Prevention of kidney disease

Kidney - Power Filter. They deal with all toxins, microbes, infections that fall into the body. If the liver all harmful substances decomposes, then the kidneys are then filtered out of blood and remove. Everyone knows that at the slightest disease, urine analysis must be prescribed - it is very easy for it to determine the condition of the whole organism.

Of course, in the human body, in principle there are no unimportant organs. However, the kidney significance should be said especially. Kidney is, first of all, the most powerful filter. They deal with all toxins, microbes, infections that fall into the body. If the liver all harmful substances decomposes, then the kidneys are then filtered out of blood and remove. Everyone knows that at the slightest disease, urine analysis must be prescribed - it is very easy for it to determine the condition of the whole organism.

Work kidney

The kidneys repeatedly pump through itself all our blood (per minute - about 1 liter), selecting decomposition products, toxins and slags, killed and not completely killed microbes, and together with Plasma blood Send this solution on ureters on, to the bladder, from where they are withdrawn by all in a famous way. Getting into ureters, toxins, infection and decay products can not get back to the kidneys - the road overlaps the valve, which should only be opened in one direction.

During the day through the kidneys, there are more than two hundred liters of blood, and from dirty and stuck it turns into a clean and newly ready for the washing of each cell of our body.

In order to resist microbes, bring infections and toxins, kidneys must have a huge margin of safety and strength. It is not by chance that a person has two kidneys: if something happens with one, the second is ready to fully take on all load.

Kidneys do not like negligent health. How often we do not pay attention to the light drafts, on the habitat and carious teeth, carry a light cold on the legs and allow themselves to sit on the cold? But it is the kidney at that time fighting with all the infection, filtering the products of various pathogens of microorganisms.

It is not surprising that sometimes they do not cope, and then after a cariesis or a light cold may appear weak pulling back pain, the feeling of stagnation in it in the morning after awakening, low (subfebrile) temperature at the end of a hard day. Soon, everything comes to normal, a man on the weekend slept and rested, drank some fashionable aspirine, he again awesome and jumps like a grasshopper, but he did not know that someone extraneous was settled in his kidneys. And this Bacillus is not just waiting for a suitable moment to attack again, but also worsens the work of the kidneys. It is very multiplied by itself, and helps to penetrate the kidney ascending infections from the excretory ways by violating the operation of the valves of the ureters, which are now not covered so tightly as they should.

Kidney diseases begin so imperceptibly and gently that they are often beginning to treat them after entering the chronic phase. Not surprisingly, a variety of Diseases kidneys are found in children, and in adults, although women are still more often than in men. This is due to the structure of the body: the paths by which in the kidneys can get infection, shorter and wider.

As part of this article, our site will tell how to continue the power and health of this wonderful natural filter, without which a person cannot live? That they do not like and what our kidneys fear and that, on the contrary, it is useful for them and nice?

What is harmful to kidney?

Prevention of kidney disease
Incorrect nutrition - And this is a very widespread concept. So, the kidneys do not like excess protein and alcohol, sugar and salt, stupid and unhealthy food. Talk more details.

Kidneys do not like meat - especially if you eat it too much. Protein does not accumulate in the body, as, for example, and, unfortunately, fats. Therefore, all the extra proteins and the products of its decay should be derived - of course, through the kidneys, which increases the load on them. If the kidneys do not cope with all this load, urachants may form in them.

It is according to the reasons for the kidneys that are harmful and such fashionable protein diets are harmful and such fashionable, which are completely not balanced and can cause a violation of protein exchange. Each kidney is placed in a special fat capsule - there it is warm, gently and safe. Fat layer protects the kidneys from shocks and cold, supports them in a natural position. That is why the kidneys are harmful slimming.

Diets that burn out of the body fat are essentially angry the kidneys, deprive them. As a result, the kidneys receive a double blow: on the one hand, they must filter blood with a disturbed balance, output the decomposition of excess protein, and on the other - to work in extremely unfavorable conditions, almost naked in the cold.

The kidneys do not like alcohol abuse, including weak alcoholic beverages like beer and all sorts of cocktails. The body should not only decompose alcohol into the components and withdraw it (and this happens through the kidneys). In addition, alcohol dehydrates the body. Through the kidneys first passes the triple volume of fluid - the body gives all the existing moisture in order to remove alcohol rather, and then it comes to its disadvantage, the blood is thick, and it becomes much harder to filter it. And the filters who? That's right, kidneys!

