Causes of diphtheria and our knowledge about this disease


  • Sources and causes of illness
  • Refusal of vaccination from diphtheria — Unacceptable!
  • Vaccination and revaccination of infectious diphtheria

  • Causes of diphtheria and our knowledge about this diseaseFor the first time, the causative agent of the disease was revealed in smears from the rotational and nasopharynx of patients in 1883 by the German scientist Edwin Klebsz. The search for the causes of the diphtheria was engaged in Ramon Gaston, in 1923 he discovered antitoxin and proposed to use it to immunize the population. Russian scientists have made a significant contribution to the study of the disease and its prevention, they developed many questions of pathogenesis, specific treatment, form of complications after diphtheria, the classification of clinical forms of the disease, established the laws of the emergence of epidemic outbreaks, dependence on individual characteristics and the influence of age and season Diseases.

    Sources and causes of illness

    Throughout the history of human development, doctors and scientists tried to establish causes of diphtheria, as one of the most insidious and dangerous diseases of adults and children. The main source of infection is considered a patient or bacteria carrier without signs of illness, quite healthy outwardly, but distinguishing diphtheria sticks, more often it is, of course, children.

    Corinbacteria striking mucous nasopharynses, pharynx, oz, respiratory tract — Gortan and trachea. The microbe carries out the mucous membrane, and as a result of its development and reproduction, it highlights toxin, which is easily distributed throughout the body lymph and blood. Exotocin at the site of the introduction of Leflare sticks causes inflammation of the epithelium with the formation of a gray-white laid, characterized by a dense launcher with surrounding tissues. Diffex toxin affects many organs and thus causes severe complications, the kidney, heart, respiratory and nervous system are involved in the process.

    Easier to warn you to treat — This wisdom is good for all times for those who think about the fate of children of parents, for adults who are not used to let the disease on samonek and for those who understand that the prevention of the disease is the vaccination and recaccination of diphtheria. Depending on the place of the introduction and reproduction of Corinbacteria, and their name happened from the Latin word «Coryne», What does Bulava mean, define the form of the disease: oorny, nasal, larynx, outdoor genitals, eyes, leather. Even a combined form is found when several organs are affected at the same time.

    The main and completely effective way of treatment and salvation from possible complications after known forms of diphtheria is the use of anti-informy serum (PDS), which is able to neutralize toxin. And here a very important factor is the time: the earlier the PDS was introduced, the more effective the treatment, which includes antobacterial agents, and drugs that take intoxication phenomena.

    Refusal of vaccination from diphtheria — Unacceptable!

    Causes of diphtheria and our knowledge about this diseaseAfter suffering from the disease and revaccination, immunity requires reinforcements every 10 years, with the exception of persons who have reached the age of 66 years, otherwise the disease is sometimes returning. The secondary manifestation of the disease is much easier, but it can be avoided, if not allowed to dismiss the vaccination from diphtheria, starting from the small years. The course of the disease in non-checked children and adults is more often severe, and the value of vaccinations from diphtheria is difficult to overestimate. It should be remembered that only 5% of the grafts can re-get sick. However, and today there are often cases when parents refuse immunization, naively believing that the epidemic has passed and the baby is no longer threatened. The media played a negative and non-aging role in this denunity of the media, telling all sorts of unprecedencing, about what trouble makes vaccination and its consequences, thereby provoking parents to refuse an important calendar vaccination from diphtheria during the next visit to the district children's clinic.

    Vaccination and revaccination of infectious diphtheria

    Immunization of diphtheria anatoxine The procedure is harmless and not at all complicated. Anatoksin is part of the ADC polyvaccine, ADS, ADSM and very reliably warns the occurrence of the disease. Clear and timely carrying out the planned vaccination and revaccination of diphtheria, the implementation of all planned events — The guarantee of the strong health of your child, and therefore your well-being.

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