Antibiotics with angina


Antibiotics with angina
Angina (acute tonsillitis) refers to infectious and allergic
Diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Among the pathogens of this
Diseases are the most common bgs (beta hemolytic streptococcus group
A), causing the most severe thread of an angina with subsequent complications. At
Suspicion of an angina need to contact the otolaryngologist or therapist:
Specialist will carry out the necessary diagnostics and will be a treatment plan. Doctor
Appoints the desired antibiotic and dose of its use, based on the results
Diagnostics. The course of antibiotics is prescribed when:

  • High
    body temperature;
  • noticeable
    Rave on the glands;
  • Poles
    in the field of cervical lymph nodes;
  • Absence
    cough and runny nose.

To antibacterial drugs successfully used
In sharp tonsillitis therapy, belong:

  • Antibiotics
    penicillin row (amoxicillin, penicillin and oxacillin); Allocate also
    protected penicillins (Augmentin, for example);
  • row
    macrolides (erythromycin, clarithromycin and roxitromycin);
  • Cephalosporins
    (Ceftriaxone, Cephazoline and Trikakson);
  • Lincoosamida
    (Lincomicin, Clindamycin).

Antibacterial preparations of penicillin row
Violate the intestinal microflora. With allergies on penicillin good alternative
Antibiotics of the 1st and 2nd generation of cephalosporin row can be. If
The pathogen is inside the cells, then more effective drugs
Macrolids. In the therapy of acute tonsillitis, it is important to bring the course of treatment to the end,
Otherwise, the disease can go into a chronic shape, and bacteria — acquire
Resistance to antibacterial medications.

Antibacterial drugs with acute tonsillitis

Antibiotics with angina
To the treatment of angina in children with antibiotics
It should be considered attentively. Children's body is not yet fully formed and
Therefore, prone to toxic influence of medicines. Some antibiotics
may cause the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and blood
Systems. In the treatment of children is not allowed to use tetracycles, fluoroquinolones and
Levomycetin. In order not to harm your child, contact your choices
Antibiotic to pediatrician. Basically, when children's acute tonsillitis use
Preparations of penicillin row. In the case of a child, penicillin allergies
Replaced with macrolides and rare cases — Cephalosporins. Dose Antibiotic I
The release form is determined by the age and weight of the child. Most
Distribution in the treatment of children's angina from penicillin row received
Amoxiclav, and from macrolides — Sumameried.

Antibiotics with angina in pregnant women

Angina during pregnancy requires
urgent integrated treatment. During pregnancy, immunity
is in a weakened state, so it does not make sick with sharp tonsillitis
Of great difficulty. In the therapy of Angina during the tooling of the child apply as
Local and shared. Nowadays there are many drugs,
almost not passing through the hemato placental barrier and not representing
big danger to the fetus. Women «pregnant» must remember that when
Angina in the early deadlines is forbidden to steer legs (it can lead to miscarriage).

Treat an anegune with antibiotics during pregnancy
it is possible, but you need to choose the right medicine,
Consulted with a otolaryngologist. Among antibiotics that do not affect
Negatively on the fetus, in the treatment of an angina, widespread:

  • penicillins;
  • cephalosporins;
  • Macrolids.

It is forbidden to apply tetracycles, fluoroquinolones and leftomycetin.
Angina does not cause disorders of the fetus development, but high temperature in the early
pregnancy timing can provoke malformations of development and even lead to
miscarriage. Do not delay the treatment, contact a specialist!

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