First medical care for burns


First medical care for burns
Do you know how to provide first help with burns?
Surely, if you interview 10-20 people, opinions will be different. Some will offer
attach to an exhaled place compress with ice, others — Lubricate the skin of the oil,
Third immediately recommend resorting to medical drugs. What's this
concerns thermal burns, but if you put the question of chemical burns,
caused by acids, alkalis and other substances, most surveyed
Most difficult with the answer. Nevertheless, speed, accuracy and literacy of action during burns allows to reduce the degree of lesion of tissues, and sometimes even
Saves the life of the victim.

Such a burn and how to evaluate it?

Burn — This is damage to fabrics arising in place
thermal, chemical electrical or radiation impact. More often
we all meet with thermal burns, a little less often with chemical
Burns caused by acids and alkalis.

Burn depth

In the depth of lesion of tissues, doctors make four degrees
burns. We will not go into details, the usual person is enough
know what is superficial, and what is a deep burn, as well as to evaluate
Severity of injury.

Superficial burns include burns I, II, III degree,
When the effect of high temperature on the skin appears red
Spots, bubbles filled with yellowish liquid and crusts covering
injured plots. Surface burns are always accompanied by severe pain,
damage to the deep layers of the skin, and even more so the muscles and bones entails
Full death of pain receptors that dull pain. To deep
Burns are taken to attribute burns III b and IV

Ozog's Area

The burn area is estimated according to the rule of the palm, believing that
The area of ​​the palm of the victim is about equal to 10% of its body area.

What you need to know the area of ​​burn? The fact is that even
Light burns, accompanied by only redness of the skin, but on the area,
exceeding 10% of the body, may be life-threatening, especially if they suffered
child or elderly man. Most often, such injuries lead to development
painful. Initially, the victim is excited, then he feels a sharp weakness,
becomes the inhibited and indifferent, in such a state it is impossible to leave
without qualified medical care.

With burns of large square and deep burns victim
Need to call a brigade «Ambulance».

Help with thermal burn

Help with small
Burns and scaldings

Although such burns are very painful, most often they wear
superficial character, and therefore can be coped with them.
Burned skin need to hold under the slow jet of cold water during
10-15 minutes — This will reduce the temperature of the fabrics, reduce the depth and
Their degree of lesion will remove pain. After that, the burn is needed
put a dry sterile bandage.

What to do if burn
large on the square and deep?

First medical care for burns
You must call a brigade «Ambulance», And waiting
Doctor perform the following actions.

  • First of all, it is necessary to stop the heat
    On the skin. To do this, the injured place needs to be released from clothes, but if
    The tissue sticks, should not make an effort, it is better to cut it around the edge.
  • The burned place must be watering cold
    water or immerse in cold water, at least 10 minutes.
  • Put on a wound dry sterile bandage. At
    It is strictly forbidden to tear the crusts and piercing bubbles formed
    on the skin.
  • If the victim feels weakness, follows
    put it and give warm drink, such as a glass of water with the addition of one tea
    spoons of soda, strong tea, coffee.
  • Reduce pain will help 1-2 tablets analgin
    or other painkillers.
  • In the event of chill, the victim is covered
  • If it is not possible to quickly get medical
    Help recommended abundant drink (2 liters of water per day with 5 teaspoons
    drinking soda), painkillers, antihistamines and
    Antibiotics, the surface of the wound is necessary 3 times a day to process Panthenol.

Scorching acid or alkali

Feature of chemical burns in the duration of action
damaging factor. Unlike thermal burn when high
Temperature more often acts briefly, acid or alkali, being on the skin
continue their own «Black case» before that moment until they are neutralized.

What to do with chemical burns?

  • Wash the aggressive substance from the surface of the skin
    Large water. Experts recommend flucing acid or alkali
    under jet running water for 30 minutes.
  • Antidote aggressive.
    Acids are neutralized by alkalis, for example, a solution of drinking soda, soap
    Water, alkali — A solution of vinegar, lemon juice or lemon acid.
  • Close the burned place with a clean napkin or
    Dry sterile bandage. Chemical burns caused by acids immediately
    accompanied by the formation of a stamp, alkaline burns look like erosion, often
    catch up and leak harder, so it is very important to observe sterility

Remember, burns are dangerous by the development of shock, suction
toxic products of decay of tissues and poisoning of the body, lesion
nervous and heartily — Vascular systems, dehydration, development
Insufficiency of many organs. Do not risk your life and life of your friends and
loved ones if you doubt the degree of skin lesion, consult a doctor.

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