Symptoms ureaplasmosis


  • What is ureaplasmosis?
  • Symptoms of ureaplasmosis in men
  • Symptoms of ureaplasmosis in women

  • What is ureaplasmosis?

    Under ureaplasmosis, the inflammatory process in the urinary bodies is currently understood. Ureoplasmosis is caused by ureoplasm - microorganisms, in size from approaching large viruses and having no DNA, no cell shell.

    Transmission of infection occurs mainly sexual
    by, but possibly intrauterine infection from the patient of the mother, and
    In addition, microbes can fall into the sexual path of the child during
    childbirth and maintain there all life, until the rest is in inactive

    Ureoplasm can cause inflammation of any
    Departments of the urinary tract - urethra, prostate, bladder, testicles
    and their appendages, and in women - vagina, uterus and appendages. Besides,
    In some studies, it was possible to establish that ureoplasm can
    Fixed on spermatozoa and violate their motor activity,
    and in some cases just kill sperm. Finally, microbes are capable
    cause inflammation of the joints, especially with rheumatoid arthritis.

    Ureoplasmosis can occur both in acute and
    in chronic form. As with many other infections, the disease is not
    It has symptoms specific for this pathogen. Clinical
    manifestations of ureoplasmosis depend on the affected organ. In the same time
    Modern methods, the pathogen is often detected and
    healthy women who do not prevent any complaints and often in combination with
    Other infections.

    Symptoms of ureoplasmosis occur after 3-5 weeks
    The moment of infection. It should be noted, ureoplasmosis manifests itself
    insignificant symptoms that are not interested in patients, and often
    Do not manifest itself (especially in women).Symptoms ureaplasmosis

    Symptoms of ureaplasmosis in men

    • scant transparent separation from the urethra;
    • moderate pain and burning in urination;
    • With the defeat of the prostate gland - the symptoms of prostatitis.

    Symptoms of ureaplasmosis in women

    • scarce transparent discharge from the vagina;
    • moderate pain and burning in urination;
    • Pain at the bottom of the abdomen (when inflammation of the uterus and appendages).

    To identify Ureaplasma Parvum and Ureaplasma Urealyticum uses sowing and PCR.

    ELISA and PIF are widely used in our country, but are characterized by low accuracy (about 50-70%).
    Detection of antibodies to Ureaplasma Parvum and Ureaplasma Urealyticum has a limited value in the diagnosis of ureoplasmosis.

    Without treatment, ureoplasmosis can from time to time
    manifest. Re-exacerbations can be associated with
    Alcohol in large quantities, cold, emotional overloads.

    Infection can over time to cause stricture of urethra. In the absence of
    treatment in men ureoplasmosis can cause inflammation of the prostate

    In women, untreated ureoplasmosis causes
    Inflammation and spikes in the fallopian tubes, leading to infertility and increasing
    Risk of ectopic pregnancy. Pregnant women ureoplasmosis can cause
    Pathology of pregnancy and fetus.

    It is worth noting that the causative agents of the mentioned
    Diseases (urethritis, inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages,
    Urolithiasis) are not only ureoplasm, but many others
    Microorganisms. The share of ureoplasm accounts for only part of these

    Considering that ureoplasm can cause
    spontaneous abortion and premature births before planned
    Pregnancy is advisable to get rid of ureoplasm.

    It is very important to inform your sexual partners about
    disease, even if they are not bothering them, and convince them to pass
    Examination and treatment.

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