Scientists have already studied about 300 components of the composition of the bee honey. Among them there are a large amount of fructose, glucose, maltose, enzymes (especially significant invertase, catalase, lipase and others), proteins, microelements, vitamins, essential oils, organic and inorganic acids, bactericidal and other useful substances are present.
Mid's varieties so much, what kind of honey to choose at a particular ailment? This article will help to answer this article.
What sorts of honey can be found on specialized fairs?

Honey properties depend on different factors. For example, from which colors preferably intended nectar, their habitat, time of collection, weather conditions, breed bees. Every year, various exhibitions and fairs are arranged every year, where to show and sell their products of beekeepers from different edges of our country. Honey are carrying from Bashkiria, Adygea, Altai Mountain Altai, Ussuri Reserves, Volga region, Far East ... The Möday's color palette is very different. It can be light yellow, amber, green, reddish, brown, white ... aroma and taste very different. At the place of collecting nectar, it is divided into mountain, meadow, forest, steppe, field, taiga. Honey can be mixed - there is a floral nectar in it with several quite different plants from each other. And if nectar and pollen from one plant prevails in a sweet product, then it is called the name of this plant. For example, here are such interesting sorts of honey you can try at exhibitions:
- clover, dandelion, dyagilev;
- Velvet, Aralia, lemongland;
- cotton, alfaline, esparcet;
- Sunflower, raspberry, apple bodies;
- Eucalyptus, proprolis, fall.
And this is not a complete list. Our site has already revealed its readers the secrets of Lipovo Money. And today we will tell, under what diseases to give preference to acacia, donnikovoy, chestnut or buckwheat honey.
The benefits of Akaciah Möda
It turns out this honey after visiting bees yellow or white acacia. It is endowed with a gentle flower aroma of acacia and a soft taste. And whiteoacial brighter. This honey has a characteristic feature - it remains liquid and drig, crystallization occurs a year after pumping. If you eat such a honey regularly, it reduces the pressure, soothes, it is useful for nervous breaks, stress, mental disorders. It has a beneficial effect in insomnia, gastrointestinal, renal and liver problems. Outwardly used in the form of droplets and rims in conjunctivitis. Antiseptic properties are also used for eczema, neurodermatitis (in the form of ointments or aqueous solutions). Rich in fructose, well absorbed, so even diabetics are allowed. Does not cause allergic reactions. It is sometimes called it «Children's» Möd.
Secrets of chestnut honey

The color of this variety is dark brown, it tastes very specific - slightly bitter and pather. He also remains liquid, like Akaciah. There are many manganese, copper, iron, vitamins in it. The honeycomb is brown trees growing in Abkhazia, Crimea, in the Caucasus. Very positively affects the vessels, strengthens their walls, relieves the ethnicity, inflammation, therefore shows the suffering thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and circulatory disorders. This honey has high bactericidal properties, for this reason it is recommended for angina (absorb the spoon of antimicrobial honey in the mouth or rinse the throat with an aqueous solution), for processing serious wounds, ulcers (bandages are superimposed). Improves appetite and bort waste, gently affects the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Folk Medicine uses it when the voice of voices, bronchitis, asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system. Glass stick You can scatter chestnut honey and a few drops to make in the nasal moves when rinted, sinusitis.
What is useful to the dononnik honey?
The Medonos is a medicinal plant. Dock, it happens yellow and white. It is believed that honey, collected from yellow flowers, is more healing, but with white - more fragrant, its smell will be comparable with vanilla. In taste you can catch a pleasant kitty. Ranked best grades of honey. First, this honey is water-transparent, but very quickly crystallizes, turning into amber or white fragrant mass. Flowing honey has a beneficial effect on the vessels in the brain. Recommended for cardiovascular pathologies. Positively proven itself Hypertension, atherosclerosis, neurosis, migraine, insomnia, Varicose veins of veins, diseases of the excretory system. Stimulates the production and release of milk in women, nursing kids breasts. Has a bactericidal and painful effect. Used in the treatment of inflammation of the respiratory system. Honey heals burns, wounds, cuts (even purulent). You can dustly lubricate to them borunkula, and then glue the patient with the plaster. Soon the furuncle ripes, break through, and the pus will come out. Periodically, lubricate the place of inflammation to its complete cleansing and healing. So that the donkey honey showed its healing properties better, drink on an empty stomach of 100 ml of warm water, having previously stirred a teaspoon of fragrant honey in it. It is necessary to do it 20 minutes before breakfast for 10 days. Next follows a two-week break, and after the course of medical therapy again repeats. If you are tormented by insomnia, then try to drink such a composition about 30 minutes before you go to bed. Take 200 ml of hot milk or water, dissolve there a tablespoon of a dononnogy honey and drink a sweet medicine. With a hemorrhoids, the donkey honey is added to the enema or seating baths, in which the Nasty of the Zverkoy, chamomiles, mint or coltsfoot.
To whom the buckwheat honey is useful?
This common view of the honey belongs to highly cherished, for its production you need a buckwheat nectar. Buckwheat itself is rich in calcium, iron, zinc, copper, boron, phosphorus and other microelements important for humans. Honey can be dark yellow or dark brown, with a reddish sweat. The aroma of buckwheat honey immediately distinguishes him from other varieties. And it has a tasty taste, after his savor «Picky» or «Poss» throat. And this dark product is crystallized one of the first, after 30 days after pumping honey looks like a cascidious mass with many finely-grained crystals. A rich composition allows you to recommend a buckwheat hue with a lack of vitamins in the body, for the treatment and prevention of strokes, aneurysm, heart attacks, hemorrhages in the retina, to strengthen the brittle vessels. It can be given to children with cute or scarletina. As an antiseptic can be used in boils, purulent wounds and other skin inflammations. Under the Malokrovia, low hemoglobin, a calorie drink consisting of a glass of warm milk and a large spoon of honey is useful. If you do not like milk, you will brew a lime tea when it becomes warm, add a big spoonful of buckwheat honey, after dissolving, place 2 tablespoons of good red wine in a glass and drink everything. With high arterial pressure, eat before each meal of food one or two teaspoons of the buckwheat honey, which will take an excess fluid from the blood, thereby reducing the pressure. In the period of treatment with honey, try to avoid very saline products, add cranberries, viburnum, black rowan rod, grapes, apples to your diet, vine, apples, then the pressure will come faster to performance.
And several general recommendations for those readers our site that will be resorted to the treatment of honey. If you want the use of honey to bring the body more benefit, then take it as a separate product without mixing with other components of food. Better honey take to meals or a few hours after meals. If you are colder, then absorb, make a spoon of therapeutic honey, until it is completely dissolved in the oral cavity, so it will show its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, will destroy the pathogenic flora. Do not put the honey into water or tea if their temperature is above 40 degrees, at high temperatures many useful substances honey are destroyed.
Do not forget about this sweet and tasty medicine capable of filled with energy and improve health. Careful with this means it is necessary to be only those who are inclined to allergies for beekeeping products.