Thyroid Health Indicators


  • Weight
  • Weight "swing"
  • Tired
  • Heat exchange
  • Feeling of gravity in the head
  • Housing Siesta?
  • Problems with swallowing or voice ligaments
  • Constipation
  • Brows
  • Dry skin
  • Skin on elbows
  • Muscles
  • Nails
  • Nail fragility and fragility
  • Hair

  • What symptoms may indicate that the thyroid gland function is imperfect?


    One of the signs of the hindered work of the thyroid gland is overweight. The work of the thyroid gland and the weight is interdependent: while the difficult work of the gland can lead to a slowdown in metabolicism and a weight set, overweight is able to provoke the problems of the functioning of the thyroid gland. If the violation of the work of thyroid hormones is not critical, it is usually enough for a person to simply return the process of metabolism in the perfect channel, revising meals and increasing the physical exertion. On the other hand, if the thyroid gland works too intensively, metabolism accelerates, weight falls. Interdependence The same: people with weightless weight often observed an increased function of the thyroid gland, which is necessary to work too much to do in order to maintain the synthesis and the level of protein content corresponding to the norm.

    Weight "swing"

    The hindered work of the thyroid gland is most often found in people who have problems with maintaining normal weight. Permanent "swing" - When a person is gaining, it drops the weight - stress for the body, and the thyroid gland has to work for wear, adjusting to constantly changing conditions.


    Thyroid Health IndicatorsIf a person permanently feels fatigue, thyroid hormones are very difficult to correctly perform their functions. Cells burn calories to generate energy. If calories are not enough, the body "frightened" Hunger and goes into the accumulation mode of fat stocks - hence extra fat deposits. One of the objectives of treatment that includes balanced nutrition, physical load and vitamin complex - to support the constant level of energy throughout the day. To achieve the task, a periodic consumption of caffery-containing products is also suitable. However, it is worth remembering that the dependence on any type of stimulants leads to the increased need of the body in carbohydrates, and therefore - there is a risk of a set of excess weight.

    Heat exchange

    If the metabolism is normal, then 65% of the calories are incisible, and 35% in heat. When a person is flawped with a limb, this suggests that he lacks heat, it means that it does not produce a sufficient amount of energy. Thyroid gland is working "Khostuyu": its reduced function makes the body fail.

    Feeling of gravity in the head

    Before rendering an action on cells of various organs, most of the thyroxine hormone (T4) is converted into the liver into the biologically active form - triiodothyronine (T3). The brain is an exception, since T3 goes to T4 directly in brain cells. When the thyroid gland works correctly, along with good blood circulation and sufficient glucose intake in the brain, a person feels ease in the head and clarity of thinking. Otherwise the feeling appears "cast iron" Heads and drowsiness.

    Housing Siesta?

    In natural conditions, the energy level in humans falls in the midday region, especially if the working conditions are not forced to strain all the forces. Those who sits down and start "die", Lower your performance, functioning, like a car on the Red Traffic, idling. On the other hand, if through the power to force yourself to do business, especially a jerk, you will need an additional tributary calorie. The result can be overeating and excessive load on the body, and therefore - a violation of metabolism. Just like in everything, we need a reasonable balance. It is necessary to maintain the energy level (proper nutrition in small portions 5-6 times a day and, perhaps, a small dose of caffeine at noon), but not to oversee. If you move even once a day, all efforts to maintain healthy weight can go poh.

    Problems with swallowing or voice ligaments

    The thyroid gland is very sensitive to various contaminants, whether non-trial chemicals in food, alien bacteria and viruses or dirt in the air. All these substances make it difficult for thyroid hormones. Since the thyroid gland is under a larynx in front of the trachea, its improper functioning may immediately affect the ability to swallow and the work of voice ligaments.


    Normally functioning thyroid gland provides the correct intestinal peristalsis. Of course, many factors can affect the work of the intestine. However, it is often failed in the work of the thyroid gland. Gas formation and constipation cause gas formation. If a person is inclined to constitues, it will be difficult for him to get rid of excess weight.


    Empirically was established that one of the signs of problems with the work of the thyroid gland is the loss of external hairbrows. The reason for such an influence of the stress of the thyroid gland on the eyebrows is not yet clear, but the fact of their interconnection scientists are not doubting.

    Dry skin

    Biosynthesis of food fatty acids and the release of those of their components that needed skin for humidification depends on the proper operation of the thyroid hormones. Of course, first of all, dry skin can be caused by a lack of useful oils in a diet. An important factor - contact of the skin with various chemicals: it is also household chemicals, cosmetics, and dirty urban air. The skin may suffer from a lack of fluid when it has to serve as an organ withdrawing toxins (for example, in the case of constipation and other problems with digestion).

    Skin on elbows

    One of the areas of the body, which is extremely sensitive to violations of the function of thyroid hormones - the skin on the elbows. She can darken, stir, become a rough and layered. First of all, it suffers from the lack of unsaturated fatty acids, which we get from nuts and various unrefined oils of the first cold spin.


    Thyroid Health IndicatorsCorrectly functioning thyroid hormones work in a pair with growth hormones, the mutual action of each other. Thus, they provide optimal muscle performance. Muscles that are slapping energy (T.E. You observe muscle weakness), experiencing pain and convulsions, it is quite possible, indicate a weak function of the thyroid gland.


    Nails on hands Much can tell about the interaction of proteins in the body. Most often the cause of vertical grooves on the nails is the lack of iron. Iron plays an important role in the structure of immunity, as it has an instructive influence on the hormones of the thyroid gland (T.E. Hormones with it can give "Order"). If the iron is missing, the cells do not understand the teams of thyroid hormones, which leads to the general fatigue of the body.

    Nail fragility and fragility

    Key minerals - zinc and sulfur, which in a complex with calcium and proteins form strong nails. DNA needs zink to receive teams from thyroid hormones. Enzym, which converts T3 in T4, needs sulfur. Therefore, thin and laying nails may indicate a weak function of the thyroid gland.


    Hair, from the point of view of metabolism, do not have priority in front of other parts of the body. Hair last get nutrients. Therefore, if the human nutrition is not diverse and fully and fully, the hair is the first to react to the lack of vitamins and minerals. They can fall out, lose shine, become thin and brittle - all these signs of weakened metabolism and lack of energy. Substances that enhance the effect of thyroid hormones and directly affect the health of the hair, - food protein, group B, sulfur vitamins and iron.

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