Treatment of cluster headache

In the hierarchy of headaches, cluster, or a beam headache is considered the most painful and serious. The person who faced such a problem is so powerful pain that seriously may think about suicide, only to get rid of this torture.

As experts explain, the high intensity of the cluster headache is due to the location of pain points in the places of the adaptation of the brain tissues to the skull bone. The attack begins suddenly, and the soreness of sensations increases in a few moments.

What does a classic attack of cluster pain

Headache, Pressure, Cluster Headache, Migraine, Nervous Diseases

The main feature of such alert - seriality of development. Pain can attack a person several times a day for weeks, months and even years. The duration of the attack may be limited to a few minutes, and in particularly severe cases it is stretched for several hours.

Pain «splits» The victim's head spontaneously. During an attack, the person can hurt the eyeballs and earning ear. The skerel of the eyes is flooded with blood, the eyes will wet, breathing through the nose is much difficult, the face is blushing, throws in sweat. In some cases, there is a strong edema of the eyelids that can fall down. At this time, the pupil is narrowed, and visual acuity is temporarily reduced. Pulse with so strong headache sharply more. The frequency of attacks increases in spring and autumn.

General information on cluster headaches

The pain of this nature is radically different from migraine. We list its specific features:

  • first manifest after 20 years;
  • The attack starts suddenly, without any preceding signs;
  • anticipate the beginning of the attack is not real;
  • The pain is unbearably strong;
  • The frequency of attacks is the most diverse;
  • On average, a day can happen to 2-3 attacks, sometimes their number increases to 10;
  • By time, the beginning of different attacks may coincide;
  • After the completion of the attack period, the patient may forget about them for several years;
  • Men become victims of cluster pain 6 times more often than fair sex;
  • Most often, pain during an attack covers one part of the person, and in 15% of cases it applies to everything.

Causes of cluster pain

Headache, Pressure, Cluster Headache, Migraine, Nervous Diseases

Our site believes that the frequency and strength of the attacks of cluster pain can be reduced to some extent, if you protect yourself from the following bad habits and states:

  • active and passive smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • Narcotics;
  • Stress I depression;
  • constant consumption of foods containing additives and preservatives;
  • high body temperature.

Alternative medicine to remove an attack

To find the most effective method of combating cluster pain, most likely need, not one month. People suffering from attacks of cluster pain, by samples and errors created a list of the most effective products for this, and we share them with our readers:

  1. Cayenne pepper. Incredibly acute spice add to various anesthetics. Rubbing such ointments in whiskey will help gradually eliminate strong pain.
  2. Turmeric. Has a pronounced sedative effect. Spice can be added to the food to taste without any restrictions.
  3. Walnuts. All over the world are recognized effective Antioxidant. The natural agent helps to increase immunity, improves the composition of the blood and normalizes circulation. In preventive purposes, 2-3 nuclei eaten every other day.

Psychological struggle with pain

Headache, Pressure, Cluster Headache, Migraine, Nervous Diseases

Some scientists tend to believe that all physical diseases are a continuation of psychological problems, and therefore they advise first of all to treat the body, but the soul. How can this be applied to the situation with the attacks of cluster pain?

In order to reduce the number of painful disease attacks, you need to stop afraid and live, not expecting the start of the attack every minute. Imaging generates devastating energy, and faith and hope for the best - creative. Taking into account the pain of the seizures of cluster pain, it is very difficult to resist afloat and not despair, however, the choice of the patient is always. Lower the hands or resistant to resist the disease - exceptionally personal position of the patient.

To increase confidence, it is important to comply with the set of rules, thanks to which there is a feeling of complete control of their health and life in general. Under the rules, we mean preventive measures that may reduce the risk of developing the next attack:

  • strict day of the day with clear alternation of work and rest;
  • Full night sleep;
  • Daily walking in the fresh air;
  • Healthy diet;
  • rejection of black coffee and strong tea;
  • Regular sports.

A few words finally

Headache, Pressure, Cluster Headache, Migraine, Nervous Diseases

If you have had your own experience to find out what a strong headache is taken into account:

  1. With frequently repetitive painful bolt attacks immediately consult a doctor to go through the necessary diagnostic procedures and establish the cause of the development of pathology.
  2. Passing a course of treatment, all the recommendations of the doctor must be accomplished responsibly and strictly.
  3. If your profession involves working with hazardous substances, take care of individual protection measures. In addition, there should be high-quality and healthy food daily to appear daily (in particular ferocular products), which will contribute to the rapid removal of harmful compounds from the body.
  4. Take care of all chronic diseases that are in the history of your diseases. Remember that each of them may somehow influence the development of strong headaches.
  5. Never postpone health problems up to better times. The human body is able to make a long sentence for a long time, while once the inner rod will never break it irrevocably. Treat your own body with respect and attention, because, ultimately, only depends on you, can you put in order health or not.

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