What is Meniery's disease? What are the symptoms of Meniere disease? How to treat Menieret? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
Meniery's disease
Menieret's disease is an unrealistic disease of the inner ear manifested by a hearing disorder and dizziness attacks.
As an independent disease, Menielight's disease was described
In 1861, the French Othiatrian Menierator, who connected
manifestations of illness with the defeat of the inner ear.
The age of patients ranges from 17 to 72 years, the development of the disease is mainly for the period of 30-50 years. Menielight's disease rarely develops in children and youthful age.
The reason for this disease is finally not established. Existing
Clinical and experimental data make it possible to believe that
Disease manifestations are associated with increasing the number of labyrinth
liquids (endolymphs), t.E. endolymphatic hydrops (or water
labyrinth). A certain role is played by violation of vegetative innervation
Vessels of the inner ear, which causes spasm or expansion
vessels and increased permeability of their walls.
Symptoms and Meniere Disease
For Meniere disease, three main symptoms are characterized - hearing impairment, ear and dizziness attacks.
- Hearing reduction is more often unilateral (for one ear). In patients in
A long period of time is noted hearing acute fluctuations - periodic sharp deterioration in hearing and his sudden improvement. IN
further rumor continues to deteriorate, right up to deafness.
- The noise in the ears is enhanced before the attack, reaches the maximum during an attack, and after it is noticeably reduced.
Periodically repeated bouts of dizziness, which
accompanied by equilibrium disorder (patient can not walk,
stand and even sit), nausea, vomiting, nistagm (fast
involuntary eye movements), reinforced sweating, increase or
decrease in blood pressure, pale skin. Dizziness
more often manifested by the feeling of rotation or offset of surrounding items,
less likely - feeling of falling, turning your own body.
Dizziness attack can start without visible for the patient
reasons sometimes even during sleep, but often its beginning is associated with
mental or physical overwork, negative emotions,
exposure to sharp sounds, unpleasant odors and t.D. Frequency
The emergence of attacks is different: several attacks per week (very
frequent); 1-2 times a month (frequent); 1-2 times a year (rare); 1 time in
Several years (episodic). The duration of attacks - from several
minutes to several days, most often 2-8 hours.
After the attack for some time (5-48 hours) patients
Weakness noted, reduced performance. Then their condition
Fully normalizes, and patients feel almost healthy
until the next attack.
Menieral disease treatment
During the attack - the patient laid into bed in a convenient for him
position, T.E. In this, in which severity weakens
vestibular disorders. Bright light and sharp sounds should be
excluded. The harrant is put on the legs, on the shaven-occurring area -
mustard pieces. 20% glucose intravenously introduced, intramuscularly - 2ml
2.5% pipolphine solution or 1 ml 2.5% aminazine solution.
For quick relief, the attack is used by a methanepanal blockade - a solution of novocaine and platiphyllin is introduced.
In the intergenial period, a gentle diet with a reception restriction is assigned
Liquids, sharp and salty dishes. Alcohol and smoking are excluded, and
Also a long stay in the sun and swimming in deep water bodies.
Of great importance in the prevention of the disease has the exclusion of stressful
Positive results gives a special complex of medical physical education, various types of reflexotherapy.
For the prevention and relief of attacks, medicinal
Preparations that improve microcirculation and permeability of capillaries
Inner ear: Bonin, Kinadril, Bonin, predict. These drugs
reduce the frequency and intensity of dizziness, reduce the noise and ringing in
ears improve ear.
Also prescribed drugs that improve cerebral circulation: Cinnarizin, Cavinton. Complex conservative therapy is effective in 70-80%
patients - stopping the attack and comes more or less
Prolonged temporary recovery.But conservative treatment is not
prevents further hearing deterioration.
If conservative treatment is ineffective, applies
surgery. Operations there are gentle (rumor cooling) and
Destructive (with the destruction of the labyrinth).