Discinesia: what you need to know

When we talk about the diseases of the gallbladder, the most often a gall-eyed disease is coming for memory or, for example, cholecystitis. However, often gravity in the right side, pain after a rich feast or, for example, a sharp change of power change is caused by a different reason - dyskinesia of biliary tract.

According to statistics, women face disconesia more often than men. Among women, this dysfunction is found in almost 21% of cases of appeal to the gastroenterologist, and among men - less than 8% of cases. Otherwise, the violation of the work of the biliary tract is noted at any age - it is found in both children and the elderly patients, but most often suffer from pain in the right side of people of young and middle age. This is usually true «Wanthen» High stress level and incorrect power. By the way, this age group is also extremely reluctant to appeal to doctors, preferring to endure discomfort or ask a drug in a pharmacy for treatment «stomach ache». It is clear that the pharmacist is not a diagnostic and it is difficult for him to make a reason to determine the cause of pain and advise the desired drug. Especially since the problem is a complex and alone drug therapy can not do.

Discinesia - what is it?

Discower, liver disease, bile stars, abdominal organs, digestion

Immediately determine what kind of diskinesia. This disorder is the function of biliary tract, in which their motor skills are disturbed. The liver produces bile. Bile plays an important role in the process of digestion, because it is necessary for normal peristalistic and the processing of fats. During the day, the body allocates up to 2 liters of bile, but it is not required in non-stop mode, but only in cases when we take food. That bile that is currently not in demand for digesting food, accumulates in the bustling bubble. When cutting the gallbladder, bile enters the lumen of the duodenum.

On the proper operation of the biliary tract affects the power mode and the quality of the food received, as well as the state of the nervous system. Violating the complex process of burning bile can a lot, ranging from unbalanced diets, ending with chronic stress. Diseases of the digestive organs as a cause of diskinesia is less common than an independent form of this unpleasant ailment.

Dyskinesia form: hypertensive

Dyskinesia biliary tracts can be hypertensive and hypotonic. Already from the name it is clear that with hypertensive dyskinesia, the production of bile is very active - the gallbladder is reduced sharply and quickly, which is accompanied by a spasm. Due to spasms, bile can not go into the intestinal clearance in the required volume. The person feels riding and sharp pain in the right hypochondrium. Pains can be given to the blade, in the back, the clavicle and so on. The attack of such a bile colic lasts minutes 20-30 or more.

Understand that pain in the field of liver provoked precisely by the hyperfunction of the gallbladder is not difficult. Such pain appear:

  • After taking oily / acute food or alcohol;
  • at night after a dense dinner;
  • On days menses In women, due to increasing the tone of the gallbladder.

Pains are often accompanied by a feeling of nausea or even vomiting. During the attack, many complain about tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), feeling «Drinking» In the right hypochondrium, the feeling of heat («throws in sweat»).

Important remark. If the pains do not weaken, wear «Kinjal» Character and you can't accurately determine where it hurts, you should call «ambulance», To eliminate the likelihood of an attack Appendicitis.

Dyskinesia form: hypotonic

Bile stars, i.e. hypotonic dyskinesia, is not accompanied by severe pain, although discomfort in the liver area is present and is very long in time. It is sick with this form of disconesia less, however there are other problems - chair disorders (constipation and diarrhea, which can be replaced by each other), bitter belt, bloated belly. With the stitching bile, digestive processes deteriorate.

What and how to treat diskinesia

Discower, liver disease, bile stars, abdominal organs, digestion

Dyskinesia itself does not cause pathological changes in the internal organs, but this pathological condition is preceded by the development of bile-media disease, recurrence of existing diseases of digestive organs.

Disconesia should not drink painkillers! They affect the center of pain in the brain, but the cause of discomfort lies in the spa. Consequently, more benefits will bring antispasmodics - they do not stop pain, but remove muscle tension. The muscles of the gallbladder relaxes, and the pain is running.

In case of problems with biliary ways, of course, it is worth passing a survey at the gastroenterologist - the doctor will determine the form of diskinesia and selects therapy.

With hypertensive form (active gallbladder), it is ever important to comply with the correct power mode. With the appearance of pain, it is necessary to try whether to provide yourself with a calm regime - not to be nervous, not overvolt, because emotional discomfort plays a big role in this case. It should be abandoned by oily food, broths (you can only vegetable, but without spices), alcohol and eggs. Contraindicated carbonated drinks. Allowed to eat porridge, liquid food with a minimum seasoning, crackers (simple white or black bread without salt and seasonings), fruit. The fat will be food during this period, the better. You can not allow long interruptions between meals, it is impossible to compose - eat often, but gradually.

To remove pain syndrome, you can take «But-shp» or «Duspatalyn». Herbal fees based on dandelion, shepherd bags, rosehip will become a good choice. True, you can apply them with one reservation. If the tone of the gallbladder is still elevated, then the gilent herbs can not be applied, because bile due to spasm it cannot freely go into the lumen of the duodenum. Choleretic fees while maintaining pain in the right hypochondrium should be taken very carefully and only in the complex with spasmolitics.

As for the stagnation of bile, the treatment regimen is the following. Since this form of disconesia occurs mainly in people leading a sedentary lifestyle, it is worthwhile to revise something in their routine of the day and start to pay at least the minimum time of motor activity. Showing choleretic - you can safely include in the diet on a teaspoon of vegetable oil up to three times a day (take to meals), there are products with bran. Very useful such vegetables like pumpkin and carrots. Raw beet salads, sauerkraut, carrots, pumpkins, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil, will have a beneficial effect on intestinal peristalsis.

To eliminate the stagnation of bile, you can take «Alloholl», «Lyubin» etc.

Dear MirSet readers, remember that the dyskinesia of biliary tract, despite all the discomfort, which it delivers can be easily adjusted by the power mode and the stabilization of the emotional state.

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