With false croup your reliable assistant - inhaler


  • What you need to know about false croup
  • On the benefits of inhalation
  • Modern inhalers: advantages and disadvantages

  • Most recently, I ran into a big problem - my 2-year-old son was diagnosed «False croup, stenosis 1 degree». In the hospital, I learned a wonderful and easy way of therapy - the use of a special nebulizer inhaler. This device is probably useful in a home first aid kit, because it can be successfully used to treat a wide range of broncho-pulmonary diseases. Since it was forced to start a familiarity with this topic for me a disease of my child, I would like to pay some attention to the symptoms and principles of emergency care in the criterion, and then proceed to a more detailed consideration of the possibilities of inhalers.

    What you need to know about false croup

    What is a false croup? False croup occurs against the background of flu, ORZ, as well as measles, scarletins, chickenpox, stomatitis. False croup attacks often happen at night, on the background «Full health» or minor cold, and accompanied by difficult, whistling breathing, «Osipleness» Voices I «barking» cough, can develop a suffocation. The attack may also be provoked by an allergic reaction. After assisting the attack can be repeated for two days. But with proper care for the child, recurrence is extremely rare.

    In the event of a chunk, you need to immediately call «Ambulance», But before the arrival of doctors you can help the child as follows:

    • Reassured the child in any situation in your actions there should be no panic.
    • Provide fresh air access (open the window in the next room).
    • Abundant Warm Drink - It may be warm milk, tea, chamomile decoction, rosehip. Very useful acidic drink (for example, cranberry morse), it dilutes the wet.
    • To remove the allergic component, give an antihistamine drug - (Supratine, Tuegyl, Dimedrol), in the dosage, slightly exceeding the appropriate age.
    • Inhalation.

    On the benefits of inhalation

    With false croup your reliable assistant - inhaler

    If necessary, inhalation can be spent old «Dedovsky» In a way, T.E. Covering with head over a saucepan with hot (not boiling water) water. But this method is not enough for kids. During the attack, I took my son on my arms and worked in the bathroom.There I plugged the drain hole of the bath tube and allowed boiling water. In the dialing bath, I periodically slept soda «On the eye», and the baby was drunk by warm tea.

    It should be borne in mind that if your child happened once an attack, the likelihood of his repetition in the future is quite large (the disease is usually found to 5-6 years due to the physiological and anatomical features of the children's body). The most effective therapy is precisely the inhalation method, not only with false cereals and laryngitis, but also under a number of other broncho-pulmonary diseases and rhinosinusopathy.

    Inhalations have advantages over other ways of delivering drugs: First of all, it is the possibility of direct and rapid effects on the inflammation zone in mucous membranes. And secondly, in contrast to the reception of drugs inward, often causing allergic, toxic, metabolic and other disorders, drug aerosols act mainly locally, in a pathological focus, which reduces the amount of the drug, increase its efficiency and reduce the likelihood of complication of drug therapy. What diseases can be treated with inhalations? First of all, these are sharp respiratory diseases, accompanied by such symptoms as cough, dryness, allocate or sore throat, highlighting sputum. Another group of diseases in which inhalation are simply indispensable - chronic inflammatory respiratory processes, such as chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic pharyngitis.

    Modern inhalers: advantages and disadvantages

    Currently, three main types of inhalers are used in medical practice: steam, ultrasound and inkjet. The last two are combined by the term «Nebulaizers» from Latin word nebula - fog, cloud. They generate not a pair, but the stream of an aerosol consisting of microalized microalized solutions.
    • The action of steam inhalers is based on the effect of evaporation of the medicinal substance. In the hospital, I was told that hot steam inhalation is more effective, but this method has some drawbacks. First, I could not persuade my little child to inhale a shine of a hot couple, while in the process of persuasion he just burned his hand about the hot device; Secondly, when heated, part of the active medicinal substances inevitably collapses, thirdly, it is impossible to use hot inhalation at temperatures above 37.5. It is clear that only volators that have a boiling point below 100 degrees can be used in steam inhalers, most often - essential oils. This significantly narrows the spectrum of possible components for steam inhalation. But the greatest drawback of steam inhalers - in a low concentration of the inhaled substance. As a rule, it is below the threshold of therapeutic effects.
    • With false croup your reliable assistant - inhaler

    • Ultrasonic inhaler (ultrasound) is a device that allows spraying drugs in the form of a small aerosol, which inhalation penetrates the most hard-to-reach parts of the lungs. In the ultrasound inhaler, the splitting of the fluid is achieved by vibrating a metal plate. In this case, the particle size is reached up to 5 microns, which allows them to penetrate even into small bronchi, effectively affecting the inflammatory process. In addition, the surface of the inflamed mucous membrane of air conductive paths (including bronchiole) is at least 5 - 10 m2, and for effective therapeutic effects on it requires the volume of drugs at least 15 - 30 ml. Only an ultrasonic inhaler for 10 - 15 minutes of work is able to develop high performance and introduce into the respiratory tract to such a volume of the medicinal solution. For inhalations you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs, alkaline solutions of the type of degassed mineral water Borjomi, aqueous solutions of essential oils (with the operation of the device, a highly dispersed emulsion is created) - due to this, the inhaler can be used for aromatherapy, air humidification in the room. Little weight and size of the device provides additional convenience in use, moreover, some models have additional masks and nozzles that allow inhalation to a lying or sleeping patient. Since when working in the inhaler, a whole cloud of a cool fine liquid is created, similar to the smoke, the child does not necessarily keep the face directly from the mouthpiece, just put the inhaler by the bed or at the place where it plays (efficiency, naturally, is somewhat declining).
    • Compressor (inkjet) inhalers, in general, have a working characteristics similar from the ultrasound, but have a large size and mass, there is a characteristic noise. Inkjet nebulizers form an aerosol cloud using a compressor creating a fairly powerful air flow through a small hole in a chamber containing therapeutic solution. To unconditional advantage, it can be attributed to the fact that only this type of inhaler can spray almost all medicinal recipes used for inhalations. This type of inhalers belongs to the highest price category.

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