Who are feminists


  • Feminists. Who are they?
  • From the history of feminism

  • Feminists. Who are they?

    When the feminists remember what the first associations? Woman,
    which lacks good... Man? Fat, ugly, evil
    Hubbearing? Or not even a woman, but ... something, «it», what
    completely refused to?

    So, before
    hang labels, let's figure it out as soon as possible. So who
    Such feminists and where is this story?

    Who are feminists
    It was evolutionary in such a way that the view of Homo Sapiens (T. E. We are with you,
    Dear brothers and sisters) divided into two sexes - for men and women
    (called this sexual dimorphism). This is exactly the usual
    The appearance of a person (the external differences between a man and
    a woman), his behavior (hormones, not anywhere from them), physical
    strength and endurance - t.E. those indicators that directly depend on
    Body, our modest physical shell.

    It's good or bad - to argue fantasy, and we have to live in the world,
    where all mammals have two sexes, but only a person evolved
    In a reasonable creature. As a result of millions of years, Homo changes became
    Sapiens, a person stood out of the world of nature so much that he created his
    own. Which, respectively, changed and improved,
    People - too. Man is now not only the most perfect animal, crown
    Creation and part of the ecosystem, it has long been abused by nature
    Opportunities, raised over physiology and bare instincts. Homo
    Sapiens, above all, this is a person, unique and free. And u
    whom, please tell me the language to call Mozart by the male or
    Zhanna D’Ark - Female? And in human society to the concept of gender as
    The aggregate of certain biological signs was added to the concept of gender - sociocultural sex, the aggregate of social and personal qualities.
    So, in the modern democratic world is not the floor, but gender.

    This means no «Male» or «Women» classes, and there are classes,
    Appropriate to a specific person. T.E., Roughly speaking, strong, but
    A stupid woman may well chop coal in a mine. And smart but weak
    The man is remarkably capable of embroider. They are absolutely equal
    In this choice, it all depends on the abilities and desire, and not from the genital
    organs. Man and woman - equal colleagues, not parties,
    Depressing each other.

    But no longer evolutionary, but historically it happened that women are still
    were in the oppressed position (and do not appeal to
    Matriarchate, this is just a witty theory). You can argue O
    Prerequisites for this discrimination, about the reasons that caused it, but the fact
    Female oppression is obvious. Think about when women got right
    vote? When - the right of inheritance? When women were allowed (here
    thanks!) study at universities? Why the decision is women to wear
    Pants and smoking cigars caused such a stormy condemnation?

    From the history of feminism

    It all started in America, during the war of independence. First
    A woman-wrestler for equality is considered to be Abigail Smith Adams
    (1744-1818), which became known due to the phrase: «We will not become
    obey the laws in the adoption of which we did not participate, and the authorities,
    which does not represent our interests» (1776).

    In Europe, the path of fighters for equal rights was more ternist. For example, V
    France before the Great French Revolution published a magazine about women's
    Rights, Frenchwoman created various public organizations,
    who demanded civil rights for women and took an active
    participation in political struggle. Succeed they have not reached, but one of
    ideological inspirationors of the movement, Olympia de Gouzh (author of the Right Declaration
    women and citizens, where the requirement of social and
    political equality, founder «Women's societies -
    Revolutionary Republicans») was executed for its activities. In 1795
    year for women of France banned to appear in public places and on
    political meetings, and in 1804 the emperor Napoleon issued a decree,
    announced that the woman does not have any civil rights and is
    under the care of a man.

    Who are feminists
    In England, the requirement of civil equality women was first
    Mary Walstonkraft put forward in the book «Justification of the rights of women» (1792).

    But it was only the first swallows that made the society think
    and listen to their ideas. But, in fact, they are founders
    the so-called first wave of feminism (XIX - the first half xx) when
    There was a struggle for the legal equality of floors.

