Treatment of pharyngita


  • Pharyngitis
  • Treatment of pharyngita

  • Pharyngitis

    Cough, runny nose, aspiced voice, error in the throat - alas, do not leave us these attacks and spring, and sometimes all winter «Holds» Citizens deceived by a warm breeze are losing vigilance - and…

    - One of unwanted «guests» - Symptoms of viral pharyngitis: dryness, witness, lump sensation in the throat and dry cough, - tells the otolaryngologist of the highest category Alexander Sorokin. - With this disease on the back of the throat, the mucus accumulates, so the desire to clean the throat becomes almost obsessive.

    Constant satellite pharyngitis - runny nose. Dragging the rear wall of the pharynx, the unlimited use of vasoconstrictor droplets, the transition to oral respiration not only create additional discomfort, but also aggravate inflammation. It is not accepted to take hospital with pharyngitis - usually it proceeds without increasing the temperature, but it is necessary to be treated.

    Treatment of Farigita

    It is not necessary to place high hopes for loosening and pills for resorption - these are only auxiliary means that can be used as emergency care, for example, if the cough is repositted in a public place. They throat, of course, will not cure, but discomfort will be removed for some time - due to the antiseptics and essential oils contained in them «Sharks» soften the throat and facilitate breathing.

    Much more efficient in pharyngitis of rinsing, steam inhalations and sprays. Each method has its advantages.

    Rinsing disinfect and soften the throat. Usually use drugs of medicinal herbs, antiseptics - furacilin, iodinol, chlorophyllipte and soda solutions.

    Treatment of pharyngita Steam inhalations with medicinal fees are indispensable for cough - the essential oils contained in them reduce inflammation and dilute the wet.

    Sprays form a protective film on the surface of the throat - therapeutic components fall «Exactly in the goal», Removing swelling and having a bactericidal and antibacterial action.

    «It must be remembered that pharyngitis usually flows at no temperature and continues no more than three to five days, "says Alexander Sorokin. - If the pain in the throat does not subscribe, you need to see a doctor. Let the pharyngitis on samonek dangerous. First, it can become chronic - mucosa will swell, the pain in the throat will become constant, and the cough is your business card. And secondly, other, more dangerous diseases can be masked for pharyngitis».

    Strong sore throat against the background of increasing temperature (up to 38 degrees) may be manifestation of angina. Other distinctive features of this disease - pain, increasing when swallowing, increased almonds, gray raid on zea. If you suggest an angina, you need to see a doctor - without antibiotics in her treatment it is not necessary, moreover, the outgoing distress can give serious complications - myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), rheumatism - inflammatory disease of the joints and pyelonephritis (kidney disease).

    Often with pharyngitis inflammatory process «descends» Largen begins on the larynx - inflammation of voice ligaments. They cease to vibrate, the voice becomes hoarse, cough - barking, headache and temperature may appear.

    As a rule, light laryngitis knocks out of the rut for 7-10 days, and heavy can delay the month and more. And all this time will have to not talk, do not smoke and exclude annoying dishes from food - sharp, hot and cold. They irritate the mucous membrane and exacerbate the inflammatory process in the throat.

    According to Alexander Sorokina, during Laryngitis, it is necessary to comply with the home mode and hard to be treated - every 2-3 hours to make steam inhalations, warming compresses on the neck, hot foot baths. Doctors recommend a rich warm alkaline drink: milk with soda, adjustable mineral water without gas - it not only displays an infection from the body, heats and softens the throat, but also contributes to the discharge of sputum.

    If the voice disappeared completely, you need to consult a doctor. In this case, you need to deliver medications exactly «At the destination» - on voice ligaments.

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