Nonachar diabetes occurs much less often than sugar. Therefore, it is quite natural that in the medium there are few people know little about him. The most frequently asked questions about non-soldering diabetes in this article answers an endocrinologist.
Question number 1

This hormone is one of the main regulators of water and electrolyte exchange in the body. Vasopressin monitors the waters in it always. With the slightest threat of dehydration, the hormone retains the urination, literally «squeezing» water from the renal tubules and forcing them to return the fluid to the body. When, for some reason, the hypothalamus produces little vasopressin or worse - it completely stops producing it, unacceptable diabetes.
As a rule, the disease declares itself suddenly and acute. Tormented by unauthorized thirst, a person can have a day from 5 to 18 liters of fluid (at a rate of 1.5-2 liters). The body, of course, seeks to remove all the extra liquid, and the drainage begins - it stands around as much as he has been drunk. Water and electrolyte balance is broken, and the patient weakens, losing weight, reduces performance, the dream and appetite deteriorate. In the future, serious problems with kidneys, stomach, liver may occur. In women, there is a violation of menstrual and childbearing functions, in men - a decrease in potency and sexual entry.
In some cases, inflammatory processes in the hypothalamus, due to acute and chronic infections, such as influenza, districts, scarletin, and tuberculosis are inflammatory...
Some forms of non-soldar diabetes (symptomatic) - manifestation of another disease, in particular, hypothalamus tumors, which squeezes either destroys the structures responsible for the secretion of vasopressin, or the tumor of the rear lobe of the pituitary «Stored» Antidiuretic hormone.
Sometimes unacceptable diabetes occurs as a consequence of a cranial or mental injury. Women can happen soon after severe birth or abortion.
But whatever the reasons, the main symptoms always remain strong thirst and abundant urine release. Not to pay attention to them, hoping that everything is formed by itself, it is unacceptable! It is necessary immediately, not postponing to turn to the therapist, and even better - to the endocrinologist.
Your fears are devoid of grounds: these diseases do not confuse. In sugar diabetes, the proportion of urine is increased, it is often contained in it containing glucose, which is absolutely excluded during non-car diabetes. In such patients, urine density is always below the norm, and the blood glucose level is almost normal.
For differential diagnosis in the hospital, special samples are also carried out, in particular, with a liquid restriction - be sure to constantly control the patient's body weight.
Modern diagnostic methods allow doctors to easily distinguish diabetes from unacceptable.
Question number 2
- Treatment is prescribed depending on the cause caused by the disease. If it is a symptomatic unacceptable diabetes, due to the hypothalamus tumor, the pituitary gland, first of all, it is necessary to fight with it: apply radial, chemical therapy or remove the neoplasm surgically.
When the root cause was any inflammatory disease of the brain structures, primarily prescribed antibiotics and other anti-inflammatory funds. A deficiency of antidiuretic hormone, associated with violation of the functions of the hypothalamus or pituitary, doctors try to fill with medicines containing vasopressin.
In recent years, the arsenal of means of combating non-soldering diabetes has expanded: tableted tagretol, chlorpropamide, clofibrate appeared. Adeeuretin is very effective, which is produced in the form of nasal droplets and but cool spray.
Note: Specialist must select and prescribe medications. Treatment of unacceptable diabetes - the case is subtle and long, sometimes it is necessary to be treated systematically, all life. If you carefully and carefully do the appointments of the doctor, for many years it is possible to preserve and good health, and high performance.
Question number 3
Question number 4
- In some special diet there is no need. Just those who have a body weight below the norm, need food enriched with proteins, vitamins. In the diet should always be meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables, fresh fruits, greens.