Abuse is too sweet or too salted food violates the body of a water-salt balance. At the same time, note that the full rejection of salt (as well as the abuse of it) leads to renal failure. Man Salt must use in reasonable quantities. And these reasonable quantities are about three times less than our usual day dose. We forget that salt is in many products, even in sweets. Understand food - you will quickly get used and better feel her taste. Of course, if your taste receptors are not yet finally amazed by strong alcoholic beverages and too hot and sharp food.

Overflowing bladder and constipation. If a person drinks a normal amount of fluid, he must experience the need to empty the bladder 4-6 times a day. If you do it less often, it is worth thinking about whether you drink enough. At the same time, it is not necessary to tolerate to the last: when the bladder is crowded with a bladder, part of the liquid can throw over the ureters again into the kidneys, and this is unnatural and harmful to them.

As for the constipation, they are accompanied by the poisoning of the body with decay products. Heavy breathing, and fatigue, and poor skin condition. Instead of output, harmful substances continue to be absorbed into the intestines and circulate in the blood, again and again passing through the kidneys. If the kidneys, if necessary, can work for each other, then filter also the poisons formed in the intestine, they are not under.

Cold, fatigue and unrealized diseases. Our site has already spoken about the danger of supercooling - it can imperceptibly cause chronic kidney damage. By the way, with too strong heat and too much sweating, the kidney also has to be not easy, especially if the body lacks moisture: in this case, the water-salt balance is disturbed, the thick blood is unparalleled and the internal organs are generally blocked.

Fatigue and overwork, disproportionate physical and moral loads significantly weaken the organism resistance and its immunity. As a result, a variety of small and large infection, occasionally in the body, for example, through the respiratory system, does not meet the resistance and kidney reaches the kidney. If, at the same time, it discovers that in the kidney has long been bored without a case «colleague», together they can make many great for themselves, but extremely dangerous to the body of cases.

Well, unrealized diseases, including banal caries, are simply a permanent supplier in the blood of poisons, toxins and bacilli. Filter them again has to koke.

And what is useful?

What you can help the kidneys? How can I extend their health and increase strength? Actually, perform all useful tips not only useful, but also nice. Our site is happy to recommend you.

Sports, Dancing and Movement. Kidney love traffic. With sedentary work, in the area of ​​the belt, the fat is postponed, the flexibility of the spine is disturbed, stagnation of blood. At the same time, any slopes from side to side, twists, the movements of the thighs characteristic of dance, accelerate blood flow, improve the mood, make breathing deeper, and life - more fun. Note that severe physical work when the body does not have time to recover, does not apply to useful factors.

Tasty useful food is useful for kidneys
Delicious useful meal. What is included here? These are fruits and vegetables, fresh greens - parsley, dill, celery. Favorite kidding products include rosehip, strawberries and strawberry infants, cucumbers and pumpkin. Kidneys adore sea fish and sweet pepper, vitamin A, apples, cabbage and, of course, watermelons and melons, like all a little diuretic. It turns out that watermelon juice will first find our body, saturates its moisture, dilutes blood, and then drives off the unconcentrated solutions of harmful substances with which our filters are easily and quickly spread.

In order to help the kidneys, especially if they are not quite healthy, limit the consumption of fermented waste cottage cheese and cheese, meat, chocolate and high-calcium products and vitamin C.

Abundant drink. Well, here, of course, you need to know the norm - although few of this norm exceeds, but it amounts to 2 and a half liters of fluid per day (depending on the size of the body, of course). This rate includes the liquid that is contained in food. Abundance of moisture makes our body non-microgenic for bacteria. You just imagine how they are washed out with a powerful stream of water, not so much to fix it anywhere.

Coffee and strong black tea as such a liquid fit not very, but various herbal infusions, green tea, compotes, high-quality (!) drinking water - all this helps our kidneys. Very useful for them is a cranberry morse for them thanks to a special acid, which quickly straightens with the most different bacteria. But with minerals it is necessary to be careful: mineral water is still, above all, the physiotherapeutic method of treatment, and it is necessary to drink it in medical testimony, and not with ordinary thirst.

By the way, about the thirst: if you feel the feeling of thirst, it means that your body is already shouting, yells, yelling that he lacks moisture. Do not bring before this, drink a little bit, but often. Here is the same principle as with the emptying of the bladder: do not tolerate.

Paradoxically, there can sometimes be a lack of fluid in the body sometimes testify: moisture is missing, and our body begins to accumulate and save. In turn, non-physiological economical expenditure of fluid leads to the fact that blood and urine becomes more concentrated. That thick blood is difficult to filter, it has already been said, but the concentrated urine can lead to the deposition of stones in the bladder.

