Pumps: History, Treatment and Prevention


  • From the history of ledge
  • Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of leprosy

  • From the history of ledge

    Leprosy, or, scientifically, lepreing, was
    Beach of mankind from ancient times.
    Chinese treatises four thousand meselletes
    Prescription, Egyptian papyrus written in
    3.5 thousand. years to N.NS., Not to mention the creations
    Plutarch, Galen and other greek-roman scientists
    period, quite detail describe the clinic
    leprosy, and to the description of this disease,
    Made by Avichene in his Epochal Labor
    «Canon Medicine», Modern doctor at all
    Add nothing.

    With the word «leprosy» Many people,
    Thanks to historical films and books,
    Arises before the eyes of the figure of the figure, cooked
    in Balahon, hiding numerous ulcers and
    flesh, rotten alive. At the same time the figure is continuous
    calls into the bell, notifying all
    others about their ominous approximation.

    Crusades and numerous
    Middle Ages' feudal wars contributed
    Wide dissemination of this disease in Europe.
    People were afraid of her much more than we were today
    Fraging AIDS or cancer, and the leisure
    considered cursed.

    Pumps: History, Treatment and Prevention
    Everything was powerless against leprosy
    Famous funds: neither diet did not help
    Purification of the stomach or even considered the most
    Effective drug infusion Meat Vijuki.
    The sick was considered practically doomed. At
    The appearance of the first signs of man ledging
    fought in the church as if he was already dead,
    after which he was given special clothes, as well as horn,
    rattle or bell so he can
    warn healthy people about your

    Patients with leprosy lost all
    social rights, including inheritance rights.
    Lrap from one of the spouses was considered legal
    reason for divorce even from Catholics, church
    marriages who did not terminate at all. BUT
    Muslims repeated the words of the prophet Magomet:
    «Run from lepers like a lion» (in India,
    For example, practiced the custom - to feed
    led lions).

    Lepers forbidden to enter
    Church or tavern, visit markets and fairs,
    wash in running water or drink it, eat together
    with healthy people, touch someone else's things
    or to the goods when buying them, talk to people,
    If the wind blows in their direction. If the patient
    performed all these rules, he was provided

    There were special institutions where
    contained patients with leprosy - leprosaria.
    The first leprosarium is known in Western Europe with
    570 g. During the crusades, their number is sharply
    Increased. Only in Central Europe to
    1250 g. They have already numbered 19 thousand. Most often
    They were placed on the outskirts of the city or for the city
    feature to reduce the contacts of the lepers with

    Medieval leprosarium is
    medical institution where patients with lopera were
    Granted themselves. They are under the fear
    the death penalty could not leave it without
    Special permission. To exit out
    Leprosoria patients were supposed to wear their own
    «Special custamians» And be sure to notify about your
    approximation with sounds so that healthy can leave

    Ancient and medieval doctors are not
    doubted that leprosy - contagious
    disease. While the plague and black,
    The devastating cities of Europe, appeared only
    occasionally, and then disappeared, leprosy in the Middle Ages
    existed constantly, hitting millions of people.
    Huge fear of her justified cruel
    Measures on the isolation of lepers. Thanks to this, and
    Also due to improvement
    sanitary and hygienic setting number
    Patients with leprosy in Europe, starting with the first
    Half XIV B., It began to gradually decrease.

    In modern city you are unlikely
    Hear the sinister bell sounds,
    forced people before people run without
    Looks away from «Unclean», and man,
    «Gnumbering alcohol», It is also unlikely to meet
    your way, even if you travel by
    «Dangerous regions».

    Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of leprosy

    Establishing diagnosis «leprosy» - very
    responsible business, t.To. entails a number
    irreversible consequences for the patient and its
    families. «There is one diagnosis that can not
    put if there is no absolute confidence in his
    Reliability is a diagnosis of leprosy»
    («Leprosy fighting guide», WHO, 1982.).

    In typical cases, make a diagnosis
    possible by clinical signs of the disease,
    The main of which remain specific
    Skin lesions. But it is necessary
    confirm with bacterioscopic and
    Histological studies.

    With bacterioscopic examination
    under the microscope consider washes with
    mucous membrane of the nose, as well as zinc with
    Affected skin sections. They are painted by special
    in the detection of acid resistant
    bacteria and observe clusters M.Leprae. For
    Histological research take biopsy (material)
    affected fabrics and try to detect
    Characteristic changes (tubercles).

    Now there are more or less
    Effective preparations for the treatment of leprosy, however
    And now the therapy occasionals a lot of time
    And requires patience. Depending on the type
    Diseases, man is treated either in leprosaria,
    either at the place of residence (if skin manifestations
    small and pathogen in bacterioscopy not
    detected). Cultural treatment combining
    Specific funds with stuffing and

    First include basic
    Anti-collecting drugs (diaphenylsulfone,
    Solusulfon, Diucifon and Other Derivatives
    sulfonic series), as well as rifampicin, lamp,
    Protonide, etionide. To the second - Gamma Globulin,
    Pirogenal, methyluracyl, vitamin drugs,
    Immunomodulators and T.NS.

    Pumps: History, Treatment and PreventionTreatment is carried out by courses
    up to 6 months. At intervals
    1 month. The effectiveness of treatment is estimated by
    Results of bacterioscopic control and
    Histological research.

    The duration of treatment on average
    now reduced to 3-3.5 years. There is a rule:
    After the elimination of visible manifestations of the disease and
    Disappearance of Hansen sticks from fabrics in the foci
    lesions and in washes of nasal mucosa
    shell patients can be discharged on
    Outpatient truth. It must
    continue with tuberculoid lepreing yet
    1.5 years, with undifferentiated lepreing -
    3 years, with lepromatous and dimorphic
    lepring whole 10 years!

    Prevention of leprosy, like
    Prevention of any other infection includes
    Individual and collective (social)
    Events. Social measures warning -
    raising the living standards of the population, from
    which directly depends on the level of natural
    immunity; Early detection, isolation and treatment
    patients; Observation and survey of contact
    persons (once a year for at least 7 years). Members
    Family of patients with leprosy and persons who were with them
    in long-term contact, not subject to call

    Personal Prevention - Careful
    Compliance with personal hygiene rules! As if
    Banal it sounded, but purity and soap -
    The main enemies of leprosy (these are the words of Hansen himself).
    All contact persons are prescribed warning
    Chemotherapy Sulfonami.

    There were reports of creating a vaccine
    against lepros, and this is a serious premise for
    Liquidation of the disease. However, too little
    data on its effectiveness.

    Despite positive shifts in
    Treatment, people continue to infect and long
    cheer and the number of such patients is still very

    Unfortunately, the regions of the greatest
    distribution leprosy include very
    numerous population and if not
    developed effective preventive measures, then
    The situation with Leproi can still get out of
    Control. Sulfone preparations support
    human immunity, configuring him to fight
    leprosy, but do not interfere with infection, but bad
    household conditions, crowded population, bad
    Sanitary and epidemic situation little
    contribute to (more correctly, not at all
    promote) recovery if the infection is already

    World Organization
    Health recently announced «Cross
    hike» against leprosy
    destroy this ancient disease on earth, and in
    For the next years. To do this, we must reveal
    cure about 2.5 million patients with leprosy.
    Swiss pharmaceutical company «Novartis»
    donated for these purpose drugs worth
    30 million dollars, Japanese charity
    Medical Fund - in the amount of 24 million, and also
    20 million will come from the International Federation
    National Protection Associations. Not
    the fact that we will be able to win the leper, but the idea without
    Doubts, good.

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