You have a contagious mollusk and you make a lot of effort trying to cure this attack? But as a result of treatment, rash does not pass, but on the contrary grow and takes a giant dimensions? Be careful - this situation may indicate the availability of HIV infection.
There are skin problems - check for AIDS
Features of the manifestation of contagious mollusk
Treatment of contagious mollusk
There are skin problems - check for AIDS
Skin diseases - frequent phenomenon at HIV-infected patients. During a survey of 100 typical outpatient patients, skin diseases were marked in 92 (92%). Skin diseases may also be the first manifestation of HIV infection and, in addition, to indicate its presence with its unusually acute start, atypical clinical picture and increased treatment resistance. Among other things, damage to the skin and mucous membranes may indicate the initial symptom of the system process, such as infection or neoplasmism in HIV-infected patients.
Features of the manifestation of contagious mollusk

Contantagious mollusk - infection caused by Poksovrus - is observed approximately 8 - 18% of patients with HIV symptoms and AIDS.
Although the lesions caused by the contagious molluste is usually a dome-shaped bodily color depressed in the center of Papula, they can also have an unusual look, hit the atypical places and capture a large area. In HIV infection, these lesions appear mainly on face, torso, in folds and on buttocks, as well as in the field of genitalia. Often there are lesions and at the bottom of the person, where their distribution is most likely to shave.
Lesions can be large (giant mollusk), resemble skin cancer, ordinary warts and keratoacants and merge. Sometimes the central defeat is surrounded by chronic dermatitis (Molluscum dermatitis). With the aggravation of immune disorders, the number of lesions increases, and they become diffuse. Disseminated cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis and infection caused by Penicillium Mameffei, resemble skin lesions caused by contagious mollusk.
Treatment of contagious mollusk
Treatment includes cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, curetzh, the use of trichloroacetic acid and tertinine, local means against warts, removal with laser. Treatment of widespread lesions with far-seated HIV infection is difficult due to their numerous and inclination for relapses.