Treatment of Stomatitis

Stomatitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. It causes a patient discomfort, pain of varying degrees, deterioration of the quality of life. It is believed that Stomatitis is a disease of dirty hands and only small children suffer from. Both of these statements are false. Cold Stomatitis can anyone, regardless of age.

Stomatitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. It causes a patient discomfort, pain of varying degrees, deterioration of the quality of life. Our site tells about the reasons, symptoms, treatment and prevention of stomatitis.

Causes of Stomatitis

As a rule, to establish the cause of this disease is problematic. It is believed that Stomatitis is a disease of dirty hands and only small children suffer from. Both of these statements are false. Cold Stomatitis can anyone, regardless of age. Just because of the inconsigned children's immunity, it is kids from birth to three years most often sick stomatitis.

The list of possible causes of stomatitis looks like this:

  • Inappropriate level of oral hygiene (dental flaw, destroyed teeth is an excellent medium for reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microflora);
  • injuries mucous membrane («bounce» cheeks or language burns from hot food, scratches about teeth fragments and t.NS.);
  • avitaminosis (lack of vitamins of group B), unbalanced nutrition;
  • overall decrease in immunity, stressful states;
  • Allergic reactions to food or medicines;
  • Abuse of alcohol and tobacocco;
  • various blood diseases, gastrointestinal tract organs, endocrine disorders;
  • Viruses and bacteria.

Some studies suggest that even a toothpaste containing sodium lauryl sulfate (strong cleaning agent, an allergen) can damage the mucous membrane of the mouth and provoke the appearance of stomatitis.

Types and symptoms of stomatitis

Depending on the root causes of stomatitis divided into:

  • traumatic (develops due to physical or chemical injury of mucous);
  • infectious (caused by various bacteria, viruses or fungi);
  • specific (is a symptom of a particular disease - tuberculosis or syphilis);
  • symptomatic (provoked by various common diseases).

There is also a classification of clinical manifestations:

Catarial Stomatitis - the most common type of stomatitis. His appearance usually gives bad oral cavity hygiene.

Symptoms: The mucosa of the mouth is inflamed, swells (on the mucosa is visible «Prints of teeth»), painful sensations appear when making food. Periodic bleeding gums, tangible unpleasant smell of mouth. Visible mucosa defects (ulcers) is not observed.

Ulcerative Stomatitis - As a rule, develops on the background of a launched catarrhal form. They also suffer from people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, gastritis, duodenitis).

Symptoms: one or more painful ulcerations coated with gray raid is formed on the mucous. Affected mucosa throughout the thickness. Feeding becomes painful-painful, especially with numerous ulcers. This type of stomatitis is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and an increase in lymph nodes under the lower jaw.

Aphtose Stomatitis - It is characterized by a gradual increase in the amount of AFT - ulcers in the correct round (less often oval) shape, with bright red «Kaima», covered with gray raid.

Treatment of Stomatitis

Treatment of Stomatitis
An important condition for rapid recovery is correctly selected and on time. On average, treatment lasts from four days to two weeks. A comprehensive approach is very important.

First, it is important to find out the reason provoking the appearance of the disease. If there is an aggravation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, you should contact the gastroenterologist. As for the treatment of stomatitis, it comes down to:

  • local therapy - rinsing, washing, irrigation of the oral cavity, the use of special ointments;
  • General therapy - the use of antibiotics or antiviral drugs (depending on the type of stomatitis), the strengthening of immunity (vitamin complexes, immunomodulators), antihistamines (to prevent the edema of the mucous membrane).

I would like to talk more about local therapy. Rather, about self-treatment. Do not hope for folk recipes from the Internet and to be treated independently. In the treatment of stomatitis it is important to establish and eliminate the cause of the disease, without this, any treatment will be ineffective. And considering your painful sensations, tighten with a campaign to the doctor should not!

Most often, rinsers of oral cavity are prescribed, irrigating the mucous membranes with antiseptic sprays (antimicrobial drugs) with anesthetic effect (oral), the use of antiviral (oxolin ointment) and wound healing agents (sea buckthorn oil). In each case, the doctor prescribes an individual treatment scheme.

To facilitate your condition, try not to drink sour, cold or hot drinks, do not eat hard food. Week have a week «Sit» On a diet, eating food in the witch form (soups, porridge). Change toothpaste - ask the pharmacy (and better at your dentist) toothpaste without laurilsulfate. This paste will not irritate the mucous membrane and will speed up recovery.

Treatment of Stomatitis in children

Stomatitis in the child
If we talk about stomatitis in children, it is provoked by bacteria (dirty hands, non-compliance with oral hygiene) or viruses (a virus is a simple herpes or flu) that against the background of inconsected immunity leads to painful flow and long-term recovery. It is important to understand that the main care of parents in the treatment of stomatitis is reduced not only to the fulfillment of the doctor's recommendations. The main thing is to create conditions under which saliva will be produced in sufficient quantity (cool air indoors, high humidity) and rolling the child. With stomatitis in children there is strong intoxication, so without abundant drinking, the kid will become sluggish, the threat of dehydration will increase. Some pediatricians claim that subject to the above regime (cool, wet in the room plus abundant drink), even without additional treatment, stomatitis takes place in 4-5 days.

Prevention Stomatitis

In order not to «meet» With this insidious disease, you need to abide by personal hygiene - to take a timely teeth to clean them twice a day, wash your hands, vegetables and fruits with soap. In addition, it is important to be balanced to eat (especially products containing vitamins B and C), avoid the injuries of the mucous membrane, use gentle toothpastes.

Be healthy!

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