Treatment of adenomiosis

Uterine's adenomyosis is an inflammatory response resulting from a violation of hormonal background in the body. The essence of the disease is related to endometriosis, so sometimes it is called internal genital endometriosis.

When the hormonal system fails, this will certainly affect the work of all organism systems: each body will respond in its own way. What happens in the uterus at this time? Separate cells of the mucous membrane of this muscular organ (endometrial) are moved to the thickness of its muscles, where they begin to develop separately. The plot on which alien fabric will soon appear, becomes swelling and increases in size, which is accompanied by painful sensations. Women from 35 to 40 years will fall into the risk zone.

Causes of the disease

adenomyosis, female health, adenomiosis treatment, uterus

The status of an independent disease adenomyosis received quite recently, therefore, from which and how exactly the inflammatory process is developing, scientists are still to find out.

The most reliable version of the version of the adenomyosis development mechanism is as follows: due to its features, the endometrium cells can grow not only on the mucous membrane of the uterus, but also in its muscle tissue. At the same time, they behave in the same way as usual, namely, in the second part of the monthly cycle, it is growing up to a larger size so that «settle» germ. But if a woman does not plan to become a mom, surplus endometrium as unnecessary leaving the body during menstruation. From now on, pathology begins to develop: there are no paths in the muscle, and an unnecessary alien tissue turns into a blood clot, which provokes inflammation.

However, why endometrial cells leave the natural mucous environment for them and begin to share in absolutely unsuitable conditions? The question remains open, and the medicine offers several possible options for answers:

  1. Genetic factor.
  2. Life in regular stress.
  3. Big exercise on the body.
  4. Insolation (sun influence) and tanning abuse of solarium.
  5. Incorrect use of mud baths.
  6. Surgical operations in the uterus: Abortion, Mechanical injury, operational intervention after miscarriage and t. D.
  7. Combined genera.
  8. Use of intrauterine spiral.
  9. Obesity.
  10. Late «start» In an intimate life.
  11. Application of oral contraceptive drugs.
  12. Accommodation in place with a bad environmental situation.

Outdoor painting of the disease

adenomyosis, female health, adenomiosis treatment, uterus

The presence of adenomyosis is set in the process of comprehensive examination. Which consists of:

  • visual assessment of the condition of the genital organs with the help of mirrors;
  • Colposcopy (doctor applies special equipment that increases the image of the cervix 30 times);
  • taking vaginal smears;
  • General examination, during which diffil doctors establish whether the respiratory organ is in order, the hematopoietic system, the state of the gastrointestinal tract, the urethra.

After a general comprehensive examination, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound procedure, and, if you require readings, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. With their help and put a final diagnosis.

Treatment of adenomiosis

adenomyosis, female health, adenomiosis treatment, uterus

Depending on the degree of development of the disease, the doctor may elect one of two treatment options.

Conservative therapy.

Pursuits the goal to normalize the work of the protective and hormonal background of the body. The basis of the complex treatment of adenomyosis is the drugs that choose, relying on the individual needs of the body of a woman. The main focus is on the Gestagens (drugs of hormonal nature), because they are not only treated, but also increase the chances of the patient to conceive a child. In addition to them, for each specific case, drugs are selected: nonspecific anti-inflammatory agents, sedatives, vitamins, medicines protecting and stimulating liver operation, emergency drugs, absorbing drugs. Also prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures. The course of treatment is long - at least 3 months.

Surgical intervention.

Operation allows you to restore the normal anatomical structure of the uterus and remove the maximum possible number of foci of adenomiosis. The procedure is especially effective when there are not many localization areas of inflammation. The greater the area of ​​the defeat, the smaller the woman's chance of becoming pregnant in the future. That is why the timeliness and efficiency of the treatment of this disease is so important.

The recovery period after the operation takes several days, which the patient is better held in the hospital under the supervision of specialists. The next two months to the doctor at the attending physician for advice should come about 1 time per week. It is necessary to eliminate postoperative complications. After recovery, a visit to the doctor is limited to one visit for six months.

The newest method of treating adenomyosis is an electrocoagulation - high-frequency electric shock destroy all neoplasms in the uterus. The procedure is painful, however, the anesthesia solves this problem. The recovery period takes several weeks.

A woman can be called healing if the former symptoms (for example, pain in the pelvis area) are no longer bothering it, but there is no adenomy relapses for 5 years from the moment of treatment. It must be recognized that the likelihood of becoming pregnant in the former patient is reduced if this has not happened in the first two years after the operation.

Prevention of the disease

adenomyosis, female health, adenomiosis treatment, uterus

Cute girls and women, the reason for the visit to the gynecologist is not only pregnancy and notorious thrush! One of the most important paragraphs of the prevention of absolutely all diseases of the sexual sphere is a regular planned inspection of a gynecologist - no less than once every six months.

If a woman is from time to time (but not constantly!) worried premenstrual pain in the pelvis or lower back, she needs to relax more. It is also worth consulting a doctor - it may appoint non-co-sedative and painkillers, physiotherapy procedures, massages.

Undoubtedly, a woman should protect himself from everything that can cause damage to her health: excessive sunny baths, incompetent Contraception, abortion, various inflammatory diseases of genital organs.

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