Bronchipret, instructions for use

If, during colds, viscous sputum is accumulated during colds in the upper or deep breathing tracks, then the body responds with a cough. Airflow when coughing «throws out» not only mucus, but also alien organisms of particles, irritating mucous membrane of nasal strokes. But what to take when the cough becomes no harmless «Cleaning» Procedure?

To the rescue will come by herbal medicine bronchipret. He will try to solve two problems: Remove inflammation in respiratory tracts and remove a viscous mucus, pre-thinning it.

General information about the drug

Diseases of the throat, bronchi, bronchipret, cough, cough treatment, cold

The production of this drug is engaged in a well-known pharmaceutical company specializing in the issuance of natural funds entitled «Bionorica», located in Germany. In the pharmacy you will see 3 bronchipret dosage forms:

  1. Drops used inside. This is a dark brown, transparent liquid, which has a clear smell of thyme. Most often in the bottle contains 50 ml of solution, but it happens to be packaged and 100 ml. Blocked with a cap-dispenser.
  2. Tablets - Packaging them 20, 50 or 100 pieces. They have a green color, a two-way form, the surface of the half-one, covered with a shell.
  3. Syrup - light brown transparent liquid having a fragrant smell. It is allowed in the process of storage at the bottom of the bottle (50 and 100 ml) of the sediment. A measuring cup is embedded in the package, there is a dispenser cover.

About the composition and therapeutic properties

Diseases of the throat, bronchi, bronchipret, cough, cough treatment, cold

A bronchipret syrup was created mainly for kids from three months to six years. But it may well receive older children, as well as adult patients. Therapeutic properties of the syrup are the same as the drops were listed. But it acts more mildly, because it is much smaller than ethyl alcohol. Its effectiveness is confirmed by many years of experience in pediatric practice. The decision on the appointment of the syrup to a small patient only accepts the doctor, he picks up a dosage, given the weight and age of the child. Parents only need to clearly follow the prescriptions of the pediatrician. You need to give medicine three times a day after meals, before dosing the bottle shakes. It is more expedient to count the number of syrup with drops, but for older children and adults can be measured with syrup using the measuring cup invested in packaging. We only give the average dosage by age:

  • from 3 to 12 months. - 1-1.1 ml;
  • from the 1st to 2 years - 2.2 ml;
  • from 2 to 6 years - 3.2 ml;
  • from 6 to 12 years - 4.3 ml;
  • from 12 years and adult - 5.4 ml.

Recall that accurate dosage you counted the attending physician.

Application of bronchipret pills

Diseases of the throat, bronchi, bronchipret, cough, cough treatment, cold

Tablets are usually prescribed to adults and children whose age is more than 12 years old. The substance of the spring root of the spring increase the activity of the bronchi eyelash epithelium. According to them «Team» Firecattered grows are vigorously reduced and move in the desired direction, «moving» Mocroid K «exit» From the respiratory tract. In addition, the primrose contributes to the expansion of the compressed, blurred bronchi, so the expectorant effect increases. Well, thyme extract also contributes to «Lept» In therapeutic effect, showing anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-grapple properties. You can start receiving tablets even before the visit to the doctor, when it makes itself felt dry cough when there are almost no wet. In this case, it will be appropriate to start receiving an expectorant means to make the cough from an unproductive stage to productive. After inspection and listening to lungs, perhaps the doctor will advise continue the reception of bronchipret. But there are cases that this drug can be replaced by other means. Tablets must be taken not after eating (as recommended when treating drops and syrup), and 30 minutes before meals. It is not necessary to rush them - just swallow and drink water (room temperature). Dosage: one tablet three times a day. The average duration of the course of treatment with bronchipret pills - from 10 to 14 days.

Is there any contraindications and side effects?

Diseases of the throat, bronchi, bronchipret, cough, cough treatment, cold

Most people are well tolerated by bronchoprett. Allergic reactions occur only in those who have a tendency to Allergies. A few cases were recorded when a patient had a nausea appeared after the admission of the tablet forms of the bronchipret. If the patient overdose drops, syrup or pills, then arise: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomit. Then washing the stomach and reception Activated coal (dose depends on weight). The manufacturer warns that bronchipret should not be used at:

  • serious liver diseases when its function is broken;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Alcoholism (due to the presence of alcohol);
  • Epilepsy, CMT, brain diseases;
  • individual intolerance or allergies on those components that are part of.

Cannot drink tablets with lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption.

We remind you that the syrup can be given to crumbs from three-month age, drops - from six, and pills - only from twelve. Patients who took bronchipret are reported that they quickly got rid of cough and recovered. Bronchipret can be combined with other drugs used in the complex therapy of respiratory diseases (for example, bronchoditics, Antibiotics, sulfanimide). It is impossible to drink this phytopreparation together with medicines, the action of which is aimed at suppressing cough.

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