Child's teeth care


  • How to clean your teeth
  • We clean your teeth themselves
  • Toothpaste
  • Hike to a dentist
  • Prevention of caries

  • Many mothers believe that while the child has little teeth and they are milk, they are completely optional to clean them. However, this is not so! In young children, the protective properties of the enamel of the teeth are reduced in the presence of provoking factors (use of saham-containing products, not observance of oral hygiene) This may lead to the development of caries. In addition, at night, kids decreases salivation, the response in the oral cavity becomes more acidic, which predisposes to damage the enamel of the teeth - the development of caries. In this regard, it is very important to exclude from the diet of evening and night feeding all the saham-containing products and acidic juices, since there will not be sufficient neutralization of the acid resulting from the consumption of sugar bacteria of the oral cavity. As a result, the prerequisites for the speedy development of caries are created.

    How to clean your teeth

    At first, instead of a toothbrush, you can use a piece of gauze. The surface of the tooth must be wiped carefully, not touching the gentle gums of the kid. Toothpaste at this stage is not required. Child comfortable to put on his knees, back to yourself.

    You can purchase a special silicone toothbrush - an attack.

    As the child grows and the increase in the area of ​​the chewing surface of its teeth can already be moved to a soft children's toothbrush. She should have an attractive shape and bright color to make the process more fun and pleasant.

    We clean your teeth themselves

    By two years, the baby should already be able to clean his teeth independently - naturally under your supervision. Follow this procedure and control the quality of cleaning must be up to 6-7 years. Teaching a child to brush his teeth, you need to focus on the age of the baby: in 2 years the child independently cleans the front surface of the teeth, from 4 years old - side, and from 6 - already internal surfaces. Such stepwise learning is associated with the development of children's motility.

    Child's teeth careIt is very important to teach the child to the right teeth cleaning technique, since the integrity of the enamel and the state of the gum depends on it. The brush must be kept at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface of the tooth, and clean - gently, not pressing; Each surface of 10-15 motions (top-down, from gums to the edge of the tooth). When cleaning the front teeth, the brush should be kept at right angles, moving smoothly up and down. At the end, you can make a light massage of the upper and lower gums, while performing circular movements with a brush, slightly and not pressing.

    The whole process of cleaning the teeth of young children should take at least 3 minutes. In the bathroom you can start hourglass, which will help to navigate the time of cleaning and parents, and in the future children.

    Like an adult, baby needs to be brushing my teeth at least 2 times a day! In the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bedtime. At this age, children are happy to imitate adults, and the ritual of the morning and evening cleaning of the teeth is easily fixed.

    It is advisable to teach a child to always brush your teeth after meals (or at least rinse your mouth). Can be explained to the baby than threatening «Carious monsters», and turn the procedure to fight them.


    By purchasing a children's toothpaste, note that the label is the corresponding inscription. Children's pastes are specifically developed taking into account the fact that the child will swallow some amount (usually up to 30%) and it will not harm it. In addition, the paste, as a rule, contains fluorides - they strengthen the dental enamel. Another feature of children's pastes is lower abrasiveness (small graininess), clean the teeth more soft. Toothpaste should be used to use when the teeth at the baby have already completely cut down and are clearly visible above the surface of the gums (usually this period after 1 - 1.5 years).

    Hike to a dentist

    Take a rule every six months to make preventive trips to the doctor, even if the child has no complaints. This is necessary because the caries in the milk teeth progresses very quickly, and in a short time, purulent-inflammatory complications arise that affect the primitives of permanent teeth!

    Child's teeth careThe first visit to the dentist should coincide with the first birthday of the child. Fortunately, the techniques used in modern children's dentistry make it possible to not injure the psyche of the child, even the treatment of caries in many clinics is carried out without born. There are special gels that are entered into carious cavity and soften the tooth affected by caries. After that, the doctor with special tools removes softened tissues, processes the cavity by antiseptic solutions and puts the seal.

    Especially carefully needed to monitor the condition of the chub-jewish system of the child, when milk teeth change to constant, that is, from 5-7 to 12-14 years. During this period, the child may have problems with bite. In this case, it is necessary to obtain a consultation of the children's orthodontist to determine the strategy and tactics in solving emerging problems. Timely appeal to the children's orthodontist will save both time and money, as well as to avoid the emergence of psychological complexes in a child.

    Prevention of caries

    Kids better limit the admission of sweet, because the constant presence of sugar in the oral cavity stimulates the reproduction of microbes and leads to an increase in acidity. Do not take a child to lollipops and candy. This fully applies to the flour products - cookies, cakes; their remnants due to their viscosity are last preserved on the teeth. Optimally, when after each meal, the child clears the oral cavity (at least chewing gum without sugar).

    Children at any age need to eat more raw vegetables and fruits (carrots, cabbage, apples, pears), which contributes to the correct development of the chewing apparatus.

    Regular observation at the dentist, full nutrition, the right cavity care will help save healthy and strong teeth of your child, and his smile is beautiful!

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