How an allergic dermatitis is manifested

Human organism is unpredictable, it is not known how our skin will react to face cream, dishware cleaning or new product. Surprises in the form of a skin allergic reaction can be touched by anywhere: at home, at work or on a journey. Get rid of manifestations of allergic dermatitis is not difficult, you need to try to strengthen the immune system and no longer subjected the body with stress.

Allergic dermatitis, allergic, dermatitis, dermatology, skin diseases

Allergic dermatitis (diffuse neurodermit) can be manifested at any age, no one is insured from this, but most often people are subject to people with not strong immunity and children.

Often parents begin to be confused in diagnoses and do not know how to help your child. Mirceliers will help to understand this issue. Concepts «Allergic dermatitis», «allergy» and «atopic dermatitis» - it's almost the same. The cause of the organism rebellion (no matter, baby or adult) one - small red or pink rash appears on the skin, severe itching begins. Diseases can proceed in different ways, delivering a person of inconvenience.

Let's get acquainted with the character of a painful state to know how to get rid of unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Allergy Or allergic reaction of the body for food. The body can respond in its own way to different components of products. Symptoms of diseases are externally similar, as in allergic dermatitis, a person worries itching, redness and rash on the skin. The heavy form of food allergies is expressed in terrible symptoms that can be dangerous to human life: breathing difficulty, strong swelling, anaphylactic shock. Food allergies have one property if it «visited» a person at least once in his life, will forever remain her unchanged satellite. This is necessary to know and avoid the use of products causing such a reaction.
  2. Allergic dermatitis refers to one of the symptoms of allergies, which manifests itself in the form of redness, itching and rash. Suppose if after using the powder you have a reaction to the skin, there are rashes and itching, then this is allergic dermatitis. If these inflamed areas are constantly scratched, then this can be added to the blood infection.
  3. Atopic dermatitis manifests itself in the same way as allergic, only there are some differences. So, allergic dermatitis «visits» a person at any age, starting from birth and to deep old age, because if Allergen and sneak into your body, then it remains there. Atopic dermatitis appears only in small children, from birth to 2 years in the form of itching, rash and redness on the skin. If the treatment was adequate, then by 5 years you can forget about this unpleasant illness. It is important to choose the correct treatment tactics, since the launched form of atopic dermatitis will accompany the person all life, smoothly flowing into chronic. It is noteworthy that if the mother or dad child suffered this skin disease in childhood, then in 50 cases of 100, atopic dermatitis can also appear in the child. If in childhood both parents got over, then «Chances» Purples from crumbs increase by 80%.

What are the reasons for the appearance of ailment?

Allergic dermatitis, allergic, dermatitis, dermatology, skin diseases

Allergy may appear suddenly and a person is often difficult to understand, because of what such a reaction occurred. After contact with the allergen on the skin, the foci of redness appear first. It can be large or small stains of red or pink shade, which are quickly formed into small watery pimples. There are a lot of bubbles and when they start to burst, then at this place the skin constantly remains wet. After some time, crusts are formed on the surface.

If it is difficult to understand the cause of allergic dermatitis, it can be tried to calculate independently. Rashes appear on the place where there was a contact with an allergen. But it is not a regularity. The secondary hearth can already appear elsewhere, the area of ​​the defeat is already greater, the foci is large and are far from each other.

For example, you bought new shadows for the age of an unknown company. After the first contact with the skin on the face, several red spots appeared, after a while they disappeared, and the body continues to receive a new «Portion» Allergen - the focus of the defeat is already applied to the neck and shoulders, the person bothers a strong itch.

How to recognize allergen

An experienced doctor will easily give the correct diagnosis, given the detailed story of the patient and carefully examining the affected areas. Manifestations of allergic dermatitis proceed equally in many patients. If the conversations and inspection is not enough, then you need to make an allergic skin sample. The technique will help not only clarify the diagnosis, but also to know which allergen provoked a negative reaction of the body.

The diagnostic examination is as follows: solutions with frequently occurring allergens are gaining syringe, as a control fluid is the usual physical. A small amount of fluid is subcutaneously introduced, which can manifest itself a few days later. If there is a reaction to an allergen, which was introduced subcutaneously, then a red spot will appear on the spot, and swelling of the skin will appear. In the place where the injection was made by conventional saline, there will be no reaction.

Allergic dermatitis. How to treat

Allergic dermatitis, allergic, dermatitis, dermatology, skin diseases

Conduct the disease is not easy, sometimes sick are so exhausted by their condition that they are ready for everything, just to get rid of constant toide and unpleasant symptoms. The first rule - if you felt discomfort on the skin, and shortly before you had contact with a possible allergen (decoration or cosmetics), then you need to completely eliminate contact with these objects. If you got a new necklace, then remove it immediately. If, by the nature of your activity, you have to constantly face allergen (harmful production, etc.), then try to minimize contact with these substances, carry protection tools (gloves, mask, clothing). If you bought a new cream, do not hurry to apply it to the entire area of ​​the face immediately, first test the product on a small area of ​​the skin on your hand, if there are no redness for 24 hours, you can start using this tool. It also happens that after testing the drug, it causes allergic dermatitis, then you need to wash off the cream (or other cosmetics) as soon as possible, it's best to wash your baby soap and rinse a piece of water several times, and then wipe the skin with a soft towel.

If you know that from contact with chemical preparations (powders, etc.) or the use of allergenic products you have an allergic reaction in the form of rashes on the skin, then it is necessary to try to exclude contact with allergens. By the way, when reactions to Nickel do not forget that in small doses, this substance is also contained in products: oatmeal, wheat, cocoa, seeds, etc.

First assistance in the occurrence of allergic dermatitis - the reception of medicinal antihistamine drugs. It is best to buy a new generation medicine that do not cause drowsiness and do not interfere with the usual way of life. These include Erius, Zoda, etc. From Supratina, Diazolin and Dimedrol, it is better to refuse, despite the attractive price - these preparations of the previous generation have many side effects, cause dizziness, Sleepiness, violate coordination, reduce attention concentration.

Folk remedies

Allergic dermatitis, allergic, dermatitis, dermatology, skin diseases

You can get rid of the illness with the help of folk treatment methods, if you do not have a negative reaction to these components.

Help to overcome the disease will help these folk recipes:

  1. Herbal collection from a series, red viburnum, chamomile and black currant. Each component you need to take 1 h. L., Ground root naked licorice - 2 h. L. Blend to pour hot water, and then put on a water bath. After 15 minutes, the infusion is removed, insist for 1 hour, then filter. Take a quarter of a glass up to 4 times a day.
  2. We make a healing ointment: take sea buckthorn oil (2 h. L.) and mix with 50 g of any grape fat. You can even take a children's cream. Lubricate the affected areas several times a day.
  3. Summies from the infusion of nine. Take the crushed roots of the plant (half-table), with hot water (3 glasses), insist for 3 hours, fix and apply a soft fabric or gauze compress to the patient, moistened in a decoction for 15 minutes.
  4. We accept herbal baths from the collection of nettles and medicinal valerians (2 st. L.), souls (1 st. L.), chamomile and flowers Vasilka (3 st. L.). Pour all herbs with hot water, insist 2 hours, after which they are filtering and adding to water. Take such a bath better at night no more than 15 minutes.

If you comply with all the recommendations and do not forget about the prevention, you can avoid the appearance of allergic dermatitis. be healthy!

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