Everyone wants the skin on her face clean, healthy. To achieve this goal, many try on the advice of acquaintances, girlfriends and «Collegiates in misfortune» Different ointments, creams. But it is important not only to eliminate the symptoms of inflamed skin, but also to cope with the cause of acne, acne, acne, spoiling not only appearance, but also the mood. Today our site will tell about the gel metrogyl. Which contains this medicine, which one can expect the effect how to apply it? In this article you will receive answers to the questions.
General information about the preparation, its description
Today we will talk about the gel used for outdoor use. In general, the metrged is produced in different dosage forms. There are tablets, a solution for infusions, vaginal cream, gel for the treatment of adhesive. Therefore, if you decide to treat the skin with merogyl, then you must definitely tell the pharmacist when buying, you need a gel for outdoor use called «Metrogyl». Then you get the drug right. The main active substance of this gel is Metronidazole, struggling with the culprits of inflammation on the face - bacteria, the simplest. He was synthesized in France by Rhone-Poulens employees. This is a synthetic derivative of azomycin, natural substance produced by useful types of streptomycetes (Streptomyces SPP). First, the substance was actively used to treat trichomoniasis. And by chance in 1962 an antibacterial effect was discovered. Then one of the patients suffering from trichomoniasis after receiving the drug hereded from bacterial gingivitis. Now Metronidazole is part of not only metrogila, but also other drugs: Rosemed, Rosex, Aquametro, Deflamon, Kamesol, Metroxan, Trichosept, Trichopol, Eflorent, Flagil, MetroDed and many others. All of them are synonyms, differ only by the price and manufacturer. For example, the drug you see in the photo is made in India.

Packaged metrged gel in aluminum tubes of 30 grams, which are then placed in a box. As auxiliary substances, water is peeled, propylene glycol, Dinatarium Edetat, sodium hydroxide, carbomer 940, propyl aprichedroxybenzoate, methyl apoxideroxybenzoate.
The drug is allowed to let patients from the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Gel has a homogeneous structure, it is colorless, whitish or slightly yellowish. Very quickly and easily absorbed, does not leave the fatty shine, you can apply before everyday makeup. Some believe that after the gel metrged leather becomes matte, without ugly oily gloss.
pharmachologic effect
This agent belongs to anti-polocular drugs that also have antibacterial activity used externally. The spectrum of action at the metrogila is wide. It is active in relation to the anaerobes: Bakteroids, Mobilongus, Pepotokukus, Peptocetokukus, Eubacterium, Clostridium, and others. Definitely affects the simplest: Trichomonas Vagynis, Gardnerell Vagynis, Giardia Internalis and others. The drug is able to suppress the synthesis of nucleic acids in the molecules of bacteria, provoking inflammation on the skin.
When local use, the metrged has anticoned action. The mechanism of this action is still not exactly unknown. It has been established that it is not associated with the destruction of the demodex tick, which is found in the acne disease on the skin of some patients. The drug, apparently, does not affect the production of silent glasses of its secret.
Most likely, the drug used externally is endowed with antioxidant properties. Therefore, skin damage in places of inflammation decreases.
When the metrged gel is prescribed?
Indications for the use of this gel are:
- angry rash, including young men and girls in the adolescence, when the hormonal background is changing;
- Pink acne;
- fat seborrhea (the pathological condition of the skin, in which the salo-waste is strengthened due to the violation of the correct functions of the rigorous glands);
- seborrheic dermatitis;
- breakdown in lying patients;
- Trophic ulcers appearing on the lower limbs in sugar diabetes or varicose veins;
- wounds that are badly healing;
- Rear pass cracks, hemorrhoids.
Mode of application

With acne rash, acne, guns first need to clean the skin before the procedure. Wash, you can wipe the face with cleansing lotion. Then it follows the thin layer gel gel carefully on the affected skin. Do it should be twice a day - in the morning and before bed. When wrapping, cracks, proligeses are permissible to apply the healing cream under the bandage. Of course, before the gel distribution of the skin, you need to wash your hands well. After the palm procedure again need to wash. Long-term treatment, it ranges from 3 to 9 weeks. Two weeks of treatment, you will notice the improvement of the skin. But do not throw treatment, secure the result achieved. In severe cases, it may be necessary to apply gel within 4 months.
Does gel have side effects and contraindications?
In the external application of blood, only traces of metronidazole are noted, so there are no systemic side effects. And only in rare cases, allergic reactions were noted, manifested in the form of urticaria and skin rashes. Very rarely marked skin dryness, its peeling, redness, burning. If the gel applied at all close to the eyes, then tear may occur.
When finding out that a person has improved sensitivity to the metrogyl, the drug is canceled.
According to the instructions from the manufacturer, during pregnancy and feeding the infant breast, the gel metrogil is used to use, but with great caution.
Our site warns your readers: Gel apply gently so that he does not get into the eyes. And if you still accidentally touched your eyes, then immediately rinse them with plenty of water.
Store Metrogil Gel is necessary at room temperature, in a dark place, inaccessible for young children. Do not freeze the drug. Check the shelf life of the drug, when it is exposed to gel it is impossible.
Here are the properties of the gel metrogyl. If there are questions on its use, contact a dermatologist or pharmacist for advice. In the treatment of skin diseases, not only external means, but also the internal improvement of the body, proper nutrition, survey at the dermatologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist and their useful tips.