Spring is a wonderful time when flowers flourish, buds bloom. But it comes difficult time for people suffering from seasonal allergic rhinitis. Constant nasal congestion, headaches, itching in the nose and sneezing, sometimes affects the quality of life and reduces performance.

Let's try to figure out what an allergic reaction is and how it occurs. First, allergic is a specific immune response of the body to a certain stimulus, which we call an allergen. Allergens in the world around us many, it is:
- Allergens of plant origin (pollen of plants)
- Allergens of Animal Origin (Wool, Dandruff Pets)
- Allergens of food (alimentary)
- Household allergens (dust, ticks)
Secondly, allergy is divided into year-round and seasonal (as a rule, makes itself felt during the flowering of certain plant species).
Allergic rhinitis is a chronic inflammatory process with the damage to the mucous membrane sheath and the change in the immunity of the nose mucous membrane.
So, let's try to figure out what happens in the nasal cavity. When a certain (specific) allergen falls on the nasal mucosa, it is quite aggressive our immunity cells (leukocytes). Which perceive these allergens as a threat and include protection mechanisms, causing special cells (macrophages), which, when destroyed, isolated a mass of various chemical compounds (mediators of inflammation of them about 50, is a famous histamine, foreguin, interleukin and.T.D.). And as a result of the impact of these mediators on the mucous membrane of the nose there are certain symptoms:
- Difficulty of nasal respiration (swelling of the nasal mucosa)
- nasal mucous
- Itching in the nose and sneezing
- headaches
- Reduced sense of smell
- Constitution of ears and reduced hearing
- Dry mouth
Also allergic rhinitis may be accompanied by certain systemic manifestations, such as urticaria (swelling of the face, itching in the eyes) or dermatitis (itching and rash on the body).
With untimely diagnosis and inadequate treatment, allergic rhinitis can lead to certain complications, such as:
- Bronchial asthma with obstruction (narrowing) of the upper respiratory tract
- Polypose growth in the nasal cavity (polypose rhinosinusitis)
- Acute and chronic sinusits (sinusitis, frontititis, etmoiditis, sphenoid)
- Defeating auditory (Eustachiyevaya) pipes and middle ear (stupotites, middle otitis with perforation of the eardrum)
- Nasal bleeding
If you suddenly began to notice that you have the above complaints, you must immediately turn to a specialist to identify and further treatment. In no case do not engage in self-treatment (there are certain groups of drugs that you may not come up).
But if you have already been detected allergic, we recommend:
- Avoid contact with allergen. During the flowering of certain types of plants growing in your area, time to change the place of residence. Carry out general cleaning, ventilated
- Nose washing (for this you can use a Doltin system solution, Aquamaris spray, Marimar or Akwaror)
- Passing courses of local and common desensitizing (antiallergic) therapy
- Observation from a doctor of an allergist and otorhinolaryngologist