All known Boric Acid


All known Boric AcidBoric acid is part of many medical drugs, having anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. The drug is exceptionally outdoor use, used in the compartments of the surgical profile for cleansing, healing and processing wound surfaces. Price and chemical properties make the drug most common antiseptic, allowing you to successfully deal with wound infection and skin problems.

Substance — boric acid

Boric acid substance — powder without taste, odor, does not have an irritant action, has a crystal structure of white or can be colorless. Refers to a group of physical effects, it is obtained with a sulfuric acid reaction with a drill solution. Penetrating the body through the skin, enters the blood, accumulating in the tissues and organs. 50% is excreted by the kidneys within 12 hours, part «Sets», The rest goes gradually for 7 days. Store boric acid crystals in a dry dark place at 15-25°WITH.

Drugs with boric acid

Boric acid has many forms of medicines, both in its pure form and as part of other drugs. The most demanded forms of application:

  1. A solution of boric acid on alcohol ethyl basis 0.5-5%. Boric alcohol solution is used for:
  • processing healthy skin around the burn;
  • Installing in the ears, impregnation of gauze turgund in chronic otitis (from 0.5 to 3%);
  • cracked and dry skin (5%);
  • fungal lesions.

A water-based boric solution is used:

  • 1-4% — as a bullset;
  • 2% — For rubbing skin at acne;
  • 2-4% — for rinsery of rotogling, washing (installations) of urethra;
  • 10% Boric acid in the glycerin solution used in diallos, early proleells, irritation of the mucous membrane of the uterus and vagina.

  • Liniment — The mass of thick jelly-like consistency of the complex composition is used to rub into the skin. In addition to boric acid, zinc oxide and vegetable oil. Born-zinc liniment is used for skin diseases. Zinc not only disinfects, but also dries various wet eczema, dermatitis, etc.
  • Paste — Soft dosage forms that have a consistency of ointments with a more dense structure containing powders more than 20% of the total paste. Bright representative — «Naphthated pasta», In its composition, boric acid, starch, zinc oxide and naphthated ointment. Prescribe for anesthesia in mositeits, neuralgias and as an antiseptic.

    Boric acid is part of Teimurov's paste, indispensable in diallos, high sweating — hypergidrosis — as disinfector and dryer.

  • Ointment — Soft shape, applied to the skin, mucous and wound surfaces, has the basis and additional components. Borne ointment contains in the composition of boric acid and vaseline, is used in antiseptic purposes, contained in the composition of zinc allows you to dry the wounds. Boric ointment (5%) good remedy against lice.
  • Powder — Dosage form in the form of powder or mixtures thereof, like powder. Apply in medicine, cosmetology, for personal hygiene purposes. Good anti-lobby with irritation around wounds, progressive dermatoses, eczema and dermatomycosis.
  • Lotion — A drug consisting of alcohol and water based on boric acid. Applied with hyperhydrosis: mix boric acid (4% aqueous solution), vinegar and cologne (for aroma) in the ratio: 1: 1: 1. After drinking the skin with a baby sprinkler.
  • Boltushka — Blurred mixture in the form of a water-based suspension, which contains glycerin and insoluble powders. After applying, the water is gradually evaporated, acting as a row, and due to the fat glycerin on the skin, particles of insoluble powders remain, demonstrating the effect of powder. It has a longer anti-inflammatory effect. Together with salicylic acid and «Levomycetin» Boric acid is successfully used from acne, acne and mine.

  • Side Effects of Boric Acid in Medicine

    Side Effects of Boric Acid in MedicineBoric acid preparations in medicine have possible side effects:

    • Inxication: Acute flow is striking brain, leather and mucous, chronic — Sex cells and red blood cells;
    • Itching, burning, exterior redness of the auditory passage, allergy;
    • When taking inside — nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, skin rashes, stomach pain, disorder of all systems, collapse and shock, within 7 days — death.

    Boric acid has a list of contraindications. It is forbidden to use:

    • on extensive areas of leather;
    • more than 7 days;
    • With the danger of eye entry;
    • with perforations in the eardrum;
    • Pregnant women — Even a small dose of the preparation with boric acid causes various pathology of the fetus;
    • with renal failure;
    • when breastfeeding;
    • Children.

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