Otitis with improper or late treatment can cause deafness, mastoid, labyrinthitis, less often - intracranial complications. How not to launch the disease?
Otitis is a disease, which is based on the inflammatory process of the middle ear mucosa.
The purulent average otitis viral, bacterial and fungal infection is caused. As a rule, the infectious process extends to the middle ear of the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx, as a complication of colds, ORZ, sinusitis, angina and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, are also possible post-traumatic inflammation of the middle ear cavity.
Symptoms otitis:
- Acute pain in the ear, usually constant, which gradually increases and is especially intensified in the evening;
- heat;
- Weakness, decline in appetite;
- If the purulent process melts the eardrum, then the patient starts «run» From the ear.
Depending on the degree of severity of the inflammatory process, mucus, pus, sucrovic or mixed separated may be released from the auditory. At this stage, the diagnosis is appreciated - acute purulent average otitis. However, the breakthrough of the pus does not always come out. In a number of situations, the inflammatory process goes to the bone tissue of the temporal area and the depositous process of temporal bone. The disease is developing - mastoiditis. In this case, emergency surgery is required.
Causes of Otita
The cause of otitis is the penetration of infection from neighboring LOR organs:
Nasal diseases, apparel sinuses, nasopharynses. These include sharp and chronic rhinitis, curvature of the nasal partition, in children — Adenoid vegetation.
- The factor provoking the occurrence of acute purulent otitis is the hypothermia.
- Injury like a random household and inflicted by the patient himself.
Methods of treatment otita
In order to avoid complications, the treatment must appoint only a specialist.
Conservative treatment methods otitis
- In the first hours of the disease, before the end of the threading of the ear — Herringing procedures.
- Conducting an auditory passage with vacuum suction. This procedure should only carry out a qualified doctor.
- Washing antiseptic solutions.
- In the treatment of otitis, the obligatory component is the use of vasocomponing droplets (naphtizin or its analogs) into the nose, to remove the edema of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx.
Surgical methods of treatment otitis
Paracentsis — The puncture of the eardrum, which, to avoid complications, should be produced in the shortest possible time under local anesthesia. This allows you to release from the middle ear pus outward, thereby preventing the development of complications from the Gnou breakthrough into other areas of the head. After this procedure, the patient's condition is quickly improving.
For the entire period of the disease, the patient must be appointed conservative treatment, including antibacterial, local, physiotherapy and other methods of treatment. The entire period of the course of acute purulent average otitis with proper treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days. After recovery, the restoration and resorption therapy should be carried out, which the doctor appoints.