Inflammation of the middle ear


  • Otitis
  • Causes of otita
  • Manifestation of Otita
  • Treatment Otita
  • Ostitis forecast

  • Otitis

    Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis) frequent infectious disease, especially in children.

    Depending on the duration of Otitis speak acute (up to 3 weeks),
    Subacute (from 3 weeks to 3 months) or chronic (more than 3 months)
    Otitis. In addition, purulent is distinguished (in the presence of a purulent discharge
    in the ear) and unmarried otitis.

    Causes of Otita

    Inflammation of the middle ear
    Two factors responsible for the development of the disease: a violation of the function
    The auditory pipe and the presence of infection (viruses and / or bacteria) on average
    ear. Hearing (Evstachiev) pipe is used to level pressure in
    drum cavity and atmospheric. Thanks to the movement of cereal,
    located in the auditory tube, the mucus moves towards
    middle ear to nasophary.

    To the blockage of the hearing pipe can lead
    Elevation of the mucous membrane (allergic or due to the upper infection
    respiratory tract), foreign body, tumor or adenoid. As a result
    The blockage of the auditory pipe in the drum cavity is developing negative
    pressure. This leads to mucus and nasopharynx bacteria in
    middle ear. Otitis's causal factors include injury,
    Immunoglobulin deficiency, and possibly genetic

    Manifestations otita

    Classical manifestations of acute purulent otitis are acute
    Start (within a few hours), one-sided pain in the ear,
    Fever and runny nose. In infants, signs of otitis can be
    Anxiety, irritability and sipping for a patient's ear. Children
    older age can complain about sore throat and feeling
    Magnification and pressure in the ear. Less often dizziness,
    drowsiness, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
    At about 70 - 80% of cases, the average otitis is preceded by infection
    Upper respiratory tract.

    Treatment Otita

    For the treatment of acute purulent otitis apply
    Antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Cefaclor, Cefisim, Erythromycin
    and etc.) in age dosages.

    Since in most cases
    acute otitis pathogen is not determined, the drugs of choice are
    Antibiotics acting on microorganisms most often causing
    disease. These drugs are listed above.

    For most
    Patients with a drug selection is amoxicillin in tablets (children -
    syrup), which is effective in relation to major pathogens,
    relatively rarely causes adverse reactions (rash and diarrhea) and
    Differs relatively small cost. If there is a patient
    Amoxicillin allergies are recommended erythromycin.

    Antibacterial therapy with acute otitis is usually 10 days.
    When unsatisfactory response to treatment can be held
    an additional course, however, in most cases there is no

    In addition to antibiotics with acute otte, antiallergic drugs are prescribed (Supratin, Claritin, Tuevel).

    Ostitis forecast

    Most children are repeatedly disappearing by Otita relapses upon reaching
    Adult state. In rare cases, however, chronic develops
    otitis. In adults, the disease occurs somewhat harder.
    Intracranial (for example, meningitis) and extra charge (for example, labyrinthitis
    or chronic touginess) complications are rare.

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