    Organized movement for equality began in 1848, in the US,
    State of New York, in the town of Seneca-Falls, where the congress was first conducted
    on the protection of women's rights under the slogan «All men and women are created
    equal». In 1869 two female publications were created
    organizations united in 1890 to the National American
    Association for Women's Election Law. Due to its activity
    members in a number of US states of women turned out to be admitted to

    In Europe, at the same time, impairment was gaining momentum (from England. Suffrage -
    the right to vote), t.E. Wrestling women for the right to vote in elections.
    Society very skeptical referred to soul fusionists - they could
    appear in a secular round without accompanying men, allowed themselves
    unacceptably dressing (for example, pants or vest), smoked, could
    Keep a man and - oh, horror! - expressed their opinions. Gradually k
    the soul fusion was formed with attitude as a woman of vulgar, dirty,
    Absolute indecent I... free. Men despised them and were afraid, but
    Ladies - also despised and ... envied. The authorities did not support the views
    and the initiative of the soul fusionist, they were periodically arrested and sentenced to
    Various prison terms. One of the organizers of the Women's Movement
    The right to vote was Emmelin Panherst, which in 1868 formed
    Organization in defense of public and political rights of women,
    5 thousand members united during the year. Under pressure this
    The associations of the English Parliament adopted a number of laws aimed at
    Improving the status of women, and gave them the right to vote in local elections
    (1894). Then the term itself appears «feminism» (from Lat. Femina - a woman), for the first time he used Ellis Rossi in 1895.

    The first wave of feminism reached his goals. First
    Election of Women in New Zealand in 1893
    year and in Australia - in 1902. Later - women of a number of European
    countries (in Finland - in 1906, in Norway - in 1913, in Denmark and Iceland -
    In 1915, in Russia - in 1917, in Canada - in 1918). In 1919, rights
    Women achieved Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Poland,
    Sweden, Luxembourg, Czechoslovakia. In 1920 - USA, in 1922 -
    Ireland, in 1928 - Great Britain, in 1931 - Spain and

    Since the middle of the 20th century, the second wave begins - the struggle for the actual equality of man and women. In the late 70s. Movement acquired
    Mass character, manifested in mass promotions, in the creation of a number
    organizations and many small groups of informal nature without
    leader and theoretical strategy in its traditional understanding.

    The most popular currents can be allocated as follows:

    Who are feministsFeminism equality - Founded by Simono de Bovwar,
    wife Jean-Field Sartre, ideology is set forth in her book «Second floor».
    The meaning is that all people are equal from nature, and sex
    Differences are insignificant and not considered. By the way, Simon formulated
    and the right of women not only to elect, but also the right to enter the domineering

    Feminism differences led by Lucy Irerere
    recognized all sexual differences. In addition, individuals admitted
    fundamentally different, and the interpolate consensus was asked to look for
    on neutral topics.

    Situal feminism (The founder - Yeshila Benhabib offered to consider, above all, the situation, and on the basis of it, to do all the conclusions.

    So far democratically elected heads of state and
    Governments have become more than 20 women. First woman heading
    Government, became Syricimo Bandaranica (1960, Sri Lanka), first
    A woman who took the presidential post, Vigdis Finnbogadottir (1980,
    Iceland), the first woman who headed the government in Muslim
    Country, Bhutto Benazir (1988, Pakistan). Today women are higher
    Office posts in Latvia, Finland, Ireland, in the Philippines, in Chile
    and Germany.

    Feminists of the second wave achieved a lot, our world would be completely different without them. And it would hardly have been better. Regarding the third wave go active disputes. Someone recognizes it, and
    Someone - no. One thing is clear: in the XXI century, feminists join
    men. And, whatever the worships, they are completely normal
    Sexual orientation.

    And, by the way, the movement for the rights of women has never been exclusively
    feminine: still Platon recommended to pay deserved, and not
    sexual sign, and one of the essays-precursors of feminism - «O
    greatness and superiority of female» - A philosopher was written
    Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa in 1529. In 1869, John Stewart Mill
    published his work «Submission of women», in which noted that
    «Legislative support for the subordination of one sex is harmful… and…
    There is one of the main obstacles to the way to universal

    Of course, it is too early to talk about the equality of men and women. All available
    Statistics of career growth and salaries, domestic violence and sexual
    harassment. No one woman is surprised - a caring mother in the morning,
    Lady boss afternoon, chef in the evening, ardent mistress at night and lively
    man with all. And feminism needs women at least for,
    To just survive in such conditions. And to argue that feminists
    hate men at least stupid. Women simply ... long ago
    married to them, gave birth to children, lead a house, equip the life, build
    His career. There is no stupid hate. Women, like two hundred years
    Back, want rights, freedom, respect and gratitude.

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