Chronic pharyngit


  • Causes of chronic pharyngita
  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Why chronic pharyngitis must be treated?
  • How to treat chronic pharyngitis?

  • Half of urban residents suffers from chronic pharyngitis. Bad ecology, bad habits – All this leads to the occurrence of the disease. If the pharyngitis is not treated, he may accompany you for many years. How to overcome a constant throat pain?

    To start fighting unpleasant symptoms before starting the fight against unpleasant symptoms, first to start fighting unpleasant symptoms, first of all it is necessary to understand what caused this condition.

    Causes of chronic pharyngita

    Chronic pharyngit

    Chronic diseases of the nose and its apparent sinuses, almonds. Repeated diseases support the inflammatory process of the rear wall of the oz.

    Curved nose partition. Man breathes with cold air, which is not processed in the nasal cavity. Breathing through the mouth leads to constant inflammation in the throat.

    Bad habits. Tobacco is constantly annoying the nasophack mucosa. In addition, acute food and strong alcohol can also cause an aggravation of the inflammatory process.

    Professional harm.Phargite may be caused by work with alkalis and chemicals. For example, often the cause of chronic pharyngitis – Permanent contact with oil paints and solvents. The need to constantly strain voice ligaments (teacher's work) also contributes to the development of chronic pharyngitis.

    Gastatic diseases – intestinal tract. Often, pharyngitis is a consequence of gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis.

    Symptoms of the disease

    • Overflow and discomfort in the throat
    • Throat pain in the evening
    • The feeling of unpleasant tingling and dryness in the throat
    • The presence of granules on the back of the throat.

    Significant malaise and increasing temperature in chronic form of pharyngitis does not happen.

    Why chronic pharyngitis must be treated?

    This disease weakens local and general immunity, inexorably leads to constant colds. An unpleasant feeling in the throat is constantly forced by a person feel sick. Of course, pharyngitis is easier to warn than to treat. Therefore, it is worth keeping in mind: without refusing to harmful habits, in particular smoking, not to cope with pharyngitis!

    How to treat chronic pharyngitis?

    Refusal of bad habits, diet, excluding irritating factors (acute, salted food, carbonated drinks in large quantities). Well helps milk with honey and warm (but not hot) tea. From cold food, like ice cream, you will have to refuse, otherwise the throat will be constantly sick.

    Rinse Mineral Water. To eliminate unpleasant sensations, you can use sucking lollipops and pastilies.

    With a strong severity of hypertrophy of the rear wall of the pharynx – Surgical excision granules.

    Be sure to contact Lor – doctor – It will write the necessary integrated treatment, which will help get rid of the unpleasant feelings in the throat, accompanying chronic pharyngitis!

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