General information about the drug
Owned acipol to the group Probiotikov - so it is customary to call non-propogenous microorganisms for a person who have the ability to restore the normal microbial intestinal flora and other organs. More representatives of this group are destructive effect on pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microbes. Positive «tenants» Microflora organs are now bifidobacteria, lactobacillia, non-pathogenous varieties of echryochia, enterococcus, bacillus, yeast fungi, lactic acid streptococcus.
These microorganisms are included in the preparations of a group of probiotics. Probiotics are contained not only in pharmacy preparations, but also in food products, as well as biologically active additives. Such useful food products are: Maconi, kefir, ryazhka, ricotta, yogurts, cheeses. By connecting the fundamental knowledge, data of modern research and new technologies, scientists managed to get acipol capsules. The basis of the drug became lactobacillia and kefir fungus.

Acipol is small oblong cylinders having a gelatinous sheath of bright salmon. Inside there is a powder, in color, it is creamy shades, and the smell has such that is characteristic of fermented milk products. Prepassing ready-made capsules is made in polymer opaque jars or contour cellular packs of 30.20 or 10 pieces.
There were times when the acipol was produced in the form of tablets and lyophilisate in bottles. But now they are not produced, because it has been established that capsules are more effective. Live bacteria contained in them pass the stomach, and then delivered directly to the intestines, where they are necessary to improve human health. This is their important advantage compared to lyophilisate and tablets.
So, the active components of acipol are acidophilic lactobacilles (in the living condition) and polysaccharides known for a long time of kefir fungus. For the production of this drug first, the cultivation of lactobacilli on nutrient media. Then they are dried by special technology. The lyophilization procedure allows bacteria to stay in a living condition, but temporarily go into inactive state. Once water or milk becomes available for these bacteria, then approximately four hours an activity is returned to them. Hitting inside the intestine, they populate it, resulting in phenomena Dysbacteriosis.
Polysaccharides for this drug are produced by kefir fungi and remain in the nutrient medium. First, the kefir fungus is grown, then inactivation to prevent further reproduction. Next is the lyophilization of the resulting nutrient medium. That is, the lyophilisate retains those substances that the fungus has previously developed. It turns out a great nutritional substrate for the development and resettlement of the intestinal of normal microflora. Thereby prevents dysbacteriosis. In this case, polysaccharides of kefir fungus can be called prebiotics creating a favorable environment for producing and resettlement of acidophilic bacteria. Preparations containing in their composition simultaneously and prebiotic and probiotic, in medicine called synbiotic.
As an additional (auxiliary) ingredients in production are used: gelatin, titanium dioxide and iron oxide red.
How the medicine acts?
First of all, MirSoveto will noted that it is allowed to use capsules without damage to their integrity. On a jar (or cellular pack), there should also be no traces of damage. Pay attention to the date of release of the drug, the expiration date. These data are clearly indicated on the package. If the shelf life is expired, this means that useful bacteria in the preparation has already died, so the effectiveness has lost the effectiveness.
Capsule swallow the whole by driving at once half a glass of water (boiled). For picking is allowed to use kefir, rippy, milk. And the temperature of the listed products should be room. If the remedy is assigned a baby or a child, which can not swallow capsules, then you need to do so. First, the capsule must be disclosed, pour its contents into a large spoon or measuring cup. Add one or two teaspoons of water (or milk) to this powder (or milk). Stir this mixture. Now the resulting suspension can be given to the baby. Best if this medicine is accepted in a patient 30 minutes before meals. But to the baby and kids up to three years this tool can be given during meals.
The dose and duration of acipol use determines the doctor. Our site will bring only medium numbers:
- Adults and kids older than three years - in a capsule three or four times a day (better with equal intervals in time).
- Children from three months before three years need to give one capsule two or three times a day.
Usually, at acute infections, acipol is used for 5-8 days, during this time the microflora balance is rapidly restored. In other cases, the duration of treatment may amount to 14-21 days, and sometimes 3 months. If necessary, the doctor after 30 days of rest can prescribe a re-course of treatment.
Is there any contraindications to use?
No side effects in patients receiving acipol was not found. Pregnant women can also be used by acipol, its components do not harm a future mother nor the developing fetus. Only the individual intolerance between the composition components can be contraindicated.
Please note that this medicine must be stored at a temperature that is not higher than + 10 ° C. To correct the intestinal microflora, the relief of diarrhea, the normalization of the chair and the gas formation process, the medicine can be purchased at the pharmacy without presenting the recipe. And yet it is better to consult with a doctor before purchasing it. With any other preparations acipol, too compatible.