Diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.

Treatment of chronic tonsillita

Chronic tonsillitis - a disease that destroys the whole organism

In the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, all tools are used from a fairly extensive arsenal of modern medicine.

From non-drug funds, highly efficient ultrasound and ultraviolet irradiation of the inflammatory hearth. Laser therapy has established itself, at which the beam of coherent radiation is directed to the sky almonds.

The most common medication method is irrigation of the nasophack mucous membrane by various antiseptic solutions. Inhalipte, kamteon, chlorophyllipt and t. D. Effectively and rinse the throat with a solution of furaticiline, decoction of chamomile and eucalyptus.

After rinsing, it is necessary to treat almonds with solutions of lysozyme, interferon, levamizol: these drugs increase local immunity.

After all these procedures, the almond surface is lubricated with a solution of lugola or colonge.

Conservative treatment gives a positive effect in three quarters of cases. Despite this, the exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis are still repeated. The patient is forced to treat his angina again, and again all his actions bring relief only for a while.

The radical method to which resorted during the severe course of the disease or in the absence of the effect of conservative therapy, is tonsillectomy. This operation, which is a complete removal of almonds, is quite safe if it is carried out in compliance with all precautionary measures:

  • The patient is prepared for intervention;
  • conduct a sample on the absence of reaction to anesthetic;
  • Compliant the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

The prognosis for the life of the patient with chronic tonsillitis is considered favorable if adequate treatment is made before complications occur. In case of their accession, persistent deterioration in the working capacity and quality of life, up to the disability of the patient.

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