If the angina took for the throat


  • Who's guilty?
  • What's there, doctor?
  • Only calm
  • Serious measures
  • Ourselves with ossami?
  • For prophylaxis

  • Who's guilty?

    If the angina took for the throat Virological scientists authoritatively argue that in our body about 3 kilograms of microbes live in our body! Valid, bad and good. With strong immunitete «good» Microorganisms do not give «Bloomy» Unprofitly multiply. But it stands to loosen – enemies here like here. The main enemy of the almonds (and the skydnames are primarily inflated at the opposite) – Staphylococci and streptococci. Among this armada, the doctors have calculated the main striker – Beta hemolytic streptococcus group A. He is warne in every second sore throat.

    Other half of the angino cause golden staphylococcus, green streptococcus, adenoviruses. We, of course, do not remember the names of enemies, but doctors need to know them – Treatment depends on this. Different groups of antibiotics act selectively: some will greatly cope with green microbes, others – with golden. But if you have a catarrhal angina (almonds only blushed), then to be treated with antibiotics – that from guns on sparrows shoot, more harm than good. So if the doctor asks to open the mouth and say «A-A-A», do it. He will take a smear, examines and prescribe treatment or an experienced eye will immediately determine the pathogen.

    What's there, doctor?

    Angina, as a rule, happens to cold and crude autumn or frosty winter. However, you can pick it up with it and in the summer, if you lie on the beach, and then drink water from the refrigerator or fall asleep in front of the fan. This is most often a reaction to supercooling against the background of weakened immunity. Distinguish an angina catarrhal, follicular and lacunar.

    • Catarial angina is characterized in that the inflammatory process flows on the almond mucosa, causing severe redness and swelling.
    • In the follicular angina against redness and edema, purulent clusters are visible – Follicles.
    • With a lacunar angina, the inflammatory reaction is observed from Lakun from the side – recesses in almonds where many pus accumulates. In all cases, the gates of infection are almonds. If it does not start the treatment in time, the causative agent of infection on blood and lymphatic vessels can spread and hit the neighboring bodies. For example, ears – Inflammation of the middle ear against the background of an angina is very often. Angina can cause more serious diseases – rheumatism or myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation). With an angina, liver, spleen, kidneys may suffer.

    Only calm

    If the angina took for the throat Best Medicine With Angina – rest. Should not go to work, if only because you can infect others. In addition, during loads, the process of recovery will delay. So if you have pain in the throat, weakness, headache, lubrication in the joints, swelling and painful to the touch submandibular lymph nodes (between the ear and the lower jaw), blushed almonds or there is a white flare, the temperature rose – go to bed and call a doctor. With an angina, the pain in the throat is at first insignificant, then enhances, becomes constant, reaching the maximum on the second day.

    If you are with an angina on «you», You can independently proceed to treatment. But bedding and isolation from family members, especially children, must. In severe, it sometimes has to hospitalize the patient. Experienced Otolaryngologists admit that when observing peace and minimal medicinal measures (for example, rinse) from angina, it is possible to get rid of 5-10 days if for treatment to take at the initial stage.

    Serious measures

    If the penetration is purulent, without antibiotics can not do. Neglect them is not worth it because the infection can cause complications. On the causative agents of Angina, as a rule, affect the preparations of penicillin row. But more allergies appear on Penicillin, so it is replaced by other drugs, for example, tetracycles.

    Antibiotic treatment is carried out according to the diagram appointed by the doctor, and in order to treat from the treatment, it should not retreat. In parallel with antibiotics, antihistamine preparations are taken. They reduce an allergic reaction, reduce the edema of the tonsils, improve sleep. Antibiotics angina treatment is quite effective, but, unfortunately, while we kill useful microbes. What to do: from two evils choose less.

    With angina, Drink more fluid: Mors, juices, warm tea. Overcome the disease helps vitamin C. And no pickle cucumbers, lemons – It annoys the throat! But the folk remedy is valid exclusively. On 2 glasses of water Take 2 st. L. Eucalyptus and Sage. Boil, add 2 glasses of milk. Evaporate liquid to 1/3, add 1 st. L. honey (if there is no allergy). Daily drink up to 1 l of this fluid.

    Ourselves with ossami?

    If the angina took for the throatIf there are no purulent plates on the almonds and the temperature is not higher than 37.4, you can do rinsing and local procedures. Sprays and aerosols, for example, camphomine, kamoton, inhalipt (with purulent forms of Inhalipte is contraindicated!). Can be applied and tablets-«Sharks»: Faringosept, December. But rinsing – first of all. The simplest thing is: 1 teaspoon of soda and as many table salt on a glass of warm water. Hot and cold water is harmful! Rinse the throat is often necessary, through every hour and a half. Rinsing can be alternating, for example, salt-soda with furacilinov (on a glass of water one crushed tablet). After half an hour after rinse, the throat can be lubricated with a solution of Lugol.

    For prophylaxis

    Best Angina – Persistent immunity. To purchase it, you need to be tempered. The most convenient way – finish each wash under the shower brief cold vellenge. Temperature decrease gradually. The procedure is starting with the legs and finish the scalp. Then you need to lose a hard terry towel.

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