Lithic mix for children

When the child is strongly rises the body temperature, most parents try to solve the problem as soon as possible. As a rule, various candles, tablets and syrups help to cope with heat. But what to do, if none of such drugs gives the result, and the thermometer's column continues rapidly crawled up? In this case, an effective means will come to the rescue - a lithic mixture.

A few words about high temperature

Antipyretic, injection, lithic mixture, temperature rise, child temperature

Most doctors converge in the opinion that he to shoot down a high Temperature not as long as its indicator exceeds the mark of 38.5 ° C. Lower temperature is not considered dangerous to health and speaks only that the human body is actively fighting with infection. However, there are such cases when it is not worth tightening with the use of antipytics:

  1. If a sick child has a strong pallor of skin, chills, muscle pain and joints, a common significant deterioration in state of health, it is better to bring down the temperature without waiting until it rises to 38.5 ° C.
  2. If the child has previously been convulsions, the cause of which was a strong heat.
  3. In the above cases, doctors are allowed to resort to antipyretic means, as soon as the thermometer bar reaches a mark of 37.5 ° C. In other situations, you need to try to bring down the temperature by physical methods.

Composition of a lytic mixture

Antipyretic, injection, lithic mixture, temperature rise, child temperature

Pay attention to a series of contraindications, if you have a lithic mixture, it can be dangerous:

  1. If the increase in body temperature is accompanied by pain in the abdominal cavity. Since the medication includes analgin, it can block pain. In this case, there is a risk not to notice a very important symptom of such a disease as inflammation Appendicitis.
  2. If during the last four hours you shot down a child with one of the means included in the lithic mixture.
  3. It is extremely recommended to use this antipyretic medicine for children under 6 months of age.
  4. Before use of the mixture, be sure to test the allergic reaction. To do this, one drop of the drug adds to the lower eyelid of the child. If there is no redness, pain, itching, puffiness for 30 minutes - you can use a lithic mixture, without fear of allergies.

Features of drug administration

Antipyretic, injection, lithic mixture, temperature rise, child temperature

To achieve good absorption of the drug in blood, as well as avoid possible complications in the form of cones under the skin or infectious infection, comply with some uncomplicated rules:

  • Before mixing the components, hold the ampoules in your hands for a few minutes so that they wit until the body temperature;
  • Before opening an ampoule, treat it with alcohol;
  • Syringe Use only disposable, mix all components in one syringe, do not forget to disinfect the needle;
  • Before introducing means, wipe the area of ​​the injection alcohol. After the injection, do the same;
  • Enter the needle deep into the muscle, press the piston slowly, giving medicine to spread over the fabrics.

Oral use of a lithic mixture

In some situations, it is impossible to make an injection for one reason or another, in this case the question arises: whether it is possible to take the drug orally instead of intramuscular administration? Note that in case of extreme need to drink a lithic mixture, but it will act somewhat slower than after the injection. In addition, the analgin adversely affects the mucous membrane of the esophagus and the stomach, may cause irritation and discomfort.

Alternative option can be the preparation of such a drug from tablets. If you are planning to give an antipyretic child under 3 years old, take 1/4 of the analgin tablets, the same amount of suprastin and paracetamol. If during the heat of the handle and the legs of the baby remain cold, instead of the suprastin, it is recommended to use but-shlu. Prepare the required amount of drugs, grind them into powder, mix and let the child have a drink. After about 30 minutes, the temperature will begin to decline.

Dosage medication

To the question of the number of a lithic mixture, which can be given to the child, should be taken very seriously. Overdose tools may threaten unpleasant or even dangerous consequences. So, the dose of medication needs to be calculated, based on the age of crumbs. For 1 year of the child's life accounts for 0.1 ml of each drug. Another important point: It is impossible to shoot down the temperature in a lithic mixture more often than 1 time at 6 o'clock. It is undesirable to also use this tool longer than 1 day.

Several useful tips

Antipyretic, injection, lithic mixture, temperature rise, child temperature

  1. If a child has a high temperature, in no case can it be bore it into blankets or wear something warm. Parents who believe that the baby must be good for the speedy recovery «penetrate», Very mistaken. During the heat of the patient, it should be as best to give extra warmth to the environment. To do this, provide a comfortable temperature in the room (21-22 ° C), and the child is died into something light, for example, in cotton blouse and thin tights.
  2. The second main condition for the effective fight against illness and fever is abundant drinking. First, during the high temperature, the body loses a significant amount of fluid that needs to be filled. And secondly, a large amount of water drunk contributes to the rapid removal of toxins from the body.
  3. Another advice: refrain the child's rubbing with alcohol or cold water. This can cause the spasm of the skin vessels and instead to effectively give heat to the environment, the body will start to heat up only more from the inside. Among other things, there is nothing good in that the child will put on alcohol evaporation. By the way, the alcohol is perfectly absorbed through the skin and enters the blood.

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