Dry warmth. Kidneys adore dry heat in combination with abundant drink. Sauna - the best friend of the kidneys. Part of the harmful substances, which in normal conditions would be filtered through the kidneys, stand out from then, and as a result, the burdens on the kidney decreases. Well, the blood vessels are expanding in warmth, and the kidneys begin to be abundantly supplied with blood.

Special pose. Favorite pose of kidneys - knee-elbow (on all fours, leaning on knees and elbows). If you are so standing at least five minutes a day, the kidneys will tell you a lot thank you. In this posture, the kidney is resting, evenly supplied with blood and oxygen, freely sag on additional ligaments. In renal Pacifics in the back such a posture I want to take instinctively, but this does not mean that you should wait for pain in the back to make the kidneys nice.

Alternative medicine

Prevention of kidney disease
Aromas. For a long time for the treatment of certain diseases and maintaining the protective forces of the body, a person uses essential oils. Geranium Lowering pressure, Pine and Eucalyptus are successfully fighting with a cold, basil removes Toothpick... Well, for kidneys, buy Bergamot and Patchouli oil in the pharmacy.

Lightweight massage of the lower back area with 6-8 drops of oil Patchouli will help the kidneys to cope with inflammation, and seating baths with bergamot (3-5 drops of oil) will reassure spasms and pain when cystit.

Spicy. For the improvement of the kidneys, the removal of inflammation in them can be used and spices - juniper berries. Two or three berries can be missed in powder and take 15 minutes before meals. Medicinal influence possesses both alcohol infusion of juniper berries - juniper vodka, or gin. As Hippocrat said, everything is medicine, and everything is poison - a matter of dose. Dosage Dose Gina without any tonic does not exceed 15-20 grams.

Tibetan sages consider juniper synchronous with kidneys in the information structure, it will definitely stretches to them and helps them work. At the same time, if you completely climb into the Debresions of Ayurveda, you can use juniper berries together with trop substances that enhance its action in a certain direction.

For example, the pound juniper berries, taken with sugar syrup or molasses, will help the kidneys to perform their hematopoietic and blood complimentary function, and if the juniper is mixed with parsley seeds and honey, it will help dissolve kidney stones.

At the same time, depending on the season, the proportions of the composition are changing: in the summer it should be more «Cool» and contain more additional substances than juniper, and in the winter, on the contrary, you can add pepper there to make the medicine more «warm».

The use of such seasonings and mixtures is a fascinating case, but this method should be applied with caution.

Exercises. Very helpful for kidney stretching back - all known simple exercise. Take it on the floor, pull the legs forward, do not bend the knees, stretch your hands to the fingers of the legs, at the same time do not a hubbime, and we try to touch the knees. Hold in this post at least 5 seconds, take a break 5 seconds and repeat the exercise again. Gradually bring time up to 10 minutes.

It does not work immediately - it will turn out in a week or two. It does not work at all - try in turn only for the right hand and legs, and then - only for the left.

This exercise is called differently: tilting forward sitting - in conventional physical education, «Long spin» - In Wushu, Paleshnasan - in yoga. However, as it is none called, it is enough good for kidney, but also for spleen, liver and stomach.

Emotions. In accordance with the Taoist tradition with each body, certain emotions are associated - positive and negative. So, the kidney inhabitants became, on the one hand, fear, and on the other - tenderness and trust. Fear is negative emotion that oppresses the activities of the kidneys and destroys them. There is also feedback: a person with patients with kidney more than the rest are inclined to experience various fears.

The tenderness and trust, on the contrary, help the kidneys work, and this connection also works in both directions: the more healthier in the man's kidney, the easier for it to experience these emotions, and on the other hand, if with kidney diseases consciously cultivate confidence and tenderness, recovery will come much faster.

Daists offer to blow out fears from themselves, representing a blue color - the color of the kidneys and making such a sound, as if you bloom the candle or blow on an burned finger. Imagine how excessive raw and cool energy goes with this sound.

The importance of good work of the kidneys was noted by the ancient Greeks, who said that a person is healthy, only if his kidney is healthy. According to the traditions of Eastern Medicine, the kidneys are responsible for fertilization and pregnancy, the reproductive function of man, its life and sexual energy. With the direct participation of the kidneys in the body, liquids are formed and circulated (saliva, sweat, mucus, spinal fluid, plasma and t. D.). With insufficient work of the kidneys, Eastern Medicine notes a worsening of vision and hearing, and healthy kidneys are the source of active intellectual and creative activity.

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