Infarction... Ear


  • «National» illness she is Tinnitus
  • Do not medley with a visit to the doctor
  • Infarction EHA
  • Life after: how to learn to live with Tinnitus

  • «National» illness she is Tinnitus

    Heart attack ... earIn the end this noise so I'm sick, that I decided to consult a doctor. «Yes it's he, – I said, when he knocked the metal hammer, – It is this sound that has been in my ears for several weeks». Then I was still the uncommon that the disease, the symptoms of which I described, has long become folk.

    Latin name of the alend – Tinnitus. And suffers from him every tenth. And two percent of the population, this noise torments so hard that they are not able to rest or work. In general, anyone knows what it is. Fortunately, most of the noise in the ears occurs episodically and quickly passes. Therefore, they do not perceive him seriously. My business is somewhat more complicated, so now I know something. And I want to share – perhaps someone will result for something useful.

    Do not medley with a visit to the doctor

    For example, I learned that if noise in the ears is holding more than a day, you should contact medical care. Delated for a long time visit to the doctor, alas, may mean the loss of the chance ever get rid of it. This is the first. Second. Do not rush to share your problem with others – As a rule, there are little understanding to the ears. At best, they only cause a compassionate smile. This is not a stomach ulcer, not myocardial infarction, and not sports injury. Meanwhile, Tinnitus became a typical phenomenon of our time.

    More than a hundred reasons may result in loss of silence. Most frequent – Noise and stress. I also worked without rest, and my ears had to endure a lot. When there was noise, I pulled the time. And only a few weeks later, when he became unbearable, appealed to the doctor. But he said that I would have to get used to him. Get used to? I found his words for an inappropriate joke. After all, it is simply impossible to live with constant noise in the ears.

    Infarction EHA

    I went to a prestigious clinic – there are already sure to know how to help. I was put in the hospital, prescribed a strict bed regime, began to make intravenous injections to improve blood supply. Tinnitus – This is a hearing infarction, explained to me doctors. As with a sharp drop of hearing, the blood supply to the inner ear, the auditory field is disturbed. Therefore, these two diseases are often combined.

    The auditory field can be compared with wheat. Sound wave, like the wind, hesitant hairs receptor cells – «Colosa». Due to insufficient blood supply or under the influence of too loud sound «Colosa» Sometimes we are preached, the assist neighboring cells. This mechanical irritation Our brain perceives as noise. In general, I learned the theory thoroughly. I learned that the disease is often launched. According to doctors, in the first ten days of constant noise, the chances of the cure look relatively not bad. Good results gives the use of funds that promote blood circulation and cortisone. But if noise is holding 3–6 months, to defeat it much more difficult.

    Me also did not help me. And when I was finally discharged from the prestigious clinic, I felt the hostage of my ill. In both ears there was a ringing. Strong noise not only nerves. Over time he oppresses, inspires fear, speaks from a smile. I fell asleep every time I could not concentrate on anything.

    Often it is possible to hear that Tinnitus amazes those who are characterized by increased excitability. My experience refutes, and doctors too: their patients are usually mentally sustainable people. Irritant of them makes a disease. I was told about the miners who were in the clinic, which, in fact, it is difficult to bring out. But the noise in the ears sometimes brought them to despair.

    I realized that you do not have to wait for the doctors of help, I placed the hopes for alternative medicine. Drainage of breast lymphatic duct, massage of reflex zones of legs, acupuncture and homeopathy devastated my wallet. When the next healer advised you to put uriman in the ears and add it to tea, my patience burst.

    Life after: how to learn to live with Tinnitus

    Heart attack ... earI said «enough» and – stopped fighting. This decision was acting like a magical word. After stopping constantly thinking about recovery, I suddenly felt relief. Became more in humans, resumed work. When I first noticed that for some time I completely forgot about noise in the ears, I cried from joy. It turns out, you can not take your disease at all.

    At first I adhered to some, it would seem strange habits. For example, often in thought stood before an open crane. Taking a shower, blissfully listened to how bubbles water. The fact is that the sound of falling water has a frequency that overlaps the noise in the ears. By the way, in this principle, the action is based specifically designed hearing aid. But much larger relief brought me focused training for relaxation.

    Over time, learned to relax the muscles that were used to be outside of my control. As I was explained, people suffering from Tinnitus, there is a very tense muscle, which in animals holds the ear in a standing position. She doesn't need a person at all. The ability to remove the stress in the ears and forehead area allows you to slightly muffle the inner noise. One-year experience has learned what at first I thought it was impossible: to humble with the noise in the ears.

    And no matter how it seemed strange, the disease I gave something. In search of lost silence, I was forced to listen to myself and now I can better assess my condition. Causes of my illness, as far as I know, not installed. But there is something in our lifestyle such that makes us sick. So you need to change habits.

    Should move more to remove tension. Especially useful swimming. Splashing water – Balsam for ears. I quit smoking to improve the state of the vessels. At work now lay out 100 percent, and not at 150, as before. Finally, stopped one connection, which did not give me strength, and took them. Although noise in my ears objectively did not decrease, now I hear it only when I remember about him. But it happens that he becomes louder. This is a signal: something in my behavior is wrong. I am looking for a mistake, correct her – And calm returns.

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