Treatment of prostatitis

Prostatitis is a rather frequent disease that is disturbing men by age from 25 years and more. According to statistics about half of the male population at middle age, have a chronic form of prostatitis. In this article, our site would like to familiarize you with this question, told about the possible causes and prostatitis treatment.

Treatment of prostatitis
Prostatitis is a rather frequent disease that is disturbing men by age from 25 years and more. According to statistics about half of the male population at middle age, have a chronic form of prostatitis. What is the reason? The reason lies, first of all, in fear of one word in fear - «prostatitis». Even noticing the symptoms, the man most often delays a visit to the doctor. Thus, complicating his illness, translating it into a chronic form, with which it is much more difficult to deal with. So what is prostatitis from a scientific point of view?

Prostatitis is an inflammatory process that proceeds in the prostate gland. This refers to a sharp inflammatory process, which in a short time turns into chronic. Inflamed prostate gland fabrics can change its structure, disturbed cell functions and tissues, which may entail more serious consequences. That is why it is so important to notice the symptoms (such as painful or rapid urination, pain at the bottom of the abdomen) and consult a doctor.

In this article, our site would like to familiarize you with this question, told about the possible causes and prostatitis treatment.

Causes of prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis

  1. In 30% of men, the cause of prostatitis are sexually transmitted infections. These include, above all: chlamydia, herpes virus, candidate mushroom, cytomegalovirus, mycoplasmids, intestinal wand, gonococci and trichomonades.
  2. Among the most frequent causes of prostatitis - the injection of infections from the urethra, according to the lymphatic system or blood vessels, the development of inflammation due to the disease of the internal organs.
  3. The cause may also serve as purulent formations in the body after the suffering diseases: influenza, sore throat, furunculs of the skin.
  4. Blood stagnation in the prostate gland can also lead to its inflammation. This happens as a result of a long sexual abstinence, or - a sedentary lifestyle, which is currently the most relevant cause of prostatitis.
  5. Inflammation can also occur as a result of long and persistent supercooling, and also, not an unavailable reason are stress.

Treatment of prostatitis

Prostatitis treatment includes a whole range of events - consecutive and accompany each other
Prostatitis treatment includes a whole range of events - consecutive and accompany each other. Qualitatively, correctly and correctly selected technique will allow to get rid of prostatitis, and, most importantly, does not harm the male function of the body.

The causes of the emergence of prostatitis are usually somewhat, therefore, its treatment must be complex. The main treatment consists of two factors, it is, above all, the elimination of infection, with infectious forms of the disease, and improving the blood supply to the prostate gland.

1 stage of treatment: Passing the survey to accurately establish the causes of the development of prostatitis, as well as find out how launched the process of inflammation of the prostate gland. This stage is most important, as it makes it possible to accurately choose drugs, the necessary antibiotics, and the impact methods.

2 Stage of treatment: Reception of antibacterial agents that will eliminate the main cause of the inflammatory process. Antibiotics are most often applied: erythromycin, rulid, abaltal, ciprofloxalin.

The most important is the selection of painkillers and antispasmodic agents that influence the health of the patient, it helps to reduce stress and not pleasant sensations. As such drugs use anesthetizing candles, magrarous brave microclides: chamomiles, Melissa.

One of the components of treatment is the reception of phytosborns: dill seeds, Valerian, mother-in-law, marks and many others, antispasmodic and sedative herbs.

3 Stage of Treatment: Physiotherapeutic Methods - Electrophoresis, Magnetophoresis, Industothermia, Pulse currents, Laser therapy. Apply the place of the procedure to the affected organ allow the following methods of exposure to: a transteroral, endocental, transrectal and projection - these methods are important, since physiotherapy can pass it useless without them.

4 Stage of Treatment: Local treatment of prostatitis using prostate massage. It allows you to improve blood supply, thereby increasing the muscular tone and allowing antibiotics to penetrate inside. Thus, the treatment of prostatitis is simply impossible without it - the penetrating ability of the cell is increasing, antibiotics penetrate, the cause of the disease is eliminated.

Prostate gland massage The most painful and humiliating procedure, but it is necessary, first of all. Massage follows with full bladder bubble within a minute, after 1 day. Strokes and pressure on prostate gland, In this case, the patient should not have severe pain.

5 Stage of Treatment: immunocoregrating and soaring therapy allowing you to restore the body and prevent further manifestation of the disease. At this stage, minerals are applied, Polyvitamins, Immunity substances. We also need to receive sedatives, and if necessary, light sleeping equipment.

As can be seen, treatment of prostatitis is difficult, long and unpleasant process. But if it happened to you, it is possible and you need to overcome. Our site recommends not to postpone the visit to the doctor, not falling into depression, and so no more complex on this issue - it can happen to every man. The main thing is that it is heal!

Folk treatments for prostatitis

Folk treatments for prostatitis
Let's start with the fact that the folk remedies for treatment of prostatitis are often not inferior to the methods of modern medicine, and allow you to improve the patient's condition in a few days of use.

Still ancient character trees treated most male diseases of pumpkin seeds. This is the most valuable product for all men who will allow not only to be treated, but also to prevent the appearance of prostatitis. This is explained by the fact that in the pumpkin seeds contain a huge amount of zinc, which is indispensable for the male body and is necessary since birth. You just need to eat about 30 seeds a day before meals, to fill the daily share of zinc, so the necessary male organism.

One of the folk treatments for the treatment of prostatitis is asparagus. It contains vitamin A, in addition, rich in potassium, calcium and phosphorus. It must be simply eaten into food, including dishes and salads.

In proven time, the People's Treatment in the treatment of prostatitis is considered and propolis. It from ancient times used to treat prostatitis, relieving the symptoms of this disease. It has the strongest anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect and will not be replaced in comprehensive therapy.

As can be seen, for the prevention of prostatitis requires quite a bit. It is necessary to include parsley, oranges, cabbage in its diet, and in general, most cruciferous, as they have excellent anti-inflammatory properties, strawberries, as well as more products from coarse flour. Important in the prevention of prostatitis is to exclude as much risk factors as possible: observe the diet, not to use alcohol, it is especially important not to transfer and conduct a permanent sex life, as it prevents the stagnation of sperm and improves the blood supply to the prostate gland, as a result, the risk of inflammatory processes is significantly reduced.

As can be seen, there is always a way out - to prevent the disease, elementary precautions are needed;. Even inclusion in the diet of the above-mentioned products by 50% will reduce the appearance of prostatitis. If it happened to you, it is not necessary to despair, prostatitis is treated, and thanks to modern methods of treatment, all the functions of the male body are preserved